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and very possibly that lack of answer is the answer...

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And a lack of honnesty if it's the case.


Instead of tell the thruth about the end of pc developpement he prefers took some few more sells of his Pc series during the fading.

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"Fading" is a bit too strong of a word IMO, at the moment we don't know what Thirdwire plans regarding PC development are

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DCS is awesome. Yeah it lacks the modablity of SF2. But I am very pleased with the complexity of it. I have many mods for it already I made for myself. As for the P-51D Stary. It started out as internal project to test the game engine. Well it worked so well they decided to sell it. Also with a FW-190 coming....its on like Donkey Kong. SF2 is still on my HD though. I just am not messing with it as much. I'm hooe d on DCS.

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It looks to me like TK's not replying to anything on this forum. Either he's on a sabatical or he went running like forrest gump...

Either way, it's doesn't make any sense that Combatace offers faster and better customer support than the game's producers.

I still like the game though (except for the AI sometimes), and I'll prob stick to it until I get bored...

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My opinion, for what little it is worth, is that, again, people are jumping to conclusions about PC development. Like someone else said, the Mig-25 has been in the ini entry's for a while.


Also, looking at the construction of things like SFA, TK reuses a lot of assets. If something is built for SFA, it can be (or already is) used in the in the SF2 series, right down to the textures. We've already seen a couple of assets in SFA that aren't available in SF2 yet. For all intents and purposes, TK gets a two-fer...a new asset that can generate money right away, and can be put into Exp 3.


Again, whatever happens to the SF series for PC has nothing to do with what you already have.



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(Dave's DCS gibberish)

As for the P-51D Stary. It started out as internal project to test the game engine. Well it worked so well they decided to sell it. Also with a FW-190 coming...

(continualtion of Dave's DCS gibberish)

Didn't know about the FW-190, is it 3rd party or ED's inhouse project?


Anyway, I really want to like DCS, but it lacks that special something for me Dave, maybe with more modules around it will be the sim for me. So far the longest time I've spend was in FC2s A-10A (if that counts, can't afford FC3 at the moment) and in A-10C, so dear devs ->please gimme gimme gimme, my shiny shiny Scooter! :biggrin:

I'll repeat again, the biggest downer for me is lack of any other theatre so far (also not that big fan of modern soviet planes, shoot me!)

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i'm still with SF2 myself until something else both has Phantoms, and the plethora of them here in TW/CA land.

solution to much of the issues at hand right now........ get Disney to buy TW. then TK will have to respond (with ears on!) :biggrin:

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Just a word, a clear word


Is it asking for too much?


Does it matter? Is it THAT important? Do you have so little to worry about that knowing if you are going to get more new PC stuff occupies that much attention?


Folks, let me burst some bubbles here:


TK has said himself there will NOT be a SF3. Which means, for all intents and purposes, the SF engine development is probably done. No new features other than what was introduced with SF2:NA. If you're looking for air refueling and multiplayer, you're probably not going to get it. If you're looking for more detailed avionics such as slewing cursors for targeting, you're probably not going to get that either. What you will probably see is DLC/Exp and maybe new theatres/conflicts (Korean War anyone?).


And that is probably it. Developers do not need to elaborate on future plans unless some folks have already pre-paid for future content. In fact, one could say by not explaining what the future plans are, it avoids building up the hype balloon which is then popped when the developer has to scale back.


Bug fixes, yea, that's something that needs addressing. I think it is a bit of disservice to not at least try to run those down with an acknowledgement if nothing else.


But what you have isn't going to disappear off your hard drive just because TW doesn't give you regular updates.



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MiG-25 is in the INIs for campaign in Lebanon 82. Besides, if the expansion is taking place in 1979 with Mirage F1s (or maybe ad a later one to include F-16s) it would be great to have it since all you have are floggers and fishbeds. Maybe swing wing fitters (also hinted in inis) to have a nice red side target array to shoot at.


Well, i had not touched SF2 for a while due to exams, and it is taking it´s toll. The other night i dreamed of an expansion with F-4J(74)s, taking off from an stock Forrestal escorted by stock Farragut class DLGs...i doubt it is ever happening, but i need to play the game a bit again lol

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Ok have updated to the current 2012 patch and have to say there is no MiG-25 in it?! Was it a joke or am i just blind?


You should read the posts before again.

In the latest SFA ( the A means Android) is a Mig-25.

In SF2 there are only some ini entries with MiG-25.

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I think this means he made a MiG-25 for Exp 3. Whether that will actually come out and be in there, I don't know, but it's the most logical explanation.

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given the Android models are suprisingly nice, and judging from screens the Kindle editions have even higer resolution textures, the eventual porting of Mig-25 to SF2 Exp3/whatever might be still on the table


interesting nonetheless

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I'm rather fond of the Foxbat and, being a gentleman of a certain age, well remember the Viktor Belenko episode that inspired the Peter Cave novel 'Foxbat' that would have made a better film than 'Firefox' (it's certainly a better book).


I'll take it as an AI in Exp 3.

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and very possibly that lack of answer is the answer...


Hey, I said that...


Scary when Stary is actually believing what I say.

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sometimes, a simple "Guys, be paitent" response from TK would be enough. At least to reassure us

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Hey, I said that...

Scary when Stary is actually believing what I say.

Jeff you could say "Scary when Stary is saying anything at all" and then we'd be all screwed :lmao:

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Allright, so far, Exp3 will have Mirage F1, surely MirageIIIE and Mirage 5F, quite probably a bunch new AI red aircraft, possibly F-16s for Europe, maybe some arab mirages hard to sell as DLCs as a bonus, and if we hit the jackpot, the return of the Starfighter.


Do you know what i think it doesn´t seem to have?Screenshot buttons

Edited by macelena

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and keyboard :smile:

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