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On Razbam site, they say the products are for series 1. Will they work WITHOUT any job on them on series 2??

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You can use them in SF2 and rework the ini`s as its mentioned in the knwoledge base. Nothing big. But we have also some good fixes on our site ;)

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I use the A-6 pits fine in SF2 with no work at all.

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I use the A-6 pits fine in SF2 with no work at all.

I bought the a-1's and a-6 and i use it in sf2 too,  its a pitty the notice but i understood razbam...

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Ron and his company are moving forward and the SF2 nitch didn't provide them with they were hoping for. Also with the many patches that would fix one thing and break another he got fed up trying to stay caught up. So I take these shadow ropes fix as a gift and one last sale and then they are gone. That is what he wishes. As far as making updates for them, we can do what we want but cannot distribute the LOD's.

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And they are not quitting business but moving to a newest platform. DCS in this case.


BTW a post with pics of the models and cockpits will be nice.

Edited by Stratos

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BTW a post with pics of the models and cockpits will be nice.


Pics are all over the place here, and on Ron's website.

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I have all the RAZBAM SF planes and would really appreciate updated LODs without shadow problems.

I was always sad that RAZBAM got out of the SF market, but happy to see them in the DCS market.

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Hmm, are the SF models already gone from the RAZBAM site?

Edited by Gocad

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He said he would let me know.

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Curious if there has been update on this - I purchased the RAZBAM A-6 the other day and am definitely seeing the "tractor beam" shadow issue. Would love to see an updated LOD that eliminates it..


Until then - is there a workaround for getting rid of the tractor beam or is it something we just have to live with?


...because besides that little shadow artifact..the model is beautiful..!





Edited by beachav8r

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ah, yah.

turn it OFF in the main ini







(this is from the 3W A-6, but you get the idea)

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Well that's cool.. Just tried it and indeed the tractor beam is gone. So I'm only losing the shadow cast on the ground correct (that's what it appears to be anyway..)..?




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Sorry to raise that thread from the dead, but any news on the update for previous owners ? How do I get it ?

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