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Strike Fighters 2 Screenshots Thread

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13 hours ago, daddyairplanes said:

shoulda sent a Viper in to do a little SEAD first

id say keep it low and fast, but you were in a Frogfoot....

meanwhile, with a unit and scheme few will likely recall....


If the Viper (or any jet) had PGMs then it's doable, sneak up on it and waste it. But a HARM shot would be a waste of a good missile. The two S-300s we have in the Downloads section are setup (like the real one) to distract and prevent HARMs from shooting it, so low and fast and locked on with a Mav or so would do the trick.


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Looping over Guernsey island.


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Red Devils of Tripoli.


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Bridge-busting with mk.84s, and POL strikes with mk.82s.


The first picture confuses me. I'm flying with the 555th TFS at Udorn RTAFB in Rolling Thunder, and some time in 1966 we received an upgrade to F-4D (first pic), but without the TID under the nose? Then in '67 (just a few missions later), the F-4D with the vector RHAW with the TID returned. I couldn't find any reference to a model with a deleted TID except the later Navy models or the RAF export models. What am I missing?




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On 8/8/2024 at 9:48 PM, daddyairplanes said:

shoulda sent a Viper in to do a little SEAD first

id say keep it low and fast, but you were in a Frogfoot....

I was the SEAD. That site wasn't the primary target but I at least wanted to hit the radar after they shot down my wingman. 1994 Black Sea Crisis campaign. Weasel Flankers are still 28 years away.


Off to snap some pictures in the PRC. (Yes Formosa Freedom Enhancement is still ongoing just at a slower pace so I don't lose interest)


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5 hours ago, Viggen said:

Off to snap some pictures in the PRC

ha! Been there today too...



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well, damn. and Im just stuck in Lincoln MAP.......


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IFR; I Follow Rivers


(that not what that means)

fine, VFR; visually follow rivers


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test flight with my new Firestreak and Red Top missiles





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Hi.  First time poster.  Just got back into SF2 after it being quite a while.  Was feeling like doing some Korean War action with the Korean War mod.  


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Posted (edited)

Sundowner's New Photo Phantoms are out



no Marines were harmed while getting these screenies. This was an exposure sortie prior to the unit's return to Vietnam :biggrin:

Edited by daddyairplanes
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Eject ! Eject ! 


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20 hours ago, Coupi said:

Eject ! Eject !

" now if i say Eject!Eject!Eject! you pull those handles above your head. Be advised, if you say What? you'll be talking to yourself..."


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Skyhawk destruction with a Far East flavor....


I had no idea of what he was doing or where he'd been.....


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i didnt know there was this much green in the whole sim....... :lol:



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