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The market used to listen to the hardcore sim crowd before and that almost killed off the genre as far as being mainstream entertainment.


On a bit different topic...


What you say is very true but I find that amazing, in an essence all "hard-core" sims I can think off could be dumbed down practically to the arcade shooters level.

I can't think of any game aside maybe Falcon4(for which I really can't remember) that couldn't be set to have "win all" button. And all that most usually with like 3-4 options - easy, medium, hard, uber


Yet I do have to agree with your point, I just find it funny if not completely insane that people actually dumped those games just because they didn't like how they play on "Hard".


If same philosophy would be applied to all games on the market, would any genre ever survive?


I mean to be honest, flight sims are just about the only games I can play on hard(highest difficulty) settings and that's just the FM part, avionics wise LockOn is the top of the stuff I'm willing to spend time to learn...more than that and you loose me lol


Most(All actually, but just in case) games aside flight sims I play it's on medium and sometimes even on easy ( :lol: ) settings, should I be ashamed of that? Is my manhood at lower level or what? :lol:


Yeah well maybe this rant of mine is for another topic, but it just spiked my eye right now :drinks:

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I get around this by changing the elevation in the Avionics file. Make it REALLY big like 45 degrees. :grin:


Maybe you're onto something...been a while since the last time I fiddled with radar parameters in avionics.ini... Thanks!

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What you say is very true but I find that amazing, in an essence all "hard-core" sims I can think off could be dumbed down practically to the arcade shooters level.

I can't think of any game aside maybe Falcon4(for which I really can't remember) that couldn't be set to have "win all" button. And all that most usually with like 3-4 options - easy, medium, hard, uber

And you don't get it. Hardcore sims are designed to be excellent simulators. Not games. Therein lies the crux. When "sims" start moving into training-tool fidelity land, they cease being games and no manner of "lol arcade avionics options" can change that. Sure DCS has "game mode" but turning such on reveals it as a very shallow game compared to something like F-19 or Jetfighter 3 which were still optimized for fun over realism.

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Think about it, if you posit multitargetable air to air rader,and as Murphy's said, in a Tomcat sim it's practicaly a given, the rader has to be slewable,(how else to "lock up" widely separated targets?). Since TV textures are based on rader textures, this would imply slewable LGB/Mavericks also. As far as lockable ground rader goes, as Papa Smurf said, this was the domain of the A-6A and its' Diane targeting system. Ask yourself one question, aside from the A-7, what took up more space on deck during the Tomcat's lifetime than the Intruder? I grew up on Long Island, cousins, uncles,etc, that worked at Grumman, (and Republic) as engineers, lineworkers, etc. If anybody here (including Dave) thinks they're waitin' harder on this particular pony than I am, they're sadly mistaken. And to those who doubt TK's marketing genius, why does this thread resemble an anthill someone poked a stick into?

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And to those who doubt TK's marketing genius, why does this thread resemble an anthill someone poked a stick into?


Good point :good:

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Clickable 3d pit wouldn't fit SF series erm..."nature" well. I have DCS/BMS for that. As in my previous post.


I'm not setting myself for an incredible disappointment, nope mate.


A "slewable" radar antenna is something I would like in SF games, not something I expect TK to implement anytime soon, if at all. I just find it slightly annoying having to point my nose downward (and loose altitude) to be able to track and/or mantain lock on low flying MiG's (so I can launch those sparrows on'em).


What "all this fluff"? :dntknw:


Heh, sorry. I guess I'm being overly defensive and reading what I expect to read, not reading what is actually there. Ironic...? :)

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And to those who doubt TK's marketing genius, why does this thread resemble an anthill someone poked a stick into?


'cause it is an anthill 437 run by King Dave, and TK's WIP screens are the stick...

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Heh, sorry. I guess I'm being overly defensive and reading what I expect to read, not reading what is actually there. Ironic...? :)


No problem, anyway this topic just shows how emotionally attached we are to TK's "sim lites" :drinks:. All the screenshots posted so far indicate that SF2:NA has the potential to become the best SF title yet, imho. I mean, c'mon, you've just gotta love this expanded soviet bomber fleet folks! And the ASM missiles! E-2 Awacs? :yikes: Not to mention the likely "under the hood" improvements...It's gonna be fun, fun fun!


EDIT: And of course, the 'cat, lol. I wonder how it'll compare to the TMF offering.

Edited by SFP1Ace
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Looks like there's a possibility of many new AI stuff. Regarding AI, I learned the hard way, TK can surprise you, often long after, when you discover new things in the game that were added years ago, but you never noticed.


