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Hawk Wars Episode I : Attack of the Drones ?

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The bird almost scored a goal!

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He came in like a fighter jet on that drone!

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He's going home in a box !!!!!

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That was a juvenile red-tailed hawk.  They mostly feed on terrestrial prey (they love rabbits), and seldom hunt birds on the wing, so I'd say that was more than likely a case of it defending its hunting grounds.


An interesting side-note: Whenever Hollywood shows a raptor in scene, irregardless of the species, they almost always use a Redtailed Hawk's "Ki-Yiiiiiiiii !" scream, instead of that bird's actual call.  Eagles, falcons, and ospreys do not sound like this, only Redtailed Hawks:




Edited by Fubar512

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I always laugh when I hear the same "squeaky metal door opens" sound or the "dopplerized semi horn" as a truck goes by (like truck drivers just regularly blare their horns for no reason other than driving by something).


Don't forget that bizarre "silenced gun" sound that doesn't sound like any gun, silenced or otherwise.

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The silencer part allows made me laugh.


Here's a nice comparison video of a Walter P-22 with and without a suppressor (silencer).  Note that the shooter is using normal, supersonic ammo during both demonstrations, so one still hears the echoing "crack" made by the rounds as they exceed Mach 1.  If he had used sub-sonic ammo, all that one would hear is would be a "pffft" sound (until the round strikes something solid).


Edited by Fubar512

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That was a juvenile red-tailed hawk.  They mostly feed on terrestrial prey (they love rabbits), and seldom hunt birds on the wing, so I'd say that was more than likely a case of it defending its hunting grounds.


An interesting side-note: Whenever Hollywood shows a raptor in scene, irregardless of the species, they almost always use a Redtailed Hawk's "Ki-Yiiiiiiiii !" scream, instead of that bird's actual call.  Eagles, falcons, and ospreys do not sound like this, only Redtailed Hawks:







So totally unrelated but I heard that scream today at work and thought it was an Eagle ... but didn't see one. So here I am enjoying CombatACE and boom mystery solved. Thank you so much sir for that.


Back to the topic.


That was awesome video however I've been watching these programs that come on 20/20 or Dateline where they review viral videos and all that. I'm wondering if this is one of those vidoes. I'm not saying that it is I'm not saying that it isn't I'm just saying that I'm wondering if it could be.


Nevertheless that was an aweomse video

I always laugh when I hear the same "squeaky metal door opens" sound or the "dopplerized semi horn" as a truck goes by (like truck drivers just regularly blare their horns for no reason other than driving by something).


Don't forget that bizarre "silenced gun" sound that doesn't sound like any gun, silenced or otherwise.


I watching world wildest police chases. And they used those very effects. Everytime a car drives by a big truck it's the same sound.

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So totally unrelated but I heard that scream today at work and thought it was an Eagle ... but didn't see one. So here I am enjoying CombatACE and boom mystery solved. Thank you so much sir for that.




LOL, I hope I'm not adding to the confusion, but quite often, it's not a Red Tailed Hawk that you hear....it's a Blue Jay imitating a hawk to scare other birds away from a potential meal!


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Looks more like to me the bird lands on it not attack it...seems to be sat on it....he puts on the brakes and wings in land mode....

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Looks more like to me the bird lands on it not attack it...seems to be sat on it....he puts on the brakes and wings in land mode....

That's how they attack prey, Russ.  They flare their wings and tail to slow their momentum, and then extend their talons just before the strike. Here's a vid of a Goshawk attacking a water-filled balloon in slow motion.


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LOL, I hope I'm not adding to the confusion, but quite often, it's not a Red Tailed Hawk that you hear....it's a Blue Jay imitating a hawk to scare other birds away from a potential meal!



Well that answered that question too. I do hear that cry quite often. But the one from the red tail hawk was very unique compared to the other calls I remember hearing. Not only that I do remember now seeing a hawk flying and landing in a tall pine tree. It was too far away for me to see in full detial but I do remember seeing something that looked like a hawk with a white belly. So the photos and sound you had really helped with IDing it. There are couple that one might see every once in a great while in my area. But I think this one was just passing by because I don't hear him all the time. The blue jays on the other hand; I hear those all the time (or at least until it got purty freaking cold)

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Bloody Jihadist Hawks...they'll be taking out Cruise Missiles next!

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