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has anyone released a RF-4B outside of the Vietnam Air and Ground expansion packs? I know the RF-4C is available at C5's old site and in NF4+ but got to thinkin on the Marine bird as i was reading yesterday. if no one has i'm askin the permission out in the open here to make a few skins and release. kinda pertinent given VMFP-3 had several dets out on Coral Sea from i believe 75-83. i've already placed the DECM as appear post 73 tho i will need to figure out a tail_rwr as they did have that too.



very early in thought process on this, opinions/ advise welcome.

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Just out of curiosity, are you makinh the Playboys one???

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i could, i'm very early in the process here. just played around with DECM to see if the F-4N ones would work. but shouldn't be too hard as only 3 squadrons flew it and only two had more than one paint scheme..

Edited by daddyairplanes

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has anyone released a RF-4B outside of the Vietnam Air and Ground expansion packs? I know the RF-4C is available at C5's old site and in NF4+ but got to thinkin on the Marine bird as i was reading yesterday. if no one has i'm askin the permission out in the open here to make a few skins and release. kinda pertinent given VMFP-3 had several dets out on Coral Sea from i believe 75-83. i've already placed the DECM as appear post 73 tho i will need to figure out a tail_rwr as they did have that too.

very early in thought process on this, opinions/ advise welcome.


They flew off the USS Midway on several deployments...Cool low vis Gull grey as well as TPS schemes in the mid eighties

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I'd say go for it; as long as the original builder is a Freeware signatory, or if it's TMF, permission is obtained.

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Volker has the RF-4B on his to do list i think.

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dang it. cool on the permissions (as the original RF-4C was a TMF project) but don't wanna step on someone else's toes. plus i don't have the experience for a redone cockpit(and am sure Volker would knock another one out the park), but do have skins ready from my fighter Phantom project and a decal.ini prepped already. hmmmmph...

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i have the RF-4B and RF-4C in work but that will take a while , the cockpits are almost done and the aircrafts need only some new exhaust nozzle but i have no time to finish them this year , so what ever you do go a head with it :good::grin:


if i´m done with the F-16C and the Mig-29 (i think next year :lol: ) i will contact you and we can work together to make some very nice phantoms , ok with you ????


looking forward to some nice skins :clapping:


if you need a cockpit pick one from my RF-4E´s :grin:

Edited by ravenclaw_007

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Really interested in any USMC RF-4B skins, particularly earlier (high-vis). Did these WIPs ever progress?


Insofar as the model is concerned, is what is shown in these shots the TMF RF-4C, from here: http://www.column5.us/classic/aircraft6.shtml I assume so, but still figuring out what of the old Gen 1 stuff works in Gen 2. It would be nice to know that RF works well in Gen 2 ...


thanks kindly,



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To my standard, they're not major external differences. System-wise, the main differences were in the camera/sensor suite. To my view, I'd be happy with using the C model as a basis for a B - reasonably close, at least for the interim. In fs2004, for example, there was some fantastic repaints of the Marine RF-4Bs that used Alphasim's RF-4C model as the basis - and I found the results fantastic. A Ravenclaw B would be superb, of course ... but that looks like a long ways out.


I'm just curious what became of these "B" paints, and if the C model is what you need to use them.


Naval/Marine recce ... love it!




EDIT - didn't see Ravenclaw had responded while I typed ... again, just my opinion.

Edited by delta_lima

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post-43212-0-18330300-1369959236_thumb.jpg post-43212-0-41064300-1369959268_thumb.jpg some progress on TPS. leave the tanks and insignia alone easy fixes. the radome is bugging the snot outta me right now tho!!!!!! maybe a decal.......
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searching for an RF-4B... but only found this thread

did anything happen after this? nothing in the downloads except for the vietnam expansion pack...


i'm wondering if Sundowner's F-4 template would fit this bird, at least to have hi-res skins instead of the current 512x512

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not much since the last post.  several other projects in front of this esp a Sierra Phantom skinpack but with the reminder will take another look at it for springish next year unless you are interested in picking it up. in that case i can pm you what is done as well as serial nums and resources

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been working on it, so far VMPF-3 and VMCJ-1

but I need to get rid of the slimers and I can't find them in the lights in the data.ini

where do i look for them

the RF-4B don't seem to have slimers





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again slick, will search for and pm ya files after christmas.  i had gotten the slimers off the fuselage and tail but to do so on the wingtips leaves a hole in the model.  one thing not tried is a dark decal to go over the self illuminating mesh.  also gotta check because they defineatly had DECM after 74/75  and some got -10 engines same as the J. not sure if they had slimers in the 80s can check photos later.


not trying to blow ya off, just have a family of 5 and so rather busy the next few days, as well as trying to get a few current projects wrapped while on break

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okido, will hold off for now


have fun with the kids :-)


(maybe i'll reskin the RF-8G meanwhile...)

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These are summat I was working on ages ago.....same basic RF-4C model but tweaked for SF2 and the slimers removed....









Maybe a stand in until Volker can get to make some "proper" ones..


Edited because I couldn't get the screenies to show...




Edited by Sundowner
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i will try to make them this year , the  C version is almost done i just have to add the short engine nozzle and add the refueling probe for the spanish version , some details like antennas are missing to


and the Templates will take some time

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No rush Volker but let me know if there's anything I can do.

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i tried working on the antiglare, but somehow it's always splintering... drives me nuts

I got it more or less on one side, but the other side keeps splintering... can't seem to get it right... it's continuous struggle... deleting, adding, reloading

at least i got the nose right, but still...  the nose seems to have a different gloss then the rest of the front fuselage...





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