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SF2 F-15 Eagle Super Pack Redux 2018

This is a full stand-alone pack, no other mod packs are required. This pack is a REPLACEMENT and NOT an upgrade for FastCargo's F-15 Super Pack. You cannot simply install and over-write Fastcargo's F-15 Super Pack with this pack. Nor, can you over-write this pack with Fastcargo's F-15 Super Pack. This pack contains higher resolution jpeg skin files, so if you over-write Fastcargo's pack with this one, you will never see the new skins. If you over-write this pack with Fastcargo's pack, you will lose all the latest data files for flight model, weapons loadout and etc. If you just want the upgraded skins, those skins are available separately in the Skins section of this site. A later versions of those skins are already in this pack, so please don't upgrade this pack with earlier version of Viper63a's skins. Please refer to the "Installation" section in the Readme file, it will explain how you can install this of both packs
- The Mudhen Team!
This pack contains all F-15A thru D Eagle variants (including Js). If you want the F-15E Strike Eagle variants (including SE), you can find them here.
What's included in this mod pack?
** Main Package:
1) All NEW 4096x Skins in JPG format and tons of new decals (also includes optional 2048x skins).
2) Repainted Cockpits by Viper63a and RWR list by Spudknocker.
3) All NEW updated Data and Loadout files from Spudknocker and Fanatic Modder.
4) All NEW 1920x1080 *Hangar.jpg, *Loading.jpg and *Loadout.tga (also includes optional 1024x768 screens).
5) Excellent new weapons and ejection seats from Ravenclaw_007!
6) Excellent Florian Pilot upgrades by JAT81500!
7) Excellent Hi-Rez F-15A skins from Pappy!
* Included Jets:
F-15A/B, F-15A/B BAZ (+AUP), F-15C/D, F-15C/D Akef (+AUP), F-15C/D HAF, F-15C/D SAF, F-15DJ, F-15J JASDF including fictional HAF anf GAF Eagles.
* Included squadrons:
USAF: 1st Wing (LA/FF), 3rd Wing (AK), 18th Wing (ZZ), 32nd Wing (CR), 33rd Wing (EG), 36th Wing (BT), 48th Wing (LN), 49th Wing (HO), 85the Wing (IS), 154th ANG (HH), 325th Wing (TY and 318th Star), 366th Wing (MO) and the 405th Wing (LA). All or some of the squadrons from these Wings are represented in this pack. 
IDF: Two variations of the Israeli 133rd (Twin Tail) and 106th (Spearhead) Squadrons.
JASDF: 201st, 203rd, 204th, 303rd, 304th, 305th, 306th, and Aggressors Squadrons.
SAF: 5th and 13th Squadrons.
HAF: Fictional 338th (Ares) and 339th (Ajax) Squadrons.
GAF: Fictional Jg71N90J, Jg72N90J, Jg73N90J and Jg74N90J Squadrons.
** The same squadrons may be represented in many different folders (81, 85...etc), but the planes gets dirtier with age and the decals changes, and weapon capabilities and loadout changes with the years.
** Optional Package: (You're on your own here...for advanced players...)
Please refer to the Readme in the "Optional" folder to...
1) Install Additional/Alternate 1024x768 and 1920x1080 Hangar and Loading screens.
2) Install 1024x768 Hangar and Loading screens. This pack has 1920x1080 screens by default.
3) Downgrade the default 4096x to 2048x skins if you have performance issues with the larger skins.
>> WARNING! Read Carefully if you have or plan to install Fastcargo's F-15 Super Pack...
!! First and always - BACKUP! Make of copy of the F-15* folders in your Mod folders...Objects\Aircraft and Decals folders...
** Option 1) If you already have Fastcargo's F-15 Super Pack or a previous version of this pack installed...
   a) Backup and delete the following folders (if you have them) in <Your mod folder locations>\Objects\Aircraft\...
!! DO NOT DELETE the stock TW "F-15A_Baz" folder! This pack DOES NOT REPLACE stock TW "F-15A_Baz"!
   *) Note: You can combine all the "To_Mod_Folder" folders and then copy the content to your Saved Game mod folder if you like.
   b) Copy the contents of the uncompressed "To_Mod_Folder" folder from the ACF15AB pack into your Saved Game mod folder. Overwrite any conflicts.
   c) Copy the contents of the uncompressed "To_Mod_Folder" folder from the ACF15CD pack into your Saved Game mod folder. Overwrite any conflicts.
   d) Copy the contents of the uncompressed "To_Mod_Folder" folder from the ACF15DJ pack into your Saved Game mod folder. Overwrite any conflicts.
   e) Copy the contents of the uncompressed "To_Mod_Folder" folder from the F15_ETC pack into your Saved Game mod folder. Overwrite any conflicts.
** Option 2) If you installed this mod and want to install Fastcargo's F-15 Super Pack...
   a) Install Fastcargo's F-15 Super Pack and overwrite...
   b) Go back to install option 1)...
** Option 3) If you don't have Fastcargo's F-15 Super Pack already install...
   *) Note: You can combine all the "To_Mod_Folder" folders and then copy the content to your Saved Game mod folder if you like.
   a) Copy the contents of the uncompressed "To_Mod_Folder" folder from the ACF15AB pack into your Saved Game mod folder. Overwrite any conflicts.
   b) Copy the contents of the uncompressed "To_Mod_Folder" folder from the ACF15CD pack into your Saved Game mod folder. Overwrite any conflicts.
   c) Copy the contents of the uncompressed "To_Mod_Folder" folder from the ACF15DJ pack into your Saved Game mod folder. Overwrite any conflicts.
   d) Copy the contents of the uncompressed "To_Mod_Folder" folder from the F15_ETC pack into your Saved Game mod folder. Overwrite any conflicts.
Add F15 SoundList
Lastly, but highly recommended. Read the "Add F15 SoundList.txt" readme file on adding the F-15 sound files included in this pack to your "Flight\SoundList.ini" file.
Thats it - Enjoy!
The Mudhen Maintenance Team 2016
Viper63a - Upgraded Skins, Decals, Cockpit and Menu Screens.
Spudknocker - Upgraded Flight Model and Weapons Loadout.
Fanatic Modder - Upgraded Flight Model and Engine Emitters.
Crusader - Upgraded and added 2012 FM and Cockpits to pack!
RavenClaw_007 - Freaking insane Weapons and Ejection Seats!
JAT81500 - For the excellent Florian Pilot upgrades!
Hi Ho Silvers - AfterBurner Mod.
Nengajyou Aki -JASDF Serial Decals.
Stick - Beta testing and assistance with FM - THANK YOU!
April 2016
Salute to the 2010 F-15 Super Pack Team for the original
F-15 Super Pack!
TK - For the ThirdWire series of sims.
The Mirage Factory - For the nice F-15D MSIP aircraft...in particular Flying Toaster, wpnssgt, and Dave for making the F-15 MAX files available for me to play with.
Kei Nagase - For the awesome skins for the F-15 ACTIVE.
AleDucat - For the nice ACES II ejection seat models.
Deuces - For the F-15 Afterburner and weapon effects.
Diego - For the Modern USAF Pilot skins.
Fubar512 - For the FM work.
JimmyBib - For the F-15C cockpit flight control textures.
MoonJumper - Avionics work.
Sundowner - Textures.
USAFMTL/Dave - Decals.
Wpnssgt - Models, Textures.
Kesselburt - Original F-15C cockpit.
Kout - Loading and Hanger Screens.
Kct - Textures and decals for the F-15SG.
Brain32 - Improved/new textures for F-15C cockpit.
Mago - F-15E Cockpit.
331KillerBee - SF2 Weapons Pack (basis for some of the weapons included).
Lexx Luthor - Siberian Sky Experimental 3-D Rocket Exhaust
JAT81500 - F-15E Cockpit avionics and HUD work.
To my fellows at Combatace for helping me beta test and work out bugs.
Any errors or mistakes are entirely mine.
12 Jan 10


