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Comrad that pic make me think in Angola/Namibia, what terrain is?


Mandatory pic.


- Yes, I can hear you loud and clear, but can't see your damn plane. :D



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About beer... Pelforth brune the best!!! and also Grimbergen!!!

Edited by cangas

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New pylons...new bits added..removed outer burners as it only used it on inner engines for takoff...some bits to make a tad more detailed....having day or two off hawks,so inspiration wont die lol

anyone know why 5th contrail appears from just aft of cockpit?...weird




Edited by russouk2004
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Mandatory screenshot....

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Sorry Dave, Guiness isnt a beer, it`s more the mythos of a beer, looks like Malt Beer and tastes like water :hi:


my screenies





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Only one F-5 ever carried the 718 skv checkers from their T-33A period and that was Delta Papa Charlie. Here it is in air defence alert config. Some 22 years later this became the prototype Tiger PAWS aircraft upgraded by LTV/Sierra Technologies with all sorts of modern gadgets.





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Uh oh.... what have I started....


'Strike Fighters 3; War for the best beer'


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MiG-23 UM







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On a Beer & Aircraft related theme - Our very own Dave helped me out in 2012



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Really enjoying flying the Harrier at the moment......



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from a suggestion by Paulo...

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You have got to try this if its in your area. Its simply amazing. I also changed the name of the screen shot thread. 

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Homer Simpson approved.







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A nice selection from my ancestral hinterland ........


post-29988-0-49380600-1397215054.jpg post-29988-0-11506500-1397215067.jpg post-29988-0-42119700-1397215084.jpg


...... they don't taste bad either!

Edited by Piecemeal
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