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Indeed! It would be great to be able to read the LOD based terrain! Not like there's much there, really, but I could refine the target placement of the upgrade I did a few years back

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What I really hope is a TOD editor...

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Personally, hope support for LOD based terrain ends up on the bottom - such an unoptimized, clunky terrain rendering approach with such little potential.  TOD support would be really interesting, and would love to see progress made on that feature.  But above all this:  would much, much rather see enhancements to the existing tool such as support for copy/paste, display of world/map coordinates, etc. ability to group and move objects as a group, etc.  

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12 hours ago, swambast said:

Personally, hope support for LOD based terrain ends up on the bottom - such an unoptimized, clunky terrain rendering approach with such little potential.  TOD support would be really interesting, and would love to see progress made on that feature.  But above all this:  would much, much rather see enhancements to the existing tool such as support for copy/paste, display of world/map coordinates, etc. ability to group and move objects as a group, etc.  

Me too.

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I'm looking for a wee bit of support in using this tool.

I am having the same problems as Raven reported way back in Page 1 of this post - i.e. I get a CTD when I try to load the terrain/target areas to edit.

I've followed the instructions in the readme - e.g. path to terrain ini, etc -  with no success. Does the editor work on a fully merged SF2NA install??.......or do I have to have a seperate install without SF2NA??

Any help/support would be gratefully received.

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Got a small problem with the TAE. Dummbass me by accident closed the box that has the complete listing of all items in the types ini. On mine, it (used to) sit on the right side of the view pane

anyone know how I can get it back????



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Never mind, I fixed it!!! sheesh ... gotta be more attentive to what I'm doing!

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