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You guys rock! thanks so much!

Now, this guys really rocks!


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Superb job gents!

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Please forgive my English is not good, I hope you can understand as much as possible in context what I mean.

It's a good pack , thanks for your great work!

1.The F-15C_Akef_85_DATA is old one,we test it, 40% of the thrust only to fly more than 200kt in 10000 feet.

the file of data wrote this:"// WOX 2008 Flight Model",so I said this is a old data,we hope you can use the same date as other one.

2.1.My friend suggested the leftwing and rightwing CLa  to 1.55, we believe this is more realistic.my friend told me he think the 1.55 is right,but I'm not sure ,If we're wrong, please forgive us.

3.I think the thrust axis and the value has a problem,  I think the thrust of F100_PW-220 should change to 65000.you can check the data.and I suggest change the thrust axis to “ThrustPosition=-0.721,-6.50,-0.00 and ThrustPosition=0.721,-6.50,-0.00".and I suggest change some data to this:

I made reference to the value of TK F-15A engine, and think it is reasonable, of course, this is just recommendations.


4.My friend think the Canopy shape of F-15A\C is not right.

that's all at the moment , thanks for your great work .If we are not right ,please tell me and forgive us.

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Who is your friend, pray tell?

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Who is your friend, pray tell?

He dose not have CA ID,he just is a player of SF

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Please forgive my English is not good, I hope you can understand as much as possible in context what I mean.

It's a good pack , thanks for your great work!

1.The F-15C_Akef_85_DATA is old one,we test it, 40% of the thrust only to fly more than 200kt in 10000 feet.

the file of data wrote this:"// WOX 2008 Flight Model",so I said this is a old data,we hope you can use the same date as other one.

2.1.My friend suggested the leftwing and rightwing CLa  to 1.55, we believe this is more realistic.my friend told me he think the 1.55 is right,but I'm not sure ,If we're wrong, please forgive us.

