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Hi my friends, during these holydays I was wondering about our favorite flight sim future.


It seems to me absolutely clear now that Tk definitively left PC for tablets (no comments please ). So no exp. 3 no other DLCs. Am I wrong?


If so I think could be convenient for TW too leave us free to develop it further gaining money from their old products sells for free.


In a world a Daidalos team like enterprise as for Il-2 serie.


Erik could ask Tk about it.


What do you think about it?

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I think that while it would be a dream come true for me, esp considering TSF. I think TK still makes enough from the SF2 PC that he would never go for it. I do not think it hurts asking, but TK giving us the source code or just handing over the reins of the project? Doubt that will happen.

I for one still thinks that if TK wants to improve his PC sales (you know, the ones he keep whining about), he needs to put effort into it. A Steam release could be a good direction if he ever plans SF 3 - and like you, I do not think he does.

Edited by JonathanRL

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I also suggested similar things... But I think he won't give it out for us. Especially not for free... For a reasonable sum maybe....  I would also ask Sonalist about Dangerous Waters, so we could get air-surface-underwater combat system in one game. I am not a rich man, but for such I would get together as mush as i could. Even to a point of selling my car...

Everything can be done... but we need to act, not just talk.


For the first step, we have to start a poll, officially, about what people think, and if its about money, how much we are willing to raise, what our terms, needs and offers are. THEN, we have something to show up, an official offer. Then we can sit sit down for a real business talk. If it's about business, TK will listen I'm sure.

If it is not about business but some kind of sentimental case or resentment...hard feelings towards us modders... then we cannot do anything anyway.

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I made that exact suggestion some months ago. Even without the source code there are things that can be changed/enhanced using a hex editor. But do we have someone that work on it? Can we paysome money here in order to hire a guy that can do it?

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I made that exact suggestion some months ago. Even without the source code there are things that can be changed/enhanced using a hex editor. But do we have someone that work on it? Can we paysome money here in order to hire a guy that can do it?

sounds just like my call to action from months ago. I'd be cautious as that topic got locked and removed quite quickly due to it's let's say "revolutionary" nature and my drastic steps proposals.


As for the question: does TK abandoned PC?


I think no, we had patch 6 months ago, later we got (suprise, suprise) AI planes packs. Honestly who here would expect AI planes packs from TK? Me not and I've been in the business here for a bit of time :wink:

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sounds just like my call to action from months ago. I'd be cautious as that topic got locked and removed quite quickly due to it's let's say "revolutionary" nature and my drastic steps proposals.


As for the question: does TK abandoned PC?


I think no, we had patch 6 months ago, later we got (suprise, suprise) AI planes packs. Honestly who here would expect AI planes packs from TK? Me not and I've been in the business here for a bit of time :wink:

IIRC that post was locked because some fights against DCS, not the Hex editor thing, someone can correct me If I'm wrong. I still feel we should go that way, in order to improve the game,

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What if we asked TK for a specific DLC plane and asked him how much would it cost to do it then do a mini kickstarter? At the very least if TK is done with the PC would it be too much to ask for him to say so. We kept his sim alive for this long so a small note saying "Thanks but I am done with the PC stuff or I'm done with SF2 series." is not too much to ask at all. 

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What if we asked TK for a specific DLC plane and asked him how much would it cost to do it then do a mini kickstarter? At the very least if TK is done with the PC would it be too much to ask for him to say so. We kept his sim alive for this long so a small note saying "Thanks but I am done with the PC stuff or I'm done with SF2 series." is not too much to ask at all.


I support this idea!!


But which plane we need? I'm more into realism features, refueling, FLIR, slewable radar cursors, NVG...


But will support even If is a plane I don't like.

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What if we asked TK for a specific DLC plane and asked him how much would it cost to do it then do a mini kickstarter? At the very least if TK is done with the PC would it be too much to ask for him to say so. We kept his sim alive for this long so a small note saying "Thanks but I am done with the PC stuff or I'm done with SF2 series." is not too much to ask at all. 


It wouldn't be in his short-term interest to give such a note. After all a "possibly still supported" product will sell better than "officially not supported anymore" one...

Edited by SFP1Ace
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I like your idea Dave big time!


Alot of meshes TW already has made for mobile titles, I think flight model and avionics for blue side wouldn't be that much of a hassle.


I wonder though how much avionics improvements would cost. Like that slewable AA radar, similarilly working AG radar, slewable FLIR/EO display with manual lock, laser designator/range for A-10 (yeah I'm biased here) etc


The big problem I see with aerial refueling feature people keep wishing about is that would cost the most while being used the least as my guts tell me.

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re: AFR


folks keep forgetting the maps (stock ones, that is) are only 63% Realilty. Most of the add-ons are also NOT full scale.


in other words:


it ain't really necessary.


Those Development Funds ™ could/would/should be spent on more 'mission orientated' items. Like avionics fixes as Stary said.

Better visuals? naaaah.... Better terrain engine? the last one ... well... the less said the better.


New planes? Totally agree. But, then we're back to the avionics and they'll need cockpits. The vicious circle eats it's own tail

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What if we asked TK for a specific DLC plane and asked him how much would it cost to do it then do a mini kickstarter? At the very least if TK is done with the PC would it be too much to ask for him to say so. We kept his sim alive for this long so a small note saying "Thanks but I am done with the PC stuff or I'm done with SF2 series." is not too much to ask at all. 

or even a note saying he THINKS he is done with PC development of Strike Fighters. That way it leaves the door open in the off chance he wants to do something but still lets us know he isn't supporting the PC engine and has no plans to do so.

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A2A refueling isn't worth it at all. There is no need for it. As Wrench said, the maps are no even full scale. Truth be told A2A refueling would be fun about the first dozen times you did it, the you wouldnt do it any more. New planes or game mechanics or avionic upgrades would be more desirable. 

