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Tempest Tail Nailed. Thanks Ed.

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Superb Ed!

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next WW2 project ?

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My only wish would be a new P-47D bubble canopy.  Russo's N is superb, but we don't have a true D model to match it.

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I though someone was working on a new p-47 already

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next WW2 project ?




Ed,... I would see a Gloster Meteor Mk.III in order to hunt V1s to protect GB!




WW2 "What if" scenorios could be created to fight vs your Me 262s.


For Post-war action this Meteor would be interesting.


Moreover, we have the beautiful TW Meteor F.8 cockpit...





Edited by Coupi

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The planes above are all baddly needed, but my bet is for J7W Shinden. :biggrin:

Oh, even better - The PV-1 Ventura.

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new B-25s (many variants)

New A-20s (many variants)


Lists of required marks available on request


I've got buttloads of decals for all, but they need a "new" home


Cocas was working on a P-47C Razorback, which I'd hoped we'd also build a D and D-35 (with fin extension) from. But, he's not been around for a while

Also, we had several late mark Beaufighters planned (at least 4 different physical models). But .... ?????


for those that don't see the stickies:




albeit a bit outdated (some of the 'requested' aircraft have been released)


Ed, any plans for the J model Liberators?

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we have a WHOLE Forum for "What Ifs..."


we have several hundred REAL aircraft that need replacements; leave the fantasy shit out of this

veltro's Airacobra nearing completion

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new B-25s (many variants)

New A-20s (many variants)


Lists of required marks available on request


I've got buttloads of decals for all, but they need a "new" home


Cocas was working on a P-47C Razorback, which I'd hoped we'd also build a D and D-35 (with fin extension) from. But, he's not been around for a while

Also, we had several late mark Beaufighters planned (at least 4 different physical models). But .... ?????


for those that don't see the stickies:




albeit a bit outdated (some of the 'requested' aircraft have been released)


Ed, any plans for the J model Liberators?


eventually Kev also keep in mind that this p-39 is over a year old built  with old techniek


Edited by Veltro2k

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maybe so, "but a good coat of paint hides a multitude of sins" :biggrin:

It looks fine in my installs!!


and as pretty much all the AAF Airacobras were out of service by the end of 1943, it's a small matter. Unless one counts the Free French or Italian (after switching to the Allied side) in the MTO

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I`ll finish modding N to D after hawks done.

Thank you.  Your N is gorgeous.  This is a long awaited dream come true.

Edited by Heck

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Indeed! A Russo D Jug. It'll be a BEAUTY!

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almost there


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looks fantastic Russclapping.gif.pagespeed.ce.letqCZTOMd.gif clapping.gif.pagespeed.ce.letqCZTOMd.gif clapping.gif.pagespeed.ce.letqCZTOMd.gif

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gimme a base OD/Grey skin ... I gots buttloads of decals!!!

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Hey V2K, the Tempest´s windscreen was made of FLAT panels, not curved as your WIP model. Please, consider this. It´s getting a lot better every post. Congrats! :biggrin:

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