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It would be great. Somebody was working on one years ago, but i haven´t seen the author for years

Edited by macelena

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Has Monty still his source for his ones? (Avia & Messerschmitt)

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wouldn't be easier to (re)build it out of Russo' Emil?? After all, isn't that what they were originally (with the externally braced horizontal stabs?)

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Looook Daniel, that cuuute little baby :wub: Isn't she lovely?


(Enoc, WHERE'S ANNA?!? help.gif.pagespeed.ce.mZGjc8Y3Cw.gif )

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wouldn't be easier to (re)build it out of Russo' Emil?? After all, isn't that what they were originally (with the externally braced horizontal stabs?)


In fact, they were originally G airframes, adapted for taking the new engines. Pilots said it was a beast. 

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In fact, it was a 109G-6 airframe mixed with a Spit9 engine/prop. The wing had a large fence and carried a small rocket ordnance. A hybrid in essence.

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In fact, it was a 109G-6 airframe mixed with a Spit9 engine/prop...

The single-stage Merlin 500 series engines had more in common with the post-war transports like the Lancastrian and York than the two-stage Merlin 61 (and 63/ 63A) engines used in the Spitfire IX. Apparently, this was a nod in the direction of longevity as opposed to all-out engine performance.

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