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Border= no longer working?!

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The Border= statement from flightengine.ini seems no longer working, being dead locked at default 80000.0 bummer

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So... has anyone looked into HAWX engine moddability? :biggrin:

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hahahahahahah.... (until chokes...) yeah might consider that

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new patch ???? or only something that you discovered

Edited by ravenclaw_007

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It used to be working, the Border= statement in flightengine.ini is the one creating the famous WLL preventing one from reching map border, last time I was fiddling with it it was working :dntknw:

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well if an sept patch isn't out already its coming...... much campaign edits and squadronlist edit in the new DLC along with some new F4_Tail tga so i think a patch is emminent.

there the alarm is sounded the sky is both shrinking and falling! :lol:

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could it be that one of the DLC aircraft installed something along the way ????

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don't think so... must be one of recent patches that did it, been a while I was changing that for some tests

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so, if we make the adjustment as we've been doing...










the game IGNORES it????


that's NOT good...that insures some serious issues with the KAW terrain, amongst others


Maybe we should ask TK; it'll be yet another question that'll go unaswered (like the 'need mesh name' ones)

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Don't you people know? That's part of their new marketing plan. According to Crusader, we'll soon see some new expansion packs...


Strike Fighters 2: Locked, Strike Fighters 2: Locked Again, followed by

Strike Fighters 2: Locked Beyond all reason, and then the final release in the series, Strike Fighters 2: Locked Solid :biggrin:

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And, all the above titles will feature only aircraft from Lockheed .. but static models only. Because they're all locked ... :biggrin:

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not funny... KAW needed those extra 45 kilometers of space

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not funny... KAW needed those extra 45 kilometers of space


Then, you'll appreciate the new package that I'm working on....I call it "Strike Fighters 2: The Great Migration to DCS" :biggrin:

Edited by Fubar512
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spill the beans! we're listening

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Shhhhhh...there maybe Third Wire Spies lurking nearby..... :hunter:

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"Move along, nothing to see here"

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Time to decide what is the best "old" patch available, reinstall and make all the new mods only for this patch level (and never update or buy new things, of course). I can live without NA if neccesary.

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not if you want to fly from carrier in WW2 ....


i wonder if this explains the "oddity" in the Solomons ... sometimes, when flying for the IJAAF/IJN, you start mid-air, stuck at The Wall





anyone know if XvT and XWA run in Winge7? (oh! trying to get the Draconis ship patch to work will be a nightmare -- dos5 batch flie!!!)

Edited by Wrench

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not funny... KAW needed those extra 45 kilometers of space


Within the last year, I somewhere read that TK talked about making Border be a constant PERCENTAGE of map size. If so, ie...an SF standard 1000km map would have 80km border, so, if this is the case, then a 2000km map might have a 160km border. Is the Border really fixed, or fixed percentage?


Can you extend the map a bit?

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Don't you people know? That's part of their new marketing plan. According to Crusader, we'll soon see some new expansion packs...


Strike Fighters 2: Locked, Strike Fighters 2: Locked Again, followed by

Strike Fighters 2: Locked Beyond all reason, and then the final release in the series, Strike Fighters 2: Locked Solid :biggrin:


Nah, just Strike Fighters 2 : Lock On

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as in redo the map to be bigger? that would be neat trick, totally doable in graphic program :yes:


but all the targetareaws would be screwed and totally off place


checked again, this time set border to 50000, still locks the wall at 920000

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IF, and that's a big if, most of your targets are on flat terrain, it would be pretty simple to have a script moving targets around to take the size change into account, it's only an ini file after all.


On the other hand, if you have too many targets on slopped terrain, results may be ugly.

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anyone know if XvT and XWA run in Winge7?


Yes for XWA, I play it all the time. Not sure about XvT.


Head over to http://www.xwaupgrade.com, the forums have all the info on how to get it working in Win 7 with widescreen. And they've just released a complete package for all the upgraded ships etc.



Edited by Dels

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nice to know Dels, thanks

(man, been some years...)

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