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Strike Fighters Israel released for Android

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Wow, i don´t think anyone saw that coming


However, it makes sense. More apps, more adds, more cash

Edited by macelena

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I still dont see the point for the cash income?! Its free and becomes earlier boring than I want to spent my money for?!

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If Tk goes on I think he is having some $$$. I also can't understand how , but, it's true, we aren't the target audience.


Israel or Vietnam are the same as the game hasn't terrain and it is like a classic shooter .....


as a lot of other old fashioned games that nobody will play on his PC or Consolles, that found their mobile way.


I have to say that my son (13), like most of his fiends, plays much more on his phone (no SFA) than with WII, DS, MAC/PC ....................... not an evolution.


So at last I'm loosing any left little hope in EXP3 or in any future for our favorite sim.

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Mh im a flightsimmer from Red Baron ages, that game doesnt impress me in any point, FC is right it targets the casual Phone gamer. Wired, i have never seen my smartphone as a "gaming thing" .. im getting old ...

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Pff... a phone is for calling. I cry back the era without "smart" phones.

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I wouldn't say Exp3 is dead yet.


And remember, most of the coding initially went into SFA. I'd say SFA:I probably had very little additional coding...the hard part was already done.


Here's the thing I'm thinking. First, SFA obviously made money. Second, advertising.


Think about it...SFA has had over 100,000 installs. At least 100,000 people have looked at the app and now know the name Strike Fighters, and the company, ThirdWire.


Does anybody think Eagle Dynamics would kill for those kind of numbers?


As an example of market size...Eagle Dynamics has 1400 'Likes' on Facebook. ThirdWire has 19000...nearly 14 times as many. You can argue the audiences may be different or the margins aren't as high for each company. But each company still has to make a profit to hang around. The numbers on Facebook may not reflect the actual numbers of folks who buy from these companies. But I'll put money that the relative size of the audiences are pretty accurate.


I honestly find the whole process fascinating from an academic point of view. I think times are going to be interesting. I have my own theories as to the current and future state of flight sims.




PS And I have to chuckle at folks who find the whole advancement of tech disconcerting. Considering you're posting on an internet forum, to chat with people from around the planet. Or that a cell phone should just be used for calling...when 25 years ago, only rich folks could have a cell phone, that only worked in limited locations, and was the size of a literal brick.

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FC, You say Exp3 isn't dead yet. I would like to agree, but I would appreciate some news or intel about the way the PC version is going.

Can't wait for any news

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Hey, I'd like some too. Realistically, there probably isn't much right now.


Based on what I've observed, I'd imagine TW is establishing a 'beachhead' in the mobile space. Once those revenue streams are established, only then I suspect you'll start seeing progress on the PC front.


Again, no special information is available to me...I merely observe and make suppositions as to the direction things are going.


Based on SFA and SFA:I, I suspect a SFA:V and SFA:E are coming. Though I don't know how much either could offer...SFA:V might give us the A-4(a curious omission from SFA), and SFA:E would give us the Harrier(again, another curious omission from SFA). There could be surprise visits from an A-7, A-10, and even the F-1 (they all have guns and at least self defense Sidewinders).



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FC I completely agree with You and I'ld like You will be right about Exp.3 and SF2.


There's a little thing that not match with your very good thinking: no advertising to Android costumers (as I am) for the original PC Sim ....


I like very much my Galaxy S3 for working (the office in my pocket) but not for gaming, and I don't feel old (as I am) for this as there are much better platforms around .....

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Think about it...SFA has had over 100,000 installs. At least 100,000 people have looked at the app and now know the name Strike Fighters, and the company, ThirdWire.


Does anybody think Eagle Dynamics would kill for those kind of numbers?


As an example of market size...Eagle Dynamics has 1400 'Likes' on Facebook. ThirdWire has 19000...nearly 14 times as many. You can argue the audiences may be different or the margins aren't as high for each company. But each company still has to make a profit to hang around. The numbers on Facebook may not reflect the actual numbers of folks who buy from these companies. But I'll put money that the relative size of the audiences are pretty accurate.


I honestly find the whole process fascinating from an academic point of view. I think times are going to be interesting. I have my own theories as to the current and future state of flight sims.




PS And I have to chuckle at folks who find the whole advancement of tech disconcerting. Considering you're posting on an internet forum, to chat with people from around the planet. Or that a cell phone should just be used for calling...when 25 years ago, only rich folks could have a cell phone, that only worked in limited locations, and was the size of a literal brick.



I think ED might eventually follow TW down this route also at some point.



I just think of a smart phone as my pocket PC - really handy when out and about.

