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Hey, Martin, what do you know, another Martin in this thread...  :biggrin:

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found it

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Just out of Kevin's paint barn

the cat or panther  is out of the bag









Edited by Veltro2k
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Such a purdy boid!


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Bueatiful in an Ugly way - Awsome work and addition to the series Veltro...............BRAVO!

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Skins and fm  By Wrench  who I think did an awesome job :clapping:  :clapping: :clapping:  

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I didn't know this plane! Very impressive mod!!!



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Thanks mate for building it!!

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Worth a ride... Kidding, it´s a bloody awesome work and the black dress looks even great! Pity that the Martin B-57 won the competition. :bowdown2:

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that's some really ugly plane there

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What other sim has so many a\c that never get to see the light of day...we build anything here at CA for SF series....

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AND do if for free, with NO restrictions or other BS

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YS Flight has more -do we want to drown in YSFlight quality* models here too? Serious question...


*which on it's own is lovely when you consider specific and adorable old school art direction of YSF

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