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Women Football World Championship

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Its a bias, that women cant play football (okay, i know in the USA this game is called soccer, but for the rest of the world it is football). In this day, we have here in Germany the World Championship and i must say, that i have seen a lot of good matches. Today won Japan against Mexico 4:0 and it was a brilliant match. I have seldom seen such a good match. France vs Canada was yesterday 4:0 too and it was also a very good game.

It is worth to see it on TV. In Europe you can see it free at Eurosport TV channel.

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More Eros, less egos. Acts, not craps. Women's game can be a fine alternative to the ugly spoiled bastards of the male soccer.

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WhiteKnight we agree on a whole lot more than you think! You are one of my oldest CA friends!:salute::drinks: Oh and women's football does rock! I wish the USA remains sucky at "World Football" so I can keep rooting for France and Germany! Ale Le Bleus!

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One of the few internationally elite levels that the USA plays at is in Women's football. Two time World Cup winners.

Edited by Lt. James Cater

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And the US girls had won today. Lets see how far they are coming. They play a good football. Fascinating is the japanese team. Good were France and Sweden. England and Germany are more or less disappointing.

If i had to vote now, i would bet for Japan. They played the best Football so far. But does they have the energy to fight down teams like Germany or USA?

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It'll be something to see if Japan can go far since they will eventually face some serious powerhouses.

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Brasil won yesterday and Australia too. Okay, they were the better teams, but they had a 12th teamplayer, called referee. I dont know how the referees are selected for the championship. I have seen very good referees, but also some who were blind like a mole! In match Germany vs Nigeria, the south korean referee acted onesided to favor the Nigerians. In match Brasil vs Norway the referee favored Brasil, and dont punished harsh fouls. In match Australia vs Ivory Coast an australian girl catched the ball by hand in front of the goal and the referee smiled in the camera and the match went on. :yikes:

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Call me a latino macho for all you want (well I'm part portuguese anyways) but I think women's football is pretty funny compared to men's.


As for the referees, I must say that there is no excuse to not have another referee in the TV room with access to all the cameras and playbacks and in radio communication with the main referee on the field. But no football organization seems to be willing to implement such a measure just because of the political aspect of football. So the "the spectators saw it, the television viewers saw it, only the referee apparently didn't see it" issue continues and I don't think it will ever end... hence why the team managers often say, "this is football"... yeah, kinda like a foot on the balls, for all those that like rules to be enforced like they should...



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So now it's down to two.


USA vs Japan.


This is a game i really wish i could see but i'll be at work. The USA has experience, power, and pace VS Japan that has technique and speed.


The keys will be Japanese swiftness and passing vs a sometimes unsettled USA backfield and a huge American advantage for headers resulting from corners and setpieces.

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Lets face it guys. We all watch for a totally different reason :cool:









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Nice pics, xclusiv! Not only do they have guts, they got looks too. Go US women!

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Nice pics, xclusiv! Not only do they have guts, they got looks too. Go US women!


Actually they are not US. The first one is Swedish, second one is Mexican, third is French and last picture is of the Russian female football team

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Actually they are not US. The first one is Swedish, second one is Mexican, third is French and last picture is of the Russian female football team

Then the US women can go, just what ShrikeHawk said :blum:

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Well that explains a lot. We've still got some lookers, even if they aren't as "lookerer" at that. Even though some of the Japanese girls are...*sigh*...I'll still pull for our Ugly Americans. Go US Women!

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I find it interesting that in the men's game, the faking and rolling around like the biggest baby ever happens at least 300 times more often than in the women's game.


Call me a latino macho for all you want (well I'm part portuguese anyways) but I think women's football is pretty funny compared to men's.


I wouldn't call a love for the girly men's game "macho."


The women may not be as athletic but at least they play a more "macho" game.

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I know its for Rugby but this says it all about mens football/soccer/prancing about... you get the idea.

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Hahaha! My god, I've almost seen it that bad for real.

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Only 3 hours left, then the finals starts. USA vs Japan.

The US girls looks much better. But the japanese team was the big surprise in this championship. Im very curious to see which team will win.

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Agreed. And it looks like neither side expected that result.

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it was a great ending to the World Cup, but I hate to say it, the U.S. gifted them the match. The first equalizer was a total defensive blunder(which I thought only my beloved West Ham United were able to pull off). The shoot out was a total lack of confidence on the U.S. part. To the team from Japan they worked to make chances, and took advantage of theirs, the U.S. didn't full credit to the winners on the day.:good::drinks:

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Yes, Japan was the big surprise of the championship. They played an excellent football. I think it was the best team indeed.

Of course the lacked the fighting power of the american or german girls. But they never gave up and never lost their nerves. And finally they won.


Congratulations, Japan! :good:

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