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British Summertime

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:rofl: ... well I got the only day of Summer when I was back in Blighty for a day must have been the Beta test or something... July the 3rd got sunburnt... Managed to ride all the way back to Vienna in glorious wall to wall blue skies... :drinks:

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Good one, Widow!

Although I can't complain; here in Berlin we had summer weather most of the time.:beach:


Maybe you should try Windows 7, with the latest updates?

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:rofl: There are things I like about Summer Widow but the extreme heat is not one of them so could you loan me your software?

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:rofl: There are things I like about Summer Widow but the extreme heat is not one of them so could you loan me your software?


Haha..indeed Shiloh


One thing us Brits are quite famous for, is our constant whingeing about the Weather...it's either too hot, too cold, too rainy, too windy...it's just right for about 3 days a year!...and that's when we are having to do overtime at work!! :lol:

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Good one WM, but what is this 'summer' you speak of?


hee hee hee



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Good one WM, but what is this 'summer' you speak of?


hee hee hee




Well Lou...harking back to my Childhood...Summer always used to last all year!...Bees buzzing amongst the Flowers, endless hours watching Ants scurry about...melting Slugs with a magnifying glass....putting Night Crawlers in my Sisters Shoes...Apple Scrumping, home made Bows and Arrows...watching a big red bobber on my local pond, waiting for that tiddler to find the strength to pull it under the water! (sigh)



Summers were so lovely when I was eight! :drinks:

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Widowmaker, if you were to add to your list, "riding our bikes to the local general store to buy sodas, candy bars, and comic books with the money we earned collecting bottles", you would be describing my summers at that age as well. Time is a tricky thing, now summers go by in the blink of an eye.



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Widowmaker, if you were to add to your list, "riding our bikes to the local general store to buy sodas, candy bars, and comic books with the money we earned collecting bottles", you would be describing my summers at that age as well. Time is a tricky thing, now summers go by in the blink of an eye.




Indeed Lou!... Can I ask?...Do you have Kids?

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Three of them WM, all adults now and on their own, and when they were growing up I was allowed some of those same summer moments with them. Now Jane and I have a six-year-old granddaughter who visits every week, so once more I have the pleasure of seeing time slow down and watching the world through a child's eyes, (and it's hard to beat that view of the world).


And you Sir, do you have kids?



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Grandkids...Oh, I so look forward to that!....Yes Sir, I have a lad of 13 (entering the 'terrible teens' :lol: )


It's been a wonderful experience, I have been very lucky, in that he has done all the sorts of things I used to do..and occasionally, taken me along for the ride!


You describe it so perfectly, when you say about 'Time Slowing Down' and 'Seeing the world through a child's eyes'...I have to say, I almost filled up when I read that!...it's so true!....Children and Dogs are very fortunate, to live in 'the now'......they just have us to do their worrying for them!


My life was meaningless before I met my Wife, and started on the road to parenthood!...I won't say it's been the easiest road, at 36, I started quite late....but as roads go...it's been a most thrilling journey! :drinks:

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WM, I have been a lot of places and done a lot of things, and I can say without reservation that parenthood is THE most thrilling journey of all. And like you, I started later on that journey as well, (34 for me), and I believe it gave an advantage in that I had experienced a bit more of life and came with a different mindset when I took on the role of parent; perhaps a bit more prepared, as much as anyone can be prepared for it. And you Sir have the teen years to look forward to: Hold on tight, it's gonna be a bumpy ride. :grin:



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Well, I have my Stetson, my Six Shooter..and one crazy colt!.. YEEHAW! :lol:

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Raising children is something you guys had, which no one can take away from you anymore.

And it must have been wonderful to discover the world again through a child's eyes.

I don't have kids. Well, one there is, already grown up but still not behaving alike - me. :grin:

But somehow, that's not quite the same. Congrats to that, guys - well done!

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Must admit somedays I still view the world with child like wonder and I am still grateful for those moments... :drinks:

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Thank you chaps!..I guess, if I could give any advice (and had access to someone daft enough to take it)..I would say 'Never grow up too much' :drinks:

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My daughter (onliest child) was born when I was 36, and I think that is very good age to have children. You don't sweat the small stuff so much. She grew up well, though a little pig headed, lol, but all in all a credit to my wife and me.



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i think it's very important to keep your inner child alive. that's prevents you from getting old, at least mindwise.

i agree that having a child with 30+ isn't bad. on one hand you have the seriousnes and maturity to be a role model for your kid and keep cool in many situations, on the other hand your are still (at least if you are like me) young and childish enough to see everything through childrens eyes.


one good example i experienced some months ago when i was in a mall (i always sneek into the toy sections while my wive is looking for the important stuff lol). there was a young boy, maybe 10 years old and his father, maybe late 30ies. the boy went directly to a shelf saying: "boaa, optimus prime!!! cool!". and his dad answered without any emotions that he should rather pick one of the other (unofficial) transforming toys on the other side because they look more robust.

i heard that and just thought, you old fool of a father. that's not just a toy for this boy. that's optimus prime, the leader of the transformers. and he should also get megatron to have his villain. maybe also starscream etc. to slowly get his transformers world toghether. but instead you offer him some unofficial fictional transformers-wannabe without a storyline etc. just because it looks more robust.

the difference was my look through the eyes of a child, and his look through the eyes of a father who has lost this children eyes or never had.

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Precisely why I spend so much time in Italy. They seem to install summer without a problem.

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Precisely why I spend so much time in Italy. They seem to install summer without a problem.


yes. and so is croatia :heat: .

the biggest difference about croatia and germany is, that in germany when there are one or two days of nice weather announced, the people immediately have to plane those days for barbeque, going to zoo, visit this and that, desperately trying to exploit those days as good as possible. while in mediterranean countries one never thinks about the weather because it's always hot and sunny. you simply after waking up open the window and the hot sun gives you an immediate uppercut :cool:

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Bit like Vienna...


Summer is warm with occasionally fantastic Thunderstorms... Winter its get the ski's out... Spring and Autumn give you time to prepare...

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I can't complain about this summer too much. We've had some pretty typical weather with rains and stuff, but also many warm and sunny days. I've experienced many much worse summers than this one in the past. I'm really enjoying the short summer, as always. Winter is so terribly long, dark and cold (and snowy!) here that summer months are like a paradise to me. :cool:

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Yes, it's not been too bad here to be honest..though these torrential downpours we're having, keep flooding my Garage

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I too became a father at 36 and like Lou said, you are more mature and perhaps better prepared I think. And now at 40, I'm a relatively new "stay at home dad" with a 4 and 2 year-old to take care of and at times my days are pure magic. Just today I sat out by the kiddie pool in my back yard eating ice-pops and laying in the grass with my kids talking and I felt like a kid again myself. I honestly think I'm a big kid at heart so to hang out and relate to them is not so hard at all.


Here's to parenthood and long summer days for everyone! :drinks:

Edited by Shiloh

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Summertime fully installed here in the US of A.


Highs near 40 degrees C in Texas and Oklahoma.


Over 30 degrees C in Ohio.

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