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UK Elections soon

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Hey that's pretty cool.




they're all criminals and scumbags.


Yea, but then what about the souls that vote them all in? An irrational conundrum.


There is an alternative to not voting. I need to make up a I wrote in Ron Paul bumper sticker. He's was not allowed on the ballot for the last two president selections.

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While i´m a little bit more optimistic than you, the only reason i go out in a Sunday for voting is because my mother wakes me up as soon as the schools open, with the ballot already enclosed in the envelope. "You live in my house. You know what´s good for you". For all i cared to know, i may be voting for the "Islamist Front for the Re-Hajijization of Al-Andalus"

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OK, so bring us up to speed on UK politics.  What are your options?

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The contenders:

Tories... problem... they're Tories
Labour.. problem... pretty sure they're Tories as well... getting kinda hard to tell the difference.
Lib-Dems... problem... they've been proven as part of the coalition to be completely spineless and incompetent.
Greens... nuff said...
UKIP... problem... closset Nazi's
BNP... problem... out of the closset Nazi's
MRLP... Most sensible of the lot... have been for some time...

Whats left?




N.B. hope this dosn't breach the no politics terms, if its any consolation I'm fair and even ballanced with nothing good to say about any of them  :bad:

Edited by fallenphoenix1986

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At least you have some choices. Here all we get is blueberry-flavored corporate shill or raspberry-flavored corporate shill (but for different companies), neither of which give a damn about us.

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 Tax his land,
Tax his bed,
Tax the table

At which he's fed.

Tax his work,
Tax his pay,
He works for peanuts

Tax his cow,
Tax his goat,
Tax his pants,
Tax his coat.

Tax his tobacco,
Tax his drink,
Tax him if he
Tries to think.

Tax his car,
Tax his gas,
Find other ways
To tax his ass.

Tax all he has
Then let him know
That you won't be done
Till he has no dough.

When he screams and hollers;
Then tax him some more,
Tax him till
He's good and sore.

Then tax his coffin,
Tax his grave,
Tax the sod in
Which he's laid.

When he's gone,
Do not relax,
It's time to apply
The inheritance tax.

Accounts Receivable Tax
Airline surcharge tax
Airline Fuel Tax
Airport Maintenance Tax
Building Permit Tax
Cigarette Tax
Cooking Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Goods and Services Tax (GST)
Death Tax
Driving Permit Tax
Environmental Tax (Fee)
Excise Taxes
Income Tax
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Petrol Tax (too much per litre)
Gross Receipts Tax
Health Tax
Heating Tax
Inheritance Tax
Interest Tax
Lighting Tax
Liquor Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Mortgage Tax
Pension Tax
Personal Income Tax
Property Tax
Poverty Tax
Prescription Drug Tax
Real Estate Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Retail Sales Tax
Service Charge Tax
School Tax
Telephone Tax
Value Added Tax
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Water Tax
Workers Compensation Tax
Tax (VAT) on Tax.
And Now they want a blooming Carbon Tax!

Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, & our nation was one of the most prosperous in the world... We had absolutely no national debt, had a large middle class,a huge manufacturing base, and Mum stayed home to raise the kids.

What in the Hell happened? Could it be the lying parasitic politicians wasting our money?
Oh, and don't forget the relatively new bank charges....
And we all know what we think of Bankers.

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Allegedly of course.................






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Well, what's frightening or, perhaps, somewhat reassuring, is that everybody in the west seems to feel the same with politicians. 


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We all stand together in our mutual disdain!

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One of the best commentaries on elections was the eqpisode from Blackadder the Third. Loved it. The "Standing-in-the-Back-Looking-Stupid" Party. Hi-lar-ious.


I understand your elections in the UK are called, not regularly scheduled as here in the States. At least that gives some break. Here the campaigning for the next election starts pretty much as soon as the polls close, if not before.

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Well,im voting for those who make scroungers ,and lazy fuckers who dont like work,get off their asses,also the elderly should be looked after,and the immigration tightened like australia have,dont get me wrong,I mean ANYONE whatever colour,or nationality,if you are bring something into the country and are making a contribution...fine,if coming here to get easy life on benefit...sorry,you are out....then they get my vote.

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Good to know here that we are not the only one's with" lying sleaze bucket toe rags".

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Yup, Europe needs a big nasty kick to restart itself, otherwise, SubSharan news networks will report about famine in 3rd world Europe...the s**t is going crazier by the day...

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OK, so, what are the primary concerns going on right now in the UK?  Economics?  Social issues?  I confess a lot of ignorance here.

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The contenders:


Tories... problem... they're Tories

Labour.. problem... pretty sure they're Tories as well... getting kinda hard to tell the difference.

Lib-Dems... problem... they've been proven as part of the coalition to be completely spineless and incompetent.

Greens... nuff said...

UKIP... problem... closset Nazi's

BNP... problem... out of the closset Nazi's

MRLP... Most sensible of the lot... have been for some time...


Whats left?




N.B. hope this dosn't breach the no politics terms, if its any consolation I'm fair and even ballanced with nothing good to say about any of them  :bad:



You have missed one more option  - stand for election and vote for yourself  :biggrin:

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John Cleese for PM !!!!

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OK, so, what are the primary concerns going on right now in the UK?  Economics?  Social issues?  I confess a lot of ignorance here.

I think it's pretty much the same in the entire Europe, governments are over-reaching and running on tax-craze and that is smothering the economy...

Socially I'd say there are problems but I'm quite conservative for European standards so I choose to evade that part to avoid this going too political...

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John Cleese for PM !!!!


To be frank, i don't think that he could do much worse than the idiots that we have in charge at the moment!


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But then who'd handle the Ministry of Silly Walks?


Unfortunately the Ministry of Silly Walks would be abolished due to Austerity cutbacks  :biggrin:

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