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Dassault Super Etendard Pak

Dassault Super Etendard Pak (SEM)


For SF2, Any & All (Full-4 Merged Prefered)


The Super Etendard is a carrier-based single-seat strike fighter first introduced into service in 1978. It is an updated version of the Etendard IVM. Based on experience gained during the Korean war (1950-53), French authorities drew up specifications for a light interceptor. This definition was rapidly assimilated into a program for a light tactical bomber that could also fulfil an air superiority mission. At the same time, NATO published its requirements for the LWTSF (Light Weight Tactical Strike Fighter). In response, the Dassault company presented its Mirage and Etendard aircraft.


Package includes:

Super Etendard;

Super Etendard SEM 1;

Super Etendard SEM 2;

Super Etendard SEM 3;

Super Etendard SEM 4;

Super Etendard SEM 5;

Super Etendard Iraq;

Super Etendard Argentine Navy;

5 skins;

Adjusted weapons loadouts.


Super Etendard by foxmonter.

Texture and decals modification - denis oliveira , FRPignon.

Template texture - FLOGGER23.

Cockpit modification - FRPignon.

Raven_claws 2.0 weapon pack.


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Denis: that's what I was looking for .....


..... an IRAQI and ARA versions too would be very welcome.



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It is fully compatible with SF2NA , so now you can enjoy the Foch , the Charles de Gaulle and the 25 de Mayo with their precise  aircraft.

Edited by FRPignon
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We have this new Super Etendard pack and... we have Super Denis Team! :)

Edited by Coupi

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Out Damn Standing! 

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Nice Job guys!!!! Be interesting to have some more info on what each upgrade added in real life?


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Denis: that's what I was looking for .....


..... an IRAQI and ARA versions too would be very welcome.




Armada de la República Argentina 





Edited by FRPignon
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I'm going to take a while to complete the template high resolution super etendard

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been checking this out and noticed that the fuselage is missing in the rear view mirror

only the tail and wings show up... something's missing in the data.ini??

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In the data ini




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