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Best driving song?

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One song I used to love cruising to late at night at insanely high speeds on the interstate was Bob Seger's "Turn the Page" (1986-1989 time frame in a 1974 Firebird Formula 350). Whenever I here this song, it takes me back to hours and hours of 100-130 mph cruising. Just plain lucky I never got caught? http://youtu.be/FaxjUUdGdH8


In the Navy around 1995-96, I found another song that I could here over the wind noise at high speeds with the t-tops removed: Stan Ridgway's take on "Ring of Fire". The pulsing deep base beat sounded great with my 1980 L-82 Corvette. My son loves Johnny Cash, but he loves this version of "Ring of Fire" even more:

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I-75 is not heavily patrolled along certain long stretches. Lots of Florida is swampland anyway. Back in 2004-2008, I was driving back and forth between Atlanta and Tampa. Posted legal limits were in the 65-70 mph range, but I could do 80 mph in parts of Georgia and 90+ across quite a bit of Florida. Georgia had a substantial highway patrol presence between Atlanta and the Florida state line. They pulled people over in massive numbers... but never messed with me. I simply did the pace of the fastest group of traffic I could find and never hit any kind of speed traps.


Before I joined the Navy in 1989, I-75 was hardly used at all from midnight to 4am. There were highway patrol / speed traps right as I got back to I-4/I-75 interchange, but no real threats outside of Tampa, especially going south. I would clear the known threat areas and then cruise between 100-130 mph for 2 hours out and back depending on weather conditions. The Firebird would start lifting at 130, so I had to back off on the speed if there was wind. Back then, the speed limit was still 55 mph, too. At the time, a lot of traffic did 75 mph. I was doing 80 and was passed by two Sheriffs who had to be doing 90+. I assumed they were heading for a call, but soon found them when I got off at my exit... they were at a donut shop! While I never got pulled over for doing the 100mph+ speeds, I did get pulled over for doing 90 in a 55 while coming home from USF. For some reason the officer guessed that I was an electrical engineering student and was sympathetic. He just gave me a verbal warning.


Looking back, I can't believe my luck: no accidents, no tickets, no arrests, etc. Now, I feel uncomfortable doing more than 10 mph over the limit unless everyone else is going faster (like my return trips from Georgia). If only I had then what I have now: an mp3 player with a virtually unlimited number of great songs instead of a few 90 minute tape cassettes. But I still enjoy hearing all of my old cruising music when I am driving between Orlando and Tampa at 70-80 mph... in an Altima. My current 1981 Corvette has power steering and A/C issues that have kept it in the garage for most of the summer. The stock engine in my 1981 also gets horrible fuel economy and has much inferior performance to my 1980 L-82. Someday, I'll fix that and be cruising again with windows down, t-tops off... and my entire 6-700 CD collection in the form of a 64GB USB key :)

Edited by streakeagle

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Best driving song. Ever.

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Just out for a drive, headed nowhere special..........

Late Night drive with the Mrs........

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I take it you had either a radar or laser detector as well? I do have a question though. On an older car, how did you get a usb to play 6-7000 cd songs. did you have it installed by an auto tech or is that something one can do as well. i have a 2002 chevy malibu and I cant hook my blackberry to play hundreds of songs as there is no usb connector.

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Best driving song ever!

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Detroit Rock City, by KISS


Its also the official theme song for RAID 0 (think about it, it matches).

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i dolistedn to their I like it Loud song on cd.

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Fortunate Son. Period.

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Concur with Fubar on this one (Highway Star).

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