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I have been reading a lot about Colombian air ops against the FARC, and also some of the "drug planes" intercepts the Central Maerican countries do in their COIn airplanes, and I have been searching the best way to fight a COIN style war In SF, what maps, planes and objects we can use, etc.


At the moment I have been using the armed twin of this beauty:




Is a real fun challenge flying this thing into a combat area, even If a COIN one.


I will love to fly this one in the future, I think is more a combat plane with more power available:




Baffmesiter made some trials with bellynlandings, and this two can be a cool candidate for such threatment. For small countries, the use of advanced armed trainers can be a cool and fun addition to the SF2 world. Planes like the Yak-130:




Or the Hawk 128:




Are fun to use against similar planes.


But what about maps and ground targets? Is there any way to have narco runways and narco planes? Do we have any map we can use for that kind of warfare? The addition of some guys with DShK AAA MG would be great, and a cool threat for this planes, sometimes a ZSU-23 is too much. And about narco runways, will be amazing If someone can design a short dirt runway for those narco planes.


Just trowing some ideas and experiences.



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At one time I was thinking a similar thought. I believe Wrench created a South/Central American terrain that you could use for a COIN environment.


My thoughts are it may be possible. I think you would have to modify the terrain_types.ini in order to limit ZSU-23's from showing up.


Here are my thoughts on COIN aircraft. Some are old birds that would be good for 1960's-1980's, while others are better sutied for more modern day COIN.




AC-47 / C-47

AC-119 series

AC-130 series



AT-6 series

BO 105

C-130 series



Cessna 180

Gazelle A1


Hawk 127

IA-58 Pucara

MD-500 series

MH-60 series

Mi-8 / Mi-17

MQ-1 / MQ-9


OV-10 series



Sa 341



Twin Otter

UH-1 / UH-60


I played around with a hasty airstrip that I created using one of the ground plates from Mitch's Factory but it needs work.


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an image of a suspect narco plane is intercepted in reality


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Where did you get the civilian Cessna from!?!?

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I  think this particular sim is slightly unappropiate for COIN missions, while with the proper modding it may be quite cool, the way the CAS missions are set up is not specially close to the level of, in example, air superiority combat. The way ground objects work, in particular infantry squads acting as tanks, and the lack of communications or FAC calling fire missions, the way the own missions are meant to be scripted an so on. Probably, i would like a multiplayer shoot'em up in the way it portrays the way the air units operate with the ground forces for that matter. Loved my old Battlefield Vietnam, but on the other hand, they wouldn´t be as close to the realism of a flight sim. If there was something like DCS made specifically for Vietnam, it would be the best possible solution. 

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i've gone to Arma3 for that result in all honesty.  Sure it's not as high fidelity as even SF2 or FSX or some other FPS games, I've done some good JFO/JTAC calls for fire on it, so yeah, it has to be developed with that sort of capability in mind in the first place.

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Ok guys, I'm getting involved more and more into this:


Torno, what terrain is that?


krfrge, that runway is capable of take off and landings? Are you planning to keep developing it?


Dtmdragon, I think that Cessna is from Capun sites.


Macelena and EricJ: I think we can sort out that If we can get Snoopy back somehow, and with mission editor getting mixed infantry attacks.


claw: I will take a look to this and Panama theatres.


Anyone have ideas for COIN style targets? Irregular campsites, ammo caches, convoys...

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Initially I built it as eye candy. I didnt have it set as an airfield but I could land and take off from it.


I left this project as is a long time ago but will start to rework it.



Edited by krfrge
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Initially I built it as eye candy. I didnt have it set as an airfield but I could land and take off from it.


I left this project as is a long time ago but will start to rework it.





And is possible to have it as a target area set with a working airfield selectable (AI should be able to use it too) for single missions/campaigns? Adding trees and concealed targets (HQ tents, trucks, ammo caches, AAA, storage bunkers...) as you started to do and making the layout texture blend with the terrain will give us a amazing COIN target envinroment.




As I posted in the pics, trees everywhere, and under trees the targets. Placing this into jungle tiles will give a sa nice target, destroying it can be a great fun.


Anyone know If we have MG as AAA? I need to search in the WW2 area, maybe I can found something.



P.S. Any idea for a insurgent airplane?? Should be easy to mantain and capable of landing on a dime. I think I can use the Antonov 2 Colt as a light bomber/transport. Any idea for a make up fighter?

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I have viewed your posting and will see about adding in the trees. I believe there is a 12.7mm AA pit from a WoV mod that was done a while back.


I also built a newer smaller airstrip this morning that may be more to your liking.



Thats an OV-10 on the airstrip.


Edited by krfrge

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I like both of them, and I'm sure we will be able to use both. I'm not at home so can't try it, but Green Hell 3 from Stary should work without problems with Pfunk achipelago terrain right? Maybe you can adapt ground texture to Green Hell?

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What about the Soko G2 Galeb for the insurgents? That and the An-2 Colt can be a nice addition. And If we need something more advanced the G4 Super Galeb can be used too.

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I would use the track green goose, the field Falkland basis of COIN aircraft, which will modify the TGA to show only traces of muddy tires. 

 in the future may fly this modernisado pucara the standard coin of future struggles



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I think SF2 fits Dave's concept of coin. Get a few units to show up on radar, drop a nuke from 40k feet, move to next target area

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The trees arent coorperating like I would like. Will continue my efforts.


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That damn squirrel had to loose his nut in the middle of the runway...

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talk to Rends kfrge,  he has done wonders with GermanyCE and this potential terrain could use tht forestry love

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@macelena - I hate when that happens


@daddyairplanes - will do

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Some improvements...



OV-10 final approach



Bird's eye view


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Thats what I imagined! Looks pretty cool mate! Possible to add more trees?

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Updates for you. I will keep working the trees. I will probably contact Rends to see if he will share his techniques.




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Is just amazing!! And will be possible to replace existing airfields with this "pack"??

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only if you can use the terrain editor (or maybe gerwin's tool)

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