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Strike Fighters 2 Screenshots Thread

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You lookin' at ME???


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So in my everlasting quest for how much BS i can get away with in Vietnam, i felt like starting a what-if campaign. IRL, Johnson asked Franco for some sort of Spanish support againt Communism in Vietnam when the war started. Franco sent a letter back, telling him that the US would loose the war because communism looks great when you are piss poor, and sent a Field Hospital, but no combat troops. So i thought "What if he pulled something ludicrous such as sending HA-1112s (Bf109s with Merlin engines, as seen in Battle of Britain) as COIN aircraft?" Lacking HA-1112s, got the stock Avia S-199. 

Turns out...you can outMiG the MiGs


Edited by macelena
Poor written expression
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Part 2

Went out to bomb Vinh's runway. I wasn't sure two S-199 could carry enough payload to do the job, so i got 8. When i dropped my bomb, and waited to see if the rest of the flight could get some more hits, i managed to hit another MiG-17 and shoot an aileron off. However, he flew away, and started getting chased by two Crusaders and a Phantom that wanted to steal my kill.img00048.thumb.JPG.5d6534b617a66ddf4be84960334ea201.JPG

So here we have an F-8 crawling up on him, while another just breaks off after wasting all his ammo, since he is a dogfighter and can't hit anything if it isn't turning. Then there is a Phantom who almost shot his sidewinder into the first Crusader.


Meanwhile, the Spanish pilot thinks about how his life led him to this moment "I could be flying an F-104 back home"


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Less known USAF aircraft, early in the Vietnam War


F-102A, CAP over Thailand


F-104C, Escort into North Vietnam


F-5C Skoshi Tiger, CAS in the DMZ


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VPAF F-5Es solving a dispute with PLAAF J-6s



Should have gone medieval on the second one, but got lazy. 


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Sabre Leader "Noice kill"

Sabre Wingman "Oi mate, you sure that's what the Yanks meant when they asked us to act as Aggressors?"

Sabre Leader "Wot? This is aggressive"



Meanwhile, in Thailand:

Phantom Leader "Keep looking out boys, these Aussies are sneaky, we are getting some good training against them MiG-17s"

Phantom No4 "So that's why they paint snakes on their tails?" 

Phantom Leader "You shut up"


Edited by macelena
Miswrote, if that's a word
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Mirage IIIEA Argentine Air Force Low Pass       PD:Credits for denissoliveira



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Mirage interception squad of the Argentine air force

in the squad are the models Mirage IIIEA, Mirage IIIDA, Mirage V Mara and Mirage V Finger                       made by denissoliveira



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Last minute save, strafed the radar right after launch



The irony of using guns to strafe a target in order to save rockets, and scrape away a couple of full, brand new pods for going too low.


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Somewhere near the Kuril islands in the 1970th.



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