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not necesarily.  PM him and see.  doubt YAP can lay claim to his work, not to mention they're going out of business (and therefore unlikely to push the issue methinks).  worst that can happen is Crab says no and we are still without.

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Assembly line keeps rolling...











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OMG! That is awesome! Do the guns work? 

Edited by viper63a

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OMG! That is awesome! Do the guns work? 




Aiming them effectively is the only issue...



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Dels, you will need to create one more C-130J for the Luftwaffe, they have ordered 6 of them and they will arrive at around 2021. As a interim solution for the A-400M ... 

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Dels, you will need to create one more C-130J for the Luftwaffe, they have ordered 6 of them and they will arrive at around 2021. As a interim solution for the A-400M ... 


If they're just stock C-130Js then it's just a new skin which will be easy for anyone to make once I've uploaded the photoshop templates.



Edited by Dels

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To be honest, i have no idea :biggrin:


The day i have posted this message, was the anouncment of the Luftwaffe order to Lockheed. Would be cool to have later some What if green camo Luftwaffe Hercs... But thats not your Business ;)

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Still making progress:








EC-130H Compass Call






I'll be uploading some more pics soon.



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Great job as always Dels, really looking nice and good variety including the Electronic Combat Group...keep rocking!  :good:  

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USAF C-130Es:








USAF Euro 1:




USAF Grey (62AS):







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two questions one for Dels and one for the greater community watching this project


Dels- will your current E serve as a good stand in for decal placement on these new birds? i asked awhile back but honestly don't remember the answer


CA at large- i am starting to do my research on ANG use of this aircraft, in particular the A,B,E and H variants. once ive got decal placement down (the decal.ini) would anyone be interested in joining me on this? i will be working the SEA and Euro 1 skins as that is mainly what i have reference for (esp the World Air Power Journal book on the ANG  from 1992) but once the decal ini and templates are good should be nothing to plug in the markings for later units (Air Mobility Command era esp light gray)


this is still abit of a ways off, as i am now looking up good reference pics and serials on C-130.net then airliners.net and google. My goal is to have two serial per operational unit in a skin

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Dels- will your current E serve as a good stand in for decal placement on these new birds? i asked awhile back but honestly don't remember the answer


Unfortunately no. The positions are roughly the same, but some of the mesh names have changed and some have moved slightly.


I can upload the current Decal.ini here if you would like, but you wouldn't really be able to test it until you have the model.



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well for my purposes that might be okayish.  esp with the LOD viewer changing a mesh name is nothing now,  but dancing the coordinates still takes some time.  sooo if the positions match  i'm in business, even if i gotta tweek it some on the final.  as stated above, tearing up C-130.net and google for USAF serials (active, AFRes and ANG) through about 1992 (maybe later 90s but not past 99)


wouldnt be a all air force serials like most everyone else does  that would be freaking huge.  aiming for two serials per unit, 3 eras a decade plus maybe two for Vietnam and one for ODS. also probably broken into Pacific and European groups with ANG and AFRes birds mixed as the pics show them being involved.  not a whole lot of work then :crazy:

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Still going...


RAAF C-130A with 36 SQN natural metal skin (including bump and spec maps):







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USAF C-130A "First Lady" with a Roman nose:







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Beautiful C-130s... skin riveting looks very good! :good:

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Outstanding work! Hope to see a Gunship version of the 'A' for WOV era.

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if you dont skin that Roman bird in Lizard Green, you know I will! :biggrin:   (and yes some did serve long enough to get painted that!)


bad-ish news tho,  was building up a collection of reference photos (and serial nums) from C-130.net when my desktop HD crashed.  might be able to retrieve that folder but gotta get a new bit of gear at months end to try.  had well over 100 pics with the model, year, SN and unit in the filename :angry:   and no old heads i was in the middle of it when it happened. had planned for it to go to external when i was done for the day

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