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hell a stock USAF and NATO Viper skin would probably make him a lot of cash.  after all, how many of us bought his F-4 skinpacks even though we have Sundowners skins, let alone templates? (yes i'm guilty my own self of that ..)

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I like the idea of using money to give TK inspiration to develop new things for SF2.  The community has asked for inflight refueling numerous times, but honestly, like Big Dave said, i'd probably do it a few times, then go back to destroying bridges and migs. 


When it comes to other things, I do like the idea of a new avionics package. But, I also think its probably one of the more time consuming, expensive things that could be asked for. That brings me to think that if anything, we'll see some more aircraft and skins. Problem is, this community has made almost everything I could want to fly, and if I want to fly a particular unit, chances are that its already been tackled, and this community is so helpful that even with GIMP, you can do anything. F-8s? Mirage factory. Skins? Mirage Factory. F-4s? TONS of them. all variants are covered. F-22s, F-35s, F-16s, F-15s, F-14s, F-18s - a lot of them are covered. Its awesome. 


I'd like to see a F-105B short nose with an internal weapons bay for nukes to compliment the F-101s in Europe, but for all I know, someone already has one in their shop!


Maybe a more intricate reconnaissance mission. But then, we could probably develop something to where you have to "kill" a target with your camera by flying over it, and "dropping" a bomb on it to see if its a mission accomplish. If I recall correctly, the community has done competitions to see who could get the mission done by posting of screenshots. 


Over all, i think we would need to come up with something that's feasible, financially supportable, and that can get the community behind, then propose it to TK and his crew, along with "we are willing to donate XXX amount of yankee greenbacks to make XXX happen." 

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What if we asked TK for a specific DLC plane and asked him how much would it cost to do it then do a mini kickstarter? At the very least if TK is done with the PC would it be too much to ask for him to say so. We kept his sim alive for this long so a small note saying "Thanks but I am done with the PC stuff or I'm done with SF2 series." is not too much to ask at all. 


Not really DLC flyable we need.... we have all planes we want. Or we can do those ourselves.

What we need is code support. Modder background!  Features added... we can use. ASW... (he thought about it, the mission type is there)  FAC, Ship combat working, ground combat improved... ground radars, player usable turret gun, helicopter FM, soviet side avionics support...  etc etc. not to mention multiplayer.

OR to unlock new fields to mod, like AI behavior, Formations, Mission types (!), Flight model (!) whatever we cannot really mod or with great difficulty.

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What Snailman said, I can live without any DLC plane, but the A2G modes that are nearly not existant ingame would be a nice crowd founding feature!

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I hear you Snailman, I was using the DLC plane as an example. Bah, he won't listen to us anyway. 

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I hear you Snailman, I was using the DLC plane as an example. Bah, he won't listen to us anyway. 


"Always those negative rays... have a faith, baby" - Oddball, Kelly's Heroes


Like I said, if he's reasons are monetary - then a serious offer would make him talk. If not because he's offended or something, then he won't talk at all - but at least we tried.

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oh no. it begins.


In reference to TK:

"You gotta make him a deal, you know, a deal deal! Maybe he's a republican!"  - Crapgame.

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I like the possibility of an DT like agreement between a trustable modder team and Tk :

"You give us the code, we make patches"

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I think flight model and avionics for blue side wouldn't be that much of a hassle.


I wonder though how much avionics improvements would cost. Like that slewable AA radar, similarilly working AG radar, slewable FLIR/EO display with manual lock, laser designator/range for A-10 (yeah I'm biased here) etc


The big problem I see with aerial refueling feature people keep wishing about is that would cost the most while being used the least as my guts tell me.

Leaving the A-A refueling out, and centering in avionics features can be a good idea in order to reach a deal. If we ask for a DLC is something that you don't need to buy or install If you are not interested, so TK can keep his games simply, and we can have those features so looong desired.


Please make a list, we currently have:


- Slewable A-A radar.


- Slewable A-G radar.


- Slewable FLIR/EO display with manual lock


- Laser designator/range for A-10 (and other planes as well too, Gr.3 for example, no?)


Please add your ideas!!


About getting the money, should we do a kickstarter or should we do it here at CombatAce?

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- "Arm all" button at the loadout screen so that we can avoid painstakingly changeing the armament for every single ac in our flight

- smarter wingmen that actually listen to orders and can use smart bombs

- more gameplay features like:

        -you don't have to be a flight leader all the time

        - saving tracks for later replay

        - taking actual photos during recon missions and using such photos for target ID  during strike missions

        - working blue side SAMs that show on RWR and have more deployment arrangement types than standard SA-2 one

        - working GCI with EW Barlock radars actually doing something and directing interceptors at you instead of being ARM fodder...

        - tweaked radar ranges and radar strengths to a realistic levels so that (for example) F-4 doesn't detect a fighter sized target from a 100 NM out

        - event logging to an external file so that better 3rd party campaign generators can be created ( vide OFF or RoF)

        - proper (i.e. not stand-in) speech packs for RAF, Luftwaffe, AdA etc.

        - awacs not only on naval maps and for the red side in a campaign too...


- MANY MORE.......

Edited by SFP1Ace
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- Possibility to pass radar contact from A-G radar to ASM

- Defense suppression against on-map sam sites

- Artillery to defend city for more CAS variation missions.

- Laser designation of all possible target in the target zone

- Weapon availability by nation / date (ie : no more AIM-9N for French Mirage IIIC ....)


Edited by jeanba
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- Artillery to defend city for more CAS variation missions.


I actually did that as part of a Campaign.


I think you could also defend the Artillery positions.

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