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To All My Friends Here at CombatAce

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Sorry to know Dave, don´t spare hugs on Sheila and the girls, let´s hope at least he gets a good death

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No words can truly express what is in one's head and hearth, nor can't words truly confort in such moments in life, but even if it's so little rest assured people are thinking of you, praying for you and wishing they could do more.

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Sorry to hear that Dave. Make sure yall get some sleep too.

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I've been there with my own Mother when she died of lung cancer three weeks ago today, so I know exactly how you and your family must be feeling now. Watching a loved one die is one of the most stressful and painful things a person will ever endure. The only consolation of this sad milestone is that when your Dad in law eventually leaves, he'll be in no more pain and will finally be at rest.

My thoughts are with you and your family, my friend.


I'll say a silent prayer for him.

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That really sucks. Hopefully his final days will be less turbulent than the past few months.

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sad news Dave.. hang in there!!

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At times like this, the value and strength of family and friends seems to achieve a clarity we might have previously failed to recognize.  Hopes and prayers go out for your father-in-law, you and all your family members.  After all the tumult and pain your father-in-law has endured, hopefully he can find refuge and relief from his brave struggle against overwhelming odds.  My deepest sympathies, Dave.

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I really feel for you Dave. I hope you and your family can sort things out in the coming days and months.


Been in similar situations with family members now past (thank god I got sit with my grandfather his last night) and now in a messy situation with family as my air force veteran father is loosing his cognitive/physical abilities and several family members do not want to deal with him and/or only see him as a life-insurance paycheck.


No one should have it this hard, no one...


What helped me take solace during situations like these is that those who passed no longer have to deal with their pain anymore.


Best of luck to you all and thanks for so much you have given (to the community and your country).

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