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Regarding Terrains: Could there be a possibility that the new Terrain engine will so to speak.. update former terrains automatic?

They wont look their prime obviously, but there would still be things one notices.

Edited by JonathanRL

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I really doubt that Jonathan... but we have too little info available to know for sure


IF the water is procedurally generated plane with defined sea level* (like in some other game engines) then there is slight chance of adding it to existing terrains, but I wouldn't count on that much


*something TK might have accidentally hinted in the past in one post

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LOL other than a few quick tests, I haven't flown over a stock terrain in years... it's been a long long time.


I said "stock Vietnam" as an example to emphasise the stark contrast between what we will be getting SF2:NA unmoded & SF2:V unmoded. :grin:


Personally, flying carrier opps in Vietnam (even with the most excellent mods applied) is going to be a major let down having flown carrier opps in North Atlantic. (Terrain wise that is.)

I think that no matter how much you dress up a terrain made for our current engine, the water is always going to be the emersion killer for me after NA is released.


Just my little worry & a hunch based on pure speculation guys. lol

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wait till "Strike Fighters: Gulf of Tonkin" comes out





oh wait, I was daydreamin'

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wait till "Strike Fighters: Gulf of Tonkin" comes out


With all the fantastic moders we have here, like your self Stary. I'm sure that & many more theatres of NA standards will become a reality.

As long as TK releases some tools of course. :yes:

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what's SF3?:grin:

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I'd think SF2: South Atlantic would come next. After all, it was 1982 and we already have Harriers and Skyhawks and Mirages, we'll have naval combat, etc. Dante might need to hurry up though. :grin:

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what's SF3?:grin:



a freudian slip :P :D

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I said "stock Vietnam" as an example to emphasise the stark contrast between what we will be getting SF2:NA unmoded & SF2:V unmoded. :grin:


Personally, flying carrier opps in Vietnam (even with the most excellent mods applied) is going to be a major let down having flown carrier opps in North Atlantic. (Terrain wise that is.)

I think that no matter how much you dress up a terrain made for our current engine, the water is always going to be the emersion killer for me after NA is released.


Just my little worry & a hunch based on pure speculation guys. lol


Wait wait wait, that doesnt make sense. I can give a flying rats ass about what the water looks like...can we dogfight, can we engage ASM's, can we lock multiple targets? Terrains need to be of some use but.....basing the immersion of a COMBAT flight sim on the terrain is just plain different. If one wants pretty terrains then MSFS is the way to go. What do we want here a sight seeing sim or the ability to shoot Mig's out of the sky? I'm not picking on you steelflanker, I am talking in general as I have seen several statements like this. How many of you honestly take off from a carrier and even give two thoughts to the water? I am going to venture to say not many. The missions, the campaigns, the capabilities of the sim to simulate A2A combat is what this is about. Do not get me wrong I do like nice terrains etc, but I cant recall really when this sim has killed my immersion over the terrain. I get too caught up in the missions and the dogfight to even think about the terrain other than an unscheduled air to ground interface or a run in with a cumulus granite. Then I think about the terrain.

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I'd think SF2: South Atlantic would come next. After all, it was 1982 and we already have Harriers and Skyhawks and Mirages, we'll have naval combat, etc. Dante might need to hurry up though. :grin:


you might be into something here Wise Jedi


Few days ago I was just about to post in the Aerosoft's Jet Thunder forum, after quite stupid and arrogant explanation from publisher (Mathias K for those few of us here who look into there) regarding JT status, that he'd better hurry Dante's team cause TW is going for bigger release, but decided not to

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the water shader might transfer to the new terrains, but i seriously dont know if TW has the time or funds to go back and re-do V,I,E, and D terrains.

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do we want here a sight seeing sim or the ability to shoot Mig's out of the sky?


I, good Sir, will give you pretty burning Migs in front of picturesque landscape :good:



oh, I already did :grin:

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I, good Sir, will give you pretty burning Migs in front of picturesque landscape :good:



oh, I already did :grin:


"Did you see the Mig burn after that missile hit?"

"Sure did but look at all those trees man!"



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I'd think SF2: South Atlantic would come next. After all, it was 1982 and we already have Harriers and Skyhawks and Mirages, we'll have naval combat, etc. Dante might need to hurry up though. :grin:



no Tk stated there will be the mirage F1 expension first (at least if sf2:NA is a big seller i guess, if he fail here i think he will get out of pc flight sim business)

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It is in the latest SQUADRONLIST.INI , but it will probably be Phantoms since they were flown by the 57th until 1985.


And I have an F-4E and a F-15 already painted up for just this occasion.

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Come on TK release it soon, if your store had carpet I would have worn it out by now! :grin:

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you might be into something here Wise Jedi


Few days ago I was just about to post in the Aerosoft's Jet Thunder forum, after quite stupid and arrogant explanation from publisher (Mathias K for those few of us here who look into there) regarding JT status, that he'd better hurry Dante's team cause TW is going for bigger release, but decided not to


Hmmm High Level Forum ....

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Wait wait wait, that doesnt make sense. I can give a flying rats ass about what the water looks like...can we dogfight, can we engage ASM's, can we lock multiple targets?


Point taken Dave & you are right. :good:


Its all about the game play & the immersion of being in the fight!

I think that's TK’s intention too & most likely why he hasn't felt the need to up date the terrains, clouds or trees since they were first released.


Sadly I have become one of those guys who spends most of my game time flying around looking how fantastic my jet looks against the sky, clouds & the setting sun..........

Only to get rudely awoken when I turn in to a fire ball by the SAM I should have seen coming if I was paying attention!

Still enjoyable for me none the less. :grin:


Falling fire balls look really pretty too, especially at dusk! lol


Note to self: "Must fly a mission from start to finish for a change"

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you might be into something here Wise Jedi


Few days ago I was just about to post in the Aerosoft's Jet Thunder forum, after quite stupid and arrogant explanation from publisher (Mathias K for those few of us here who look into there) regarding JT status, that he'd better hurry Dante's team cause TW is going for bigger release, but decided not to


the most expensive screenshot program of the decade.

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sad but true

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If SF2NA is designed for late 70s early 80s then it would be cool to let's say around 1978 putting HMS Ark Royal with Phantoms and Bucs in the mix. Seems to me it would be quite fun!

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