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As far as i can see, looks very promising, so, if you can really fix that, time will be a blessing to all.

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I'm hoping I will get it to work! There is a nice team shaping up around this so I have high hopes. I guess this means I will have to finish that MiG-25 sooner rather than later :blink:


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if i may be so bold for snowy mountains, the "A" series tiles from GermanyCE, with necessary repainting, will work fine. I used modified versions of them to create the Andes on the Central america map. They are:








The desert/mountain colors on the itles (and really hated those tiles -- they were missing some transitions that I make new) are about right. Check the sat photos in google earth


btw, permission* IS granted for YOU to retile that map. just don't mess up my targeting ... it's 98.6% of the Real World



*remember,mods to my terrains are by permisison only

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Ah, much obliged oh master of Terrains :biggrin: Speaking of which, I have some questions that I think you above all others are equipped to answer:


Could you, in one sentence, detail how I would go about retiling the map? Will i need to struggle with the Thirdwire terrain editor?


Also, can the Tile heightmaps be bigger in size than 32x32?


Is that anyway to make the mountains more "sharp" as opposed to round on the top?

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Ok, never mind that. I found Gerwins TFD editor and it took literally 15mins (so the tiles are what they are) to incorporate my first snowy peaks. Now I'm in trouble, cause I want to make those mountains as pretty as a picture.

Beware of stock Thirdwire graphic settings and clouds *bleurgh*





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I told you that I can support you with information and pics and so on

You should collect information from a native one

I'm an Iranian And I know much than any foreigner

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Stary made some very accurate mountain titles for the Formosa terrain.

they looy very stunning. maybe a lil bit to play with / integrate?

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Morteze yes any info about the region is appreciated. Are the highest mountains snowy the year round?

EDIT: Carlo, what version of Formosa is that? Link? Making an all new tileset is a little bit out of the scope of this mod, or at least it would take too long. I am happy with integrating different bits that work!


I added the Valley tiles from Israel ME to use in mountain valleys, think they look nice



Edited by Centurion-1
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Don't Forget the Transitions!!!


and seriously, Google Earth is your friend...trust me on this

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Thanks Carlo I'll check those out! Yeah wrench I use GE, but making something looks exactly like it does there is out of scope of this project. I wish TK would have made the new terrain system to use sattelite images + NASA height data. I guess out of budget scope but that would have made some kickass mountains for sure.

Yeah I have the transitions too incorporated (you can even see that in the picture). Overall I think the IsraelME mountain tiles by Stary fairly well represent the Zagros mountains, atleast when you look at them in Google earth. Perhaps they could be a tad darker, I don't know... But that means remaking all the transitions already made, so there needs to be some pretty compelling evidence to make me change them.

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I have a doubt regarding the MiG-23BN, Lindr2 made the correct version with the refueling probe, something TW's is lacking unless someone adds it (fake pilot method perhaps?), so, let me know your thouhgts, other that that template is very advanced now.

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i dont tink irak had tankers if so most likely there BN wloud be fitted whit refuel probe

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point taken LOL that looks alot like a Mirage F1 refuel probe may i can help there has well

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IIRAF sure did have tankers... modified 707s. I've seen film footage of phantoms refueling from it. on one of the 'deep strikes' into western Iraq

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very good work Centurion, feel free to use any of my terrain works for this, as for TODs, there are PLENTY to choose from, sometimes it's good to work smart not hard :wink:

for snowy areas, you could check my Iceland repaint or Brain's DBS tileset

I am currently fed up with Thirdwire-related terrain works so I don't work on tiles, tired of the engine limitations :sad:

as for BN, I started this over a month ago, but given I'm knee-deep in several other cockpit projects, no certain date apart from "somewhere this year"


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i have the F1 type refuel porbe done for my mirage projects i take and change watt need a profile drawing and a pic that show if it strait of angule to one side.

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Ok i have it already done and placed.. had a free minute, if you dont mind i can send you a pic later. im still at work right now

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Mig pit looks great Stary! I actually started a MiG-23 fighter pit a long time ago, to try to get synergy effects from my MiG-25PD pit. It has a truckload of different parts to model tho, so I moved on to other projects. Great to see you take up the BN!

Yeah I will try to use the hard work of others when doing the tiles :biggrin:

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