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Metz Train Station

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I think I'm almost done setting up a train station. This one will be on the southeast corner of Metz in the Verdun terrain. I might place a few more things on it. The center track will be used for train "Movement" through the city. There will be a couple of these station scattered around for Friendly and Enemy.





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Looks better than Rise of Flight in my opinion! Just advice, I'd repaint those grey concrete factory buildings to more accurate brick buildings, same for their chimneys

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I should give it another go to FE2 after seeing this pics. Very cool station!

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Looks better than Rise of Flight in my opinion! Just advice, I'd repaint those grey concrete factory buildings to more accurate brick buildings, same for their chimneys


Yeah I don't like the lighter factories either. Red brick it is! If you noticed the larger factory along the tracks in the city is repainted red brick with a dark roof. I'm going to paint the Station different for each city I use it in too. And I have to rename the signs. The station is great Stary! It opened a whole new world for FE. It put me to work.

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to be honest new more historically accurate factories could do the trick. I might be able to give it a try again

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If it was April 1st I wouldn't believe it! Just wow, that armoured train is actually moving...hopefully this can get ported over to the WWII terrains once you finish it.



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Wrench already used this station on his newest Norway/Northern Europe WW2 map

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but I don't have moving trains ...(sad face)

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Wrench already used this station on his newest Norway/Northern Europe WW2 map


Thanks, will look out for it.


but I don't have moving trains ...(sad face)


One day, I'm sure.

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The only way moving trains will work is 1. Someone has to lay all the tracks or paint them onto new train tiles. Then 2. All trains have to be TRANSPORT type ground objects. Which means all other TRANSPORT types have to be renamed something else. Even ships. Other wise ships and trucks will be ridin the rails too. So it's not really perfect. That's why I chose the Verdun terrain. Don't need any ships. Just trains and troop movement. Thanks to Stephen1918 big time! Without his trains this wouldn't even be. And there is a good handful of trains now. And one nice train station by Stary. If it wasn't for gerwins' TFD Tool I wouldn't be doing tis at all.

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A lot of work then! Probably only feasible for small terrians in dedicated, theatre-specific installls but possivble nonetheless. Give me trains over trucks any day of the week ;)

Edited by Steve T

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Gorgeous stuff!  You put a LOT of effort into that, and it shows.

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How do the trains handle the curved tracks?

Well.......for now they don't. They can, but I would have to create a perfect curve using 50 or more coordinates to get around the bend smoothly. Since they only appear one per mission, I just created long straightaways for them to travel on. And I made their speed slow enough so it takes a long time to get to the end of the path. It works just fine. Only I cant get the rest of my flight to target the trains. When they are the primary target and selected, I order my flight to attack. Then they fly away and bomb a different ground target. Stephen1918 and I were trying to figure it out. But so far nothings working.

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That's interesting.
I could paint a train to look like a hospital train. That second pic looks creepy. Like angels just waiting.

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Wow! MS Trainsim meets FE and goes to war! Can't wait to see this new Verdun terrain from my cockpit, looking forward to flying some Hat in the Ring missions, Navarre Nieuports and all the rest, plus now taking out a Gotha or an AEG to clobber those beautiful railway facilities!

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