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I's sure you see that when you want to turn with F-5E Tiger it's suddenly make a strange roll and reduce speed and in some times goes into spin!!!


In reality we know Tiger as one of the easygoing jets in movements and has the record in turning in the world

But The Mirage Factory's F-5E's Flight Model is terribly bad and uncontrollable

If anybody builds this for all of users then We can enjoy flying a smooth jet such as F-5E



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The Mirage Factory's F-5E's Flight Model is terribly bad and uncontrollable



If you think that, then make it better by yourself.

elsewise you have to select your words very very carefully!!!

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Carlo is always right.


BTW there are some improvements around. I'll pack all togheter in my restored Tiger II.



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That flight model was built for the first SF series. For a quick fix, I copied all of the flight-surface data from the NF-5A. Flies much better now.



glad to hear you're working on a "restored" F-5E, since the plane was/is heavily used by the RoKAF, and we have a new and pretty Korea map...

...any RoK skins with that?




...or was it the original data from the CF-5A? One of them flew more to my liking, so I swapped the data over to the other. They're now both the same in my install. Can't remember... try both.

Edited by arthur666

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If you think that, then make it better by yourself.

elsewise you have to select your words very very carefully!!!


What's the matter with you man?

I just want help

Do you answer help in this way?It's so strange

I feel sorry for you

Edited by morteza1374

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I just wahted to say that you have to select your words better.

terribly bad is not a good discripton for work that someone has done.

Remember, everything here is for free! ;-)

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I know that and one of the reasons most of the members like here is that

I don't want to say that to that guy who have built the FM

My problem is just with FM


Instead of doing nothing It's better to make the FM performs better


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Its always the common way to follow the rule: "If you want that something is done, then do it yourself."

So Soulfreak is right if he answered to your question for a better FM: Do it yourself. Perhaps he should have written: Welcome to moders world. Try to improve the FM yourself and if you have problems with it the ask a question.

The reason is, that the most modders have their own projects running and are buzy with it, so you will have to wait endless till you find one who make a new FM. The other way is to try it yourself. Welcome in the world of modding.


If i would try to start to make a new FM for a Tiger II i would use TK's stock F-16 FM as starting point.

Edited by Gepard

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I'm thinking that about 75% of the problem here is a language barrier problem. that said maybe a little more effort in choosing words would be in order. I'm not taking sides just sugesting a LITTLE more patience on one side and a little more discresion in word choice on the other.

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I'm thinking that about 75% of the problem here is a language barrier problem. that said maybe a little more effort in choosing words would be in order. I'm not taking sides just sugesting a LITTLE more patience on one side and a little more discresion in word choice on the other.

Exactly what you said

I use that to emphsize

I'm learning English but I just use that in this site



You should take our mistakes (in grammar or choosing words) easy

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Alrighty folks, everyone take it easy.


morteza1374, everyone I think understands there is a communication issue. However, most of your posts have been either about wanting something, or about something that is incorrect and needs fixing.


Very few of your posts have actually been about you creating or fixing something yourself.


One of the great things about this series of sims is except for the actual building of 3d objects, EVERYTHING else can be done with freeware programs and application of knowledge and effort.


You will get more respect if you make the effort to start fixing things yourself. If you cannot bring yourself to do this, why should anyone else be bothered to help you?







مردمی بسیار خب، هر کس آن را آسان.




morteza1374، هر کس من فکر می کنم درک یک مسئله ارتباط وجود دارد. با این حال، بسیاری از پست های خود را یا در مورد چیزی می خواهند، و یا در مورد چیزی است که نادرست است و نیاز به تعمیر شده است.




تعداد بسیار کمی از پست های خود را که در واقع در مورد شما ایجاد و یا تثبیت چیزی به خودتان بوده است.




یکی از چیزهایی که در مورد این سری از سیمز به جز برای ساختمان های واقعی از اشیاء 3D، هر چیز دیگری را می توان با برنامه های نرم افزار و استفاده از دانش و تلاش انجام می شود.




شما احترام بیشتری اگر شما را به تلاش برای شروع همه چیز ثابت خود را دریافت کنید. اگر شما نمی توانید به را خود را برای انجام این کار، چرا باید هر کس دیگری ناراحت است به شما کمک کند؟





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Hey, I know that guy! Flew together a few times before he retired...




FC, his account of the Talon's flying characteristics sounds like a transcript of a conversation that we once had.


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From Where you can translate English to Farsi

From Google Translate?

And FC About requesting

When I want F-5B's templates you don't want to give them to me

When I want you or others to make me the skin you say you should do it by yourself


Say me how?

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In case you got Gimp or any other drawing program which handles layers you can make one by modifying an already existing skin. Unfortunately not each plane has a template in circulation so that leaves plenty of practice options creating templates.

That is your easiest way.

SF1 and SF2 knowledge base has many data or links to more advanced knowledge/technics on it.

Most of us started that way and still do where there are no released or shared templates. No modder can be forced or obliged to give anything to anyone. All our creations - or at least most - is free and given for free by its creator. If they share a model great, if share a skin or template, campaign, terrain is all their will and kindness. We get it for free and we share it with each other for free for our passion.

Asking nicely might help but take no guaranty.

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I am working to get the templates for the T-38A/F-5B and F-5F out in the next day or so. I didn't realize that they still hadn't been made fully public.



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Actually logan4 it was a matter of me thinking that they were uploaded here years ago, and not being selfish... believe me I like doing skins every now and then but too many requests and it's time to upload the old template... which I should do anyway, now that I think of it.

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Thanks dude! I'm trying to get a hold of 331KB to see if he'll let me upload his templates of the T-38A/F-5B.



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Actually logan4 it was a matter of me thinking that they were uploaded here years ago, and not being selfish...


EricJ, my post was never ment for anyone to feel like that, I know you make great skins(+other mods) and upload anything you can share as well as other modders do.

Simply ment "everyone's free choice is what they share and what they don't" and no one can be blamed for it or things can't be demanded.

Many times happened that a modder lost everything or bigger part of their work due to HD faliures and sort, so simply sometimes there could be nothing to give even if it is asked for.


Beside, I myself thought too that they were uploaded at some point in the past...

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Slightly OT but I would like to thank all modders who upload templates. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

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paulopanz just released the f-5e and the fm is not that bad just the pitchdamper needed changing to 1.6 to stop it throwing its nose around .....

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