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As I'm not on Facebook, I don't go "liking" anything. :grin: I've also heard FB might starting CHARGING for people to "like" a company's FB page. That will certainly put the brakes on that!


Is the F-14 already in SFA? Or would that wait for SFA:NA? I concur with the belief that having made money on SFA he's going to do all of them before he returns his focus to the PC. How Exp 3 does will certainly dictate his future plans, however I think he's made a mistake in timing.

Look at the "big" games like CoD and BF. All their DLC comes in the first year after release. Exp 3 is going to be for SF2:E, right? How many years after its release? He SHOULD have done Exp 3 for SF2:NA and released it in 2012, or at least before the 1 yr mark.


id software released a DLC for Rage just about a year after its release and was criticized for taking too long. Why the delay? They were working on the Doom 3 BFG edition (id's very own SFA!) and had to get that done first, likely at the publisher's request.


Meanwhile, Exp 3 with the F1 was mooted as perhaps coming out before SF2:NA! Now it not only is coming out afterwards, but it may come out LONG afterwards. TK has shown every indication of having lost interest in the PC side. Whether he comes back or not is anyone's guess.

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I would have thought his best Expansion pack potential would be with SF2V tbh - so much more that could be added in terms of objects and target locations and missions.



Yes I suspect the PC games will have to wait if the Mobile games provide better revenue streams - but there is still revenue from SF2 to be made you would think.



If he stops developing SF2 on the plus side I will be building mega modded installs - safe in the knowledge that every mod will finally be staying in there for good :)

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If he stops developing SF2 on the plus side I will be building mega modded installs - safe in the knowledge that every mod will finally be staying in there for good :)


Yea buddy!



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Maybe SF NA is something like Israel and we will have with the Mirage addon a new and different part for the SF2 series. Israel hada different Terrain, SF NA also so maybe the Mirage Addon will have something similar.


The reason why he never gave us infos about the NA Terrain was, that he wasnt satisfied with the result?! Its a speculation but what if he is working on the terrain engine right now and gave us the ultimate terrain option?! It would be great and the game had everything we ever wanted, excepts the Avionics thingy. But hey.. great looking and behaving planes, nice terrain and some eyecandy?!


Thats all we want ... just a theorie

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Thirdwire PC Support is prolly done, wave bye bye....


You all are welcome to come over to DCS World (For Free) and Fly Frogfoots, and Eventually F-100D

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I would have thought his best Expansion pack potential would be with SF2V tbh...


Agreed. Imagine an Expansion Pack with a Third Wire F-111A and flyable A-6's with new cockpits and avionics.

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Thirdwire PC Support is prolly done, wave bye bye....



If it's the case he should say it clearely

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To imagine what TK could do is free. But we have no access to his mind ;-)


I hope too that he could use the income from apps for developing the PC serie but if I have to think that is normal for any businnes to invest where the income is bigger... say goodbye to PC game developement.

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Or that a cell phone should just be used for calling...when 25 years ago, only rich folks could have a cell phone, that only worked in limited locations, and was the size of a literal brick.


))) Well... smartphones are also for the rich... status symbol. Like every advanced gadget they invent.


I'm definitely not againt development... IF it is rational. And used as intended. It was fun when they developed phone cameras and we could make ridiculously bad quality pictures)) But nothing more than a short life fun. I do think that things have their purpose. A phone is for messaging, it is their prime purpose. It can have secondary functions which are mostly emergency back up function or unnecessary luxury... We do buy digital cameras and laptops and pc separately because their primary funtions are better. On the other hand it is true, that for example we don't need walkmans separately to listen music.. thats good indeed.

All in all, I will not buy an uncomfortably large phone with uncomfortable touch screen just to play games and strain my eyes trying to browse on its tiny screen, while sitting on the metro. Especially not just to brag with it in a city where they could get knifed for 5$...

Just my subjective opinion) Not intended to offend anyone.


PS. I also have a "smartphone" perhaps the first with touchscreen (AND regular buttons) and handwrite recognition... from 1999 ))))))))

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Thirdwire PC Support is prolly done, wave bye bye....


You all are welcome to come over to DCS World (For Free) and Fly Frogfoots, and Eventually F-100D


Great - so only about another 100 different types of aircraft, a SEA terrain, and all the sea/ground models to do for Vietnam.............

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Great - so only about another 100 different types of aircraft, a SEA terrain, and all the sea/ground models to do for Vietnam.............

... or Super Sabre vs Mustang.

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i think TW is simply developing at their own pace. Will i Buy Exp3, Prolly, will I play it, Yup,, Will I B,W, and Moan over the bugs, definately. it's a tradition.

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