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need an oil rig platform for Persian Gulf terrain

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Update...nearly finished...will make the oil containers as primary and secondary targets.



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:good: Wonderful work on this!!!


Now all we need is Bruce Willis chasing Ben Affleck with a shotgun... :rofl:

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Nice, your a legend Russ. ::clapping: Perfect for a certain beautiful new Sea King to rescue people from!

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Just completing the mapping...and collision points for targets and its done...few days yet,should done by weekend..

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ok its all mapped except for heli pad ...doing that now...then im sorting the target areas of the rig...should be up soon...

Edited by russouk2004

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ok ...basically done...just need ini help for various things..

Heli pad


Targets...currently set 3 sets of oil tanks as primary secondary targets etc...

just need volunteer to set as target,and sort the inis for me...

...I will do damage lods for the containers that are targets later.







Edited by russouk2004

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ok these 3 sets of containers are target 1 2 and 3...do I make them as seperate lods placed via ini within the rig model...or can I have them as targets within the lod of the whole rig model.?...


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If you have them as separate lods, is there a possibility the rig foundation would collapse and the tanks would stay in the air?

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As far as i know it is impossible to destroy only parts of a ground object. But there is the way to make a damaged lod and a destroyed lod, so that you has the oil rig in 3 destructions tiers: full intakt, partly destroyed and full destroyed.


If you send me the file via PM i will try to play with the ini file.

Edited by Gepard

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The first ingame pics. F-20 attack on an Oilrig near Khark Island.



First run. View through HUD on Oilrig and tanker




second run, dropped one bomb, hit.




third run, view on the damaged oil rig.




forth run, dropped all bombs i had. Now the Oil rig burns.




big, dark smoke mark a successfull strike




Bye, bye! See you later!

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I thing it´s too small...

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Very much larger indeed. Perhaps it needs a new fire and smoke effect, once the fire in a platform is HUGE!

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I think the size is okay. At the moment i have a problem with a time lag when the oil rig is destroyed. The game freeze in for around 1 second after destruction of the oil rig..

Edited by Gepard

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Don´t compare the tanker to the oil rig, as i believe the tanker is to big in game. :grin:

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@ Russo: IMO the random texel density on various surfaces detracts from the modelling, which is superb, rather than complements it. When you texture environment stuff like this, it is generally a good idea to decide on a certain pixel density (say 64px per meter which is ok for a flight sim) and use that as a target when texturing. Right now your tanks are very high res while the buildings and the deck is very low res, which just looks wrong. It will look much better with a cohesive resolution.

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I made this screenshot to give you a better chance to compare the size of the oil rig. I placed a stock warehouse1 object beside the oilrig. You can see, that it has approximatly the same square size. Warehouse has around 50X50 meters.

I think it is a more or less real size of a normal oil rig.



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Michael, can you put a Sea King on the helo platform so we can see a comparison? A standard IFR helipad should be 100X100 ft (30X30m), while the Landing and Lift-Off Area (the circle with the H) should be 50ft (15m) diameter. These are minimums BTW, so of course they can be larger.



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Not at the moment, my son had broken the joystick, so it is a little bit difficult to fly. :grin:

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