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Flogger23 great pics! Is that a new Korean terrain?


Mandatory screenshot. I had to sweat to get this kill.



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It is, my friend, is a hell of a terrain, just love it, another one, i think i hanged it before.

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I have to admit, the TRAM Intruder is a fine choice for bombing...


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just like how this one turned out. been workin the whole project since Oct last year and now TK is gonna release Navy Phantom skinpack. at least the decals should still be useful....

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A Pakistan Army Aviation Corps. Mi-8 on Air Support duty lands near a friendly tank battalion of the 16th Armour Regiment to pick up wounded after successfully repulsing an Indian Attempt at an Invasion near Lahore.



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Hunter being hunted by a Sabre.



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Can't wait for that new Korean War mod guys! Looks really amazing!


Lazarus, great pic with the Mi8 landing. Didn't knew that Pakistan used Soviet supplied choppers, or is a What if?


About the pics, best Tomcat paintscheme ever...





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French AASM 250kg SBU-38/SBU-54/SBU-64 , its realy interesting what you can do with a Mk-82 bomb by just adding a rocket motor and a guidance section with some wings


with one missile hit 4 targets killed , i love testing :grin:








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Hunting by moon light


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@Stratos,Glad you like the shot.Pakistan has been using the Mi-17/8 family of helos for quite some time now as a troop carrier and a transport craft.The first airframes were delivered by Ukraine while later deliveries were from Russia after the dissolution of the Soviet union.


Obligatory pic:

A trainee pilot of the Pakistan Navy recovers his Alouette helicopter from a spin after nearly losing all control.The cause of the incident was later determined to be the weather.




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French AASM 250kg SBU-38/SBU-54/SBU-64 , its realy interesting what you can do with a Mk-82 bomb by just adding a rocket motor and a guidance section with some wings


with one missile hit 4 targets killed , i love testing :grin:



Can you fire it off-boresight?


Obligatory screenshot, nearly missed the boat when returning from a rather successful strike on Libya, four J-7s and two Mig-23s, nice...


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Can you fire it off-boresight?


Obligatory screenshot, nearly missed the boat when returning from a rather successful strike on Libya, four J-7s and two Mig-23s, nice...


yes , how is that for off-boresight



almost 90deg. with a SBU-94 AASM 125kg



still turning



at final


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Can you fire it off-boresight?


Obligatory screenshot, nearly missed the boat when returning from a rather successful strike on Libya, four J-7s and two Mig-23s, nice...



some better picture of the turn , i can not edit or remove the post above





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Cool, JAT told me about that last year... I believe


Mandatory screenshot, one drop, one kill.


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anyone notice what's missing from those outer pylons??? I think I've gotten it fixed! :biggrin:

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anyone notice what's missing from those outer pylons??? I think I've gotten it fixed! :biggrin:

Missile rails? How you did it?

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F-22's getting bad rap lately!

Edited by Wrench
please do NOT reply with quoted pictures!

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Missile rails? How you did it?


remember -- no posts without a screenshot, brother!!!


and more specifically, the shadow artifcats caused by the missile rails

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got the FastFacs updated too, for the SF2V playas

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