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Woman shot dead outside US Capitol building

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So this happened...


No news on motivations or identity just yet. One very interesting thing to note, all the police involved in the event, none have been paid since the shutdown. Just makes the elected officials look better and better, huh?

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she should be in the darwin Awards this year. given multiple chances to surrender and keeps endangering law enforcement.

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...she had a kid though, so she's ineligible as she's potentially spread her stupid already. I don't understand why she didn't get out the car and hide in the bushes. Totes works in GTA V.

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lol i forgot the GTA angle. only a matter of time before someone tries to blame video games for this.

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You can't rationalize a mental illness that has progressed to this extent. What drives people to gun down innocent kids at a school, blow up an IRS building, start a cult and commit mass suicide, suicide by law enforcement, using chemical weapons on the public, blowing up a train, have a shoot out at a naval yard or army base, and the list goes on but nobody really knows. What drove this woman to commit suicide by cop is anyone's guess. That she did it in the District of Columbia, she used her car, she had her kid with her is totally irrelevant to the issue. The world needs to recognize mental health as a disease and treat it accordingly. The trauma that caused this woman to commit suicide today was recognized early enough to be prevented. The real issue here is how could society ignore the symptoms or not have options to get her help before she stepped beyond the point of no return. Ultimately she had something to say and nobody was listening. I'm sure her final act of desperation was to make sure someone was. Finally there's lots of blame to be passed around and shame on the media for sensationalizing an event that barely merits a mention buried in the back pages of the local paper. The headline could have read, "Connecticut woman gets US Congress to agree on something, shelter in place, dies in process."



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You can't rationalize a mental illness that has progressed to this extent. What drives people to gun down innocent kids at a school, blow up an IRS building, start a cult and commit mass suicide, suicide by law enforcement, using chemical weapons on the public, blowing up a train, have a shoot out at a naval yard or army base, and the list goes on but nobody really knows. What drove this woman to commit suicide by cop is anyone's guess. That she did it in the District of Columbia, she used her car, she had her kid with her is totally irrelevant to the issue. The world needs to recognize mental health as a disease and treat it accordingly. The trauma that caused this woman to commit suicide today was recognized early enough to be prevented. The real issue here is how could society ignore the symptoms or not have options to get her help before she stepped beyond the point of no return. Ultimately she had something to say and nobody was listening. I'm sure her final act of desperation was to make sure someone was. Finally there's lots of blame to be passed around and shame on the media for sensationalizing an event that barely merits a mention buried in the back pages of the local paper. The headline could have read, "Connecticut woman gets US Congress to agree on something, shelter in place, dies in process."




This is an excellent post.

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The society itself is seriously sick and does not care about individuals. How to expect healthy individuals from a sick society? And it is not a US specialty. Include Europe too.


Want to see reasons? This is one of them...



Edited by Snailman

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Wow, I didn't know it's THAT bad over the pond! O_O

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Already posted this in the other thread, but...



Then again it does not surprise me much. Before all the yuppies re-gentrified the District in the early 2000s, stuff like this use to happen in D.C. all the time. Drug deals, robberies, etc., would happen just blocks away from places like FBI headquarters, Justice Department,and the White House. The North and South Capitol street corridors....heh forget it; the only business anyone use have in those area is if they were looking to score something.


The homeless and mental ill still wander around downtown and close to the national memorials. The police only chase them away when they know there is going to be large media event or protest.

Edited by ironroad

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The reason she did it was because she thought President Obama was stalking her.



Mental illness. 

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I'm with you, Erik.  Well said!

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