3.I think the thrust axis and the value has a problem,  I think the thrust of F100_PW-220 should change to 65000.you can check the data.and I suggest change the thrust axis to “ThrustPosition=-0.721,-6.50,-0.00 and ThrustPosition=0.721,-6.50,-0.00".and I suggest change some data to this:

I made reference to the value of TK F-15A engine, and think it is reasonable, of course, this is just recommendations.


4.My friend think the Canopy shape of F-15A\C is not right.

that's all at the moment , thanks for your great work .If we are not right ,please tell me and forgive us.


No need to apologize. This is how it works, this is how things get better and we all learn from one another. Appreciate your interest and suggestions. We can look at this...



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A very nice package, indeed!

But i think the FM need a update, the FM is "overpowered".
For example, the F-15DJ with heavy payloads can reach Mach1 whitout afterburner at sea level.
Or supercruise at high alt.

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Thank you guys for this package...........SUPERB!

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Superb indeed! I can live without the tweaks, but once posted, I´ll grab it. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!

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A very nice package, indeed!


But i think the FM need a update, the FM is "overpowered".

For example, the F-15DJ with heavy payloads can reach Mach1 whitout afterburner at sea level.

Or supercruise at high alt.

I came back after a few hours of flight.
Some suggestions, in addition to FM review that described above:
- The canopy in the single-seat version is a little different from the original, especially the curvature above the driver's head.
The original TW Eagle can give you a basis for comparison.
- I believe that the simulation of the ailerons, stabilizers and rudders is not 100% correct. If I'm not mistaken, above Mach 1, the Eagle only use the stabilizers to make the roll movement.
- The Loadout some versions is wrong, and is duplicating some missile rails:

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Canopy, We're using F-15C LODs, there are no F-15A LODs in the pack, so yes the canopy will not look like stock TW F-15A. There is nothing we can do about the canopy, someone who can model will have to change that. 


Ailerons, I believe TW stock does the same thing. We can turn them on or off, bur we can't stop them from working after Mach1.


Weapons, Did you select the weapons or is that default from loadout.ini? Which plane and what mission profle?

Edited by viper63a

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I think madvad has loaded those Sparrows on the CFT stations (without the CFTs) in addition to the standard stations. The loadouts provided are fine otherwise.


The entry MaxControlSpeed=180 works for the rudders so I think this may be applied to the ailerons. Will have to experiment.

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I think the stock F-15 has a better representation in the roll-axis (not as twitchy in roll-rate but crisper roll-acceleration), while the superpack is better in pitch.

The take-off is a bit arkward: The elevators become effective too late, but tend to overcontrol. The Stock-F-15 just rotates on it's own, though.


The landing-gear acuation in the F-15 is pretty quick IRL (about 2-3s) - with the superpack it's hard to have the gear tucked away below 280KIAS.


Just a couple of things I recognized. Getting the roll-behaviour right is a PITA - have tried that on different airplanes a million times myself and have never quite been satisfied....

Edited by Toryu

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I think madvad has loaded those Sparrows on the CFT stations (without the CFTs) in addition to the standard stations. The loadouts provided are fine otherwise.

Ok, i test and you is right.


In the same rail we have a choice between 4 Sparrows or a CFT.

But i think the Sparrows options need to be deleted.

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BTW: You just made me buy a sh1tload of F-15 books. Thanks for that!  :blackeye:

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Uploaded Version 1.05 - 2016\06\17

> Corrected F-15A_Baz_91.ini typo - Reported by Stick.
> Calibrated Gun Aiming - Reported by Stick.
> Tweaked F-15A Flight Controls, minor changes.
> Japanese F-15 loadout confirmed\fix by FM - Reported by strahi.
> More Skin enhancements and tweaks. Added 5 new F-15A Squadrons.

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Hello uys.
I install the updated 1.05 version.

And whats is happened:


The ejection seat not work and this fakepilot appear...and i check again and again, and all is OK in the installation for me.
I the earlier version, this not happened.

Some tip about?

Edited by madvad

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Nevermind, i fix it ;)

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LOL...looks like a stowaway hiding on the centerline tank?


OK, what was wrong?

I installed a mod who automatically created the "Pilots" folder.

I use all the "pilots" archives inside the same folder of the Aircrafts.

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What's New in Version 1.07 - 2016\07\04

> All new Flight Model with assistance from Stick using Crusader's 2012 files

> Cockpit tweaks for Pre-1985 Cockpits using Crusader's 2012 files

> Tweak loadout for JSDAF jets.

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With v1.07 release, All the issues\concerns reported with v1.05 should be resolved? F-15 can no longer super cruise (without AB), the throttle settings were completely changed (AB start at 85%, not 70%), the ACM handling should be similar to TW stock...


In v1.07, we upgraded the older FastCargo FM with the work done by Crusader in 2012. Then we bumped that up some with what Fanatic and Spudknocker added for this pack in 2016. So this should the latest "best of breed" FM available for the F-15...its a big pack, so we didn't get a chance to test everything. We're guessing you will tell us if we missed something....



Edited by viper63a
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