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Can we get someone to fix the nose on the Demon via the fake pilot method? Outstanding looking skins. 

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Oh Sandy...

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Green Zippers

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Thirsty Nados


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Marcfighters Su-33 model + Marcfighters Kuznetsov model + YEYEYE's Flanker 'pit =









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Gardians of Florida




"Für den Schutz der Arbeiter und Bauern Macht"



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Little hawks.

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... to celebrate new cockpit by YE-YE-YE ....




.... and use with Kevin's fantastic scenery!

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been re-doing the skins of the F-11 as well, but I can't get it to look the way i want to...

i did redraw the teeth in illustrator, which came out fine




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Trying out some ab effect jpegs..transparency needs a little tweak.....thanks to Mirage Team for inspiration...


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Come out and play!

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You have to understand... I have been playing DCS for weeks with little or no SF2. But I have flown SFP1 since the Walmart release. Returning to the SF2 unslatted early F-4E is like heaven to me. The F-4E in SF2 has a great feel to its flight model... as good as the DCS MiG-21bis IMHO. TK could compete with DCS if he could afford to put just a little more polish into SF2. I love flying the MiG-21, especially the DCS:MiG-21bis, but I love killing them with F-4's even more :)




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And another one...

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I have recieved the latest updates, added some parts, reworked some others, need to adjust some colours on my parts, be here it is how it looks now. 


reworked ini`s




And a current placeholder for the pit


We have so far 5 versions in development, all with unique parts and systems / Layout


The M2









All guys involved will be mentioned in the credits, 


Skins are done by a very good friend Flogger23 (Enoc)

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