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On Leave for Twelve Days

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Guys, Oblt. Harms alias Olham is taking a leave of 12 days; I'll travel

to Ostfriesland tomorrow, 11 August, at 11 h.


I hope that some good people here will try to fill up possible gaps in the postings?

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Guys, Oblt. Harms alias Olham is taking a leave of 12 days; I'll travel

to Ostfriesland tomorrow, 11 August, at 11 h.


I hope that some good people here will try to fill up possible gaps in the postings?


have fun,olham. :drinks:

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Have a good trip OLHAM il keep your WARSTEINER PILs nice an cool in the mess till you get back :drinks:

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Enjoy your trip Olham and be safe. I too am heading out tomorrow but just for 3 days.

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I'm just back from a Pike trip to Scotland..and off to France a week on Saturday...so hope to say 'Hi' before I go.


Have a pleasant, safe trip my Friend...and try not to lose too much sleep over Widowmaker's impending Snipe :drinks:

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Bah. I wish I lived in a place like Europe so I could travel a short ways and be in a whole different country with a different language and culture and... blah!


Widowmaker travels from the UK to France in the same time it takes me to go from Wisconsin to... Minnesota. And yet telling people I'm going to Minnesota just doesn't have the same ring to it good.gif

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Olham, have a fantastic time mein Freund! We'll hold the fort down for you whilest your away.


Javito, I think going to Minnesota has a very nice ring to it, but then I may be a bit partial. And what's all this tripe about wishing you were able to travel a short ways and be in a whole different country with a different language and culture? You're only three hours from Chicago. :grin:



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Have a good holiday there Herr Olham...


And Javito my plan for the long weekend we have here is riding to Italy and coming back via Croatia and Hungary and maybe just maybe a detour into Slovakia... just to really annoy you and its easily done I will be leaving at 8am Saturday morning from Vienna and be on the Beach in Trieste by 2pm... and the rest well Zagreb for Lunch Budapest for dinner and the next day lunch in Bratislava... :drinks:

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For Europeans, Minnesota or Dakota sound great. With that Indian ring to their names,

and Skandianvian settlers, that sounds like some interesting mix.

I guess you must like far and wide countryside with not much manbuilt in it.

But then there's "Warehouse 13"...


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Bon voyage, Olham. :drinks:


There's a relatively short distance to three different countries from where I live in. That's indeed a great thing about Europe; if you're at the right geographical location, you can travel in just a few hours by plane or train, and then you're in a different country and culture.


I've been thinking of going to North America for years now, but the distance is considerable and the price is high compared to travelling in Europe. But I'd love to see Canada and many historical places in the United States. American history of the 18th and 19th centuries has always interested me, and it would be great to visit at least some of the famous towns and cities of the colonial era and the 1800s.

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Thank you all, guys - keep your crates aloft and in one piece, 'till I return!


Hasse Wind, if one of us would win the lottery, he could invite the other for an America journey.

I guess we might get on well together, cause I'd also like to see historical places there, and old

towns like Charlotte; the Smithsonian Institute alone would take at least three days.

So much to see there. I'd like to travel on an old highway from east to west.

So, let's fill in a lottery ticket! Dream-tax.


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I get e-mails telling me that I've one the lottery quite often. And then there's this prince in Nigeria, who wishes to transfer a million dollars from his bank account and he needs my help with it. So maybe I'll get rich soon. :grin:

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Ah, Europe is small (compared to Africa) - the same prince wanted to send me money too.

Who says Africa was poor?


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Thank you all, guys - keep your crates aloft and in one piece, 'till I return!


Hasse Wind, if one of us would win the lottery, he could invite the other for an America journey.

I guess we might get on well together, cause I'd also like to see historical places there, and old

towns like Charlotte; the Smithsonian Institute alone would take at least three days.

So much to see there. I'd like to travel on an old highway from east to west.

So, let's fill in a lottery ticket! Dream-tax.



Make sure you guys look me up when you get here as I would like to see those places too.

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Olham, fill in the gaps you say, ha! It might be easier to rewrite uncleal's tips and cheats. Have a good visit with the family and enjoy yourself. Don't worry about P4 pics and news being posted. It will be here when you get back. Almost bought a sixer of Warsteiner today in your honor but I did not know which one you drink. :drinks:

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Thank you all!


I gave it up, Rickity, but I used to drink "Warsteiner Pilsener". Nowadays only virtual ones.



Edited by Olham

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Have a safe and happy trip Olham.


I suppose I could stretch myself to a few more reports in your absence.

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Thank you all!

I miss you already; that will be much like a withdrawal treatment - no forum, no OFF...

I guess, so much peace is more than I can bear?


See you again soon, guys - going offline now. Cheers!

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