This reminds me of my old ubi.com claim about the new game IL-3 when it was still in development years ago, a claim we saw also made by Oleg himself, that the *best* game scenario for the first IL-3 game would be Battle of Britain, because its limited in geography, and simple in mission --- simple strategic strike/escort vs intercept. That would be ideal for starting out a new eventually complex WW2 air game series with totally new programming features, like radar GCI for example. Apparently, somehow they fluffed it however.


Iceland could be the same thing -- carrier based intercept. The only question here is, the MiGs will have to be based out of Scotland. :yikes: Granted, I suppose TK's idea here is the Blue side already conquered Iceland, and can base MiGs there, leaving the Red side still with NAVY carriers of course. I'm surprised noboby else here or at Thudwire has thought about what is going down here. Everybody was asking TK for MiG-17s, Mirage-IIIs, and MiG-25s in the Iceland game. That they'd have to be based in Scotland never occured to them...or based in Greenland, maybe TK sets up the game with Blue already occupied Greenland for MiG bases.


Or UK gave away Scotland to the Soviets, or leased bases to them...help make a payment to the banks on the debt interest.


But then again, [ I THINK ] TK did tell us that the terrain will be Iceland and endless repeating water, and nothing else. Either that's changed, or the MiGs are based out of already occupied Iceland. Is this Correct Thinking?

Edited by Lexx_Luthor

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i think the REDs already occupy iceland and from there they can attack the US, so US Deploys to the North Atlantic to stop them.

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What do You think about the 3 screenshots about sf2 Europe posted on Facebook ?

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What do You think about the 3 screenshots about sf2 Europe posted on Facebook ?

I think, that if I look into A-10's gear niche I can see though the one-sided texture.


TK could be reminding everyone that is came looking for F-14 that his stuff is mergeable.

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this ugly Monday morning, best thing for me would be some more screens... yes that would be good

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TK could be reminding everyone that is came looking for F-14 that his stuff is mergeable.


what are the chances that the europe map and the NA map would merge into one single double sized map (maybe)?

Edited by squid

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what are the chances that the europe map and the NA map would merge into one single double sized map (maybe)?


less than zero... geez some people have expectation... no offence Nikos

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me? no . you know by now i have no expectations actually :D lol whatever TK publishes i say thanks and just post some poll from time to time in TW forum :P :P especially about terrains i would only care to see a revamped graphics wise new one wherever it is, hopefully with nice and lot of smooth mountains :D i just asked the question in regards to SF2 screens posted a while ago , some sort of connection ? i am just ignorant like that :P

Edited by squid

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I bet that shot was taken over Germany map, to NOT show the new terrain features, that's marketing genius :grin:

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NOT show the new terrain features


Stary, I hope there will be these new features for the terrain.....

I only belive it when i fly over it! :cool:

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i have the impression that TK has been avoiding to create a theatre with a scenario condition predeternined. Although i really have no clue where the soviets would be storming from i dont think also the theatre would represent a possible situation and not a historic actual one. And thats another thing i like about TW series. The outcomes is up to the player but the start is based on where things were left to in RL. I thought until few days ago that probably the Tomcat release would be set in Libya - West Mediterranean. Now i am as puzzled as everyone else ( "good marketing" again ? lol )

Edited by squid

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Well, Eurofighter Typhoon somehow managed an Icelandic scenario. You know how the story goes: "Once upon a time the Soviets launched a massive offensive in Europe..."

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TK so far has been avoiding that kind of approach though ... not that there isn't a possible first time for everything :P Now if he called smth like Barents or Norwegian sea, would be easier to guess stuff. Me ignorant thinks ok lets say theres' no Warsaw Pact ground targets in this title, only intercepting long range soviet birds over water. Putting a Tomcat in a title without fighters opposition though doesn't make sense, where are fighters launched from to reach the tomcat's CAP range ?

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Squid: First of all, I think we will be attacking Iceland, so there will prob be WP targets on the ground.


Also, last time I checked that dastardly file, there was Forgers in it ;-)


LINK: http://combatace.com/topic/68281-sf2-oct-11-patch/page__st__40

Edited by JonathanRL

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because Phoenix is such a bunker buster... thinking about it I wouldn't be suprised to see minimal to no ground/sea war going on :dntknw: I guess main role will be Intercept, secondary Escort and CAP. Where enemy land-based (=all) planes will come from, I don't know.


Fact is we all know minimum, we knew what to expect from previous titles, here we're in dark, and DanW left

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