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Monty your making my mouth water :clapping:

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I was thinking...

The only target area which has the lights controlled by game engine is airfield.

Can I set train station as airfield where is no air unit assigned?

Then would be easy to set heading of the whole area because in case of the airfield

is rotation assigned to airstrip, and I can make some lights to illuminate the target :-)

Your opinion?

Monty CZ

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what about self illuminating material for the lights, like the headlights on Kesselbrut trucks?


We had the problem years ago with The Factory Place; it was set as an airfield to get the buildings to light up, but aircraft kept being generated in the middle of them, even without a real 'airfield ini'

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and here is the main station (hauptbahnhof) :-) (i made it really small compared to real ones, but it is made from modules and somebody could make bigger one) 




Monty CZ

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seriously!! OUTSTANDING!!

Edited by Wrench

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WOW that looks good Monty!


Good to see you haven't given up on this project! These buildings look ace! To be honest these deserve to be put in better environment than SF2 :wink:

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Hello guys, do you know any other game which is soo easy to add things I want in it?

Just counted that I added 63 types into my terrain file till today...and I have plans for more and more




Monty CZ

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ONLY 63???? :biggrin: The current terrain I'm working on has over 350 items listed (including those 70-odd that are the usual stock listings)


that a hangar is a beaut!! is it open a both ends?



and you can mix and match the existing old rail stuff with monty's new stuff ... (below is over 2 days work, and STILL not finished!!)

Edited by Wrench

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Very important and beautiful stuff!!! good.gif.pagespeed.ce.PoYRIVsMjL.gif

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oh my, that's nice!!


don't forget Geezer's FE airfield objects; they work great in SF2. Might be some goodies in there to add more eye candy!

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all I gotta say is ...




the comparison shots are amazing!


love those open, 3-bay hangars. I can see many other uses for all the items!! (yah, I'm like that

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Great Work Monty!

Any chance for Modern Hangars, shelters & airport Buildings?

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Soulfreak if you have special request and some drawings I can do something,

but now I did about 10 types of hangars and I need to make destroyed lods for them

and place them into airfield. Planned min 6 standard layouts of airfields and some

specific historically correct (2 or 4)

If somebody with knowledge can draw a layout of the "typical" unified layout for

small, medium and large airbase it would be helpful.

Monty CZ

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I would think, with a given footprint for the hanger, couldn't the destroyed lods from TK's stock ones be used? It could save time and effort.

That's what I did with Stary's hangars, I just referenced the 'stock' destroyed lod


hangar1 (rectangular, peaked roof) 46x48 m

hangar 2 (rounded top, long like a Quonset hut) 28x44m

hangar3 (largest square) 72x72m


I use the hangar3_destroyed.lod for all of Stary's (and lots of other things!)


As to airfield layouts, let me look around. I assume you want a more military look?

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the brick detailing is beautiful!!!


why can't you upload it? If you want, I give it a go (after examining them, of course!! <grin>)

Edited by Wrench

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So the airfield is populated


but strange things happened


what is head and what is tail in airfield ini?

lets say on runway 60/240 (in airfield data file

I have Heading=0

in targets ini I set heading to 60

and I supposed that head course would be 60

(60 is preffered/primary course)

this is part of my file

TouchDownHead=0, 518.5
TouchDownTail=0, -518.5
TakeOffHead=0, 530
TakeOffTail=0, -530



thank you for ideas

Monty CZ

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If my understanding of airfield structure is close, it means...


remember the "basic" heading for all 3W runways, and the offsets from the 0/0 point are N/S (0/180). The runway lod should have it's world center set to north/south.



TouchDownHead=0, 518.5  <--- distance from north end of runway
TouchDownTail=0, -518.5 <-- distance from south end of runway
TakeOffHead=0, 530  <-- player or No1 aircraft take off position, from N end of runway (heading south)
TakeOffTail=0, -530 <--- player or No1 aircraft take off positing from S end of runway (heading north)


TaxiHead[03].Offset=-99.54,-574.79  <<--- these positions for other aircraft in flight, on the taxiways. Minus (-) is south end of runway, Positive numbers are the north end.


both the north and south taxiway will always have a westerly (270) direction. It doesn't make any difference in the facing (or compass heading of the runway, as all the offsets and directions are FIXED by the runway's 0/0 point and n/s world center. That's way you can change the heading from 0 to 255 if one wanted to, and all the objects are dragged around from the center point.


maybe this diagram will help.

The world center of TKs runway are exactly in the MIDDLE of the runway itself, all the "goodies" are off to one side (hence the offsets.


one way to really see this, is fly from one the stock runways, that's n/s, with the HUDData.ini set to Debug=TRUE, and you'll see the offsets for the other aircraft in your flight

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bussy with another model I did 3years ago and lost


Monty CZ

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The target is to make things better than before:



still WIP


Monty CZ

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