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Then there is this idiot.....

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hopefully the four in critical pull through. also hopefully the jackass gets charged as an adult.......

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Knife, gun, airplane... Soon the politicians will get on TV and tell us how we need stricter knife sale restrictions.  :blink:


My thoughts and prayers to the families of those affected.

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hope for a speedy recovery to all the people who were hurt...

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Don't make me say I told you so. Just sayin.



Told us what? And I'm not trying to be a dick here either. Just trying to recall what you said. 

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People are idiots. 

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Well, weapons are only as dangerous as the person handling them. I believe that's what you're trying to say, Sky High.


Several people posted after Sandy Hook that if someone bent on causing trouble doesn't have access to a gun he'll use a knife. I'm guessing that Crazyhorse was one of them.


Still, a knife attack is generally not going to have the disastrous results of a gun attack (and I'm a gun owner opposed to excessive gun control laws). Any moron can rack up a high body count with a firearm and sufficient ammunition. You have to know what you're doing to come anywhere near that with a knife.



Then you have the mother who turned her son in because she felt he was planning a gun attack. She came unglued when he was convicted, screaming that he should receive "help", not be treated like a criminal. She stopped short of saying it, but the feeling I got was that if she had it to do over again she wouldn't have said anything. This jackass had bought weapons and written down his plans to shoot up a movie theater, later changing the site to a Walmart because he'd have access to a lot more ammunition, so it was highly likely that he eventually would have done it.


So I wonder how she would have felt if she hadn't turned him in and he had killed people?

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That 16 year old kid was not some ninja. He caught a lot of un-prepared people that have no clue to situational readiness and no idea about how to defend themselves, that's all. School is probably the perfect place for such conditions. I think these days, any moron can rack up a huge body count with any weapon; gun, knife, whatever, when people aren't paying attention. The links above demonstrate that. And that's exactly why I will carry my piece.

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Knife, gun, airplane... Soon the politicians will get on TV and tell us how we need stricter knife sale restrictions.  :blink:


My thoughts and prayers to the families of those affected.

In France, you cannot carry a knife which blade is larger than your hand unless it is properly packed (in a bag, box ...).

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In France, you cannot carry a knife which blade is larger than your hand unless it is properly packed (in a bag, box ...).


And just how long does it take to remove from that packing? And then go running down hallways like a berserker?


It's not like this kid was walking around with these blades in his hand all day and no one cared till he started swinging.

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And just how long does it take to remove from that packing? And then go running down hallways like a berserker?


It's not like this kid was walking around with these blades in his hand all day and no one cared till he started swinging.

Actually, it is a more for safety purpose as in France at least, the number of people wounded when they transport an unprotected knife of cutting object is much higher than the number of people wounded in a fight.


I have practiced fencing for more than 20 years and all the wounds heavier than a little blood on the nose or finger I saw were due to improper or stupid manipulation of the weapons, never during a "fight".


Still,  the police have a legal motivation (especially because actually the law saying something like "proper safe packaging" is a little vague) to confiscate them in case of risk of streetfight or similar situation and as such  it is very usefull.

There is basically 1/3 chance that this law would have avoided such drama.

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Carelessness is the cause of most auto accidents, and those kill more people every year than guns and knives combined, so that makes plenty of sense.


However, a crazy wielding knives is neither careless nor an accident. :grin:

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That 16 year old kid was not some ninja.

And his body count is zero. Several of the more severely injured have already been released from hospital. If he'd had a firearm...



He caught a lot of un-prepared people that have no clue to situational readiness and no idea about how to defend themselves, that's all. School is probably the perfect place for such conditions.


That goes along with something else I almost posted before. The advantage...the only advantage...a knife has over a firearm in this type of situation is its stealth. As some of the witnesses and victims said, even though they saw him walking down the hallway they had no idea what was going on until they started seeing blood. And even then it took a while for it to sink in. But if he'd had a gun everybody would have been more tuned in with the first shot, even before he came into view. So even though surprise was maintained for a longer period there were still no fatalities.



And, please, remember that I'm pro-gun. I am, however, anti-a**hole (meaning the a**holes who do stuff like this, whether it's with a firearm, a knife, a vehicle, a bomb or their fists). Punish theose who've shown they can't handle the responsibility, not those who've shown they can in the vain hope of preventing these things.

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Carelessness is the cause of most auto accidents, and those kill more people every year than guns and knives combined, so that makes plenty of sense.



In France, carelessness in the manipulation of weapons kill more people than their intentionnal use.

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