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New bullet impact routine for EAWPRO

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Since stock v1.2's gunvalues don't allow the gun's full ranges to be used and the weapon names don't work when values are in between two callibres the routine was rewritten. It will allow deviations from the standard hitpower without loosing the weapon names and adds the possibillity of a 50mm weapon or higher.

The stock values are 2, 4, 12, 24, however any single byte value can be used, so the maximum hitpower value can be 255. That would probably be a callibre the size of a medieval canonball or so, which is obviously not very usefull but it can be set. I've choosen 36 for the 50mm, since the value is the same when the 20 and 30 mm hitpower values are added up which I think will be a reasonable representation of the weapon.

Ofcourse the ME262's nosemounted .88 is also a feasable option and I should have it's value somewhere when we tested it with an RAF pilot and friend, may he rest in peace, who flew Meteors in the Korean war and who also described the weapon's devastation

It principally means that there's more room to precisely modify the PLANES.DAT's weapon's values to more historical accurate hitpower of weapons, which by default aren't incorporated. Another advantage is that in combination with the plane's armour values planes can be better ballanced against each other in terms of matching the planes advantages/disadvantages vs the other planes.

Ofcourse the routine was optimised to run much faster, :)


Edited by VonBeerhofen

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Don't worry guys, I don't have any use for Mr. Jelly's tools, although I do occasionally use them. The tools I have develloped are way more sophisticated. As I said the ME262 with the .88 nose canon was tested to work fine in the Launchpad long ago. These are just hex values in a file and any hexeditor can change them.

If I recall Mark is right, there is an earlier version which allows direct editing of the gun values, not sure if it's still active in later versions. It could have been the value in the top left pane, which shows the adress locations and the set value. I just no longer really need them but they served their purpose pretty well.


Edited by VonBeerhofen

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You do whatever you must do Mr. Jelly, I have no need for your tools, as I told you on multiple occasions, why do you keep offering them? My hexeditor can enter ANY field in ANY file with ANY number. It can even change entire columns with a specific range of values with or without a certain amount of randomness, there's really nothing like it. It for instance can randomise a single object's postion in the EAW_TTD where ever that object is sitting in the file, or ANY range of TMODS.

It can copy paste just those objects into a new file, so they're all sitting behind each other, the object or entire blocks of objects can be moved a line up or down or 100 lines, without destroying the data in that line, reverse or rotate the data, invert or encrypt their values, add or subtract a single value to a column, line or an entire block in which certain positions can remain untouched, it's possibillities are almost beyond comprehension and is the most powerfull tool I have ever created. Even today after 10 years of use I get new ideas on how to use it

It can do this to all filetypes in EAW, including all 30 planes in the PLANES.DAT. I hope you can do something with that information because it renders all your editors practically obsolete I'm sorry to say. So I don't think there's any problem whatsoever and what you say only goes for your tool, which I'm obviously not using. It's just a hexadecimal value in a file and anyone can take control of it.


Edited by VonBeerhofen

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I've been able to add 5 new weapon callibres and descriptions to EAWPRO. 3 of these are now in use and 2 remain open for whenever they're needed. The 50mm was already mentioned, as was the 8.8cm and the newest one is the 13mm which can double as a handweapon in a WWI scenario. I have no idea as to what the two remaining ones should be sensibly called.

Weapons like the 25mm Japanese guns can be set now too or anything in between the other stock callibres and will use the nearest discription entry in the above displayed program. Anything in between the default callibres and the new ones will do the same, where obviously the 13mm displays as a machine gun and the 50mm and 8.8cm display as canons.


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FWIW, I've been hexediting since about 1993, it is a perfectly fine way to make changes to all sorts of data.

However, in Jel's defense, his editors are just the ticket for speed and ease of use compared to manipulating data in base 16.

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Far as I'm concerned there's no flame war here, hasn't been any name calling, or disparaging of other people's contributions, just a discussion about the best way to edit EAW data.

Why not see if it stays congenial?

A congenial discussion would do the EAW community a world of good and who know, it might get a member or two to give EAW modding a try.

You can always shut it down if it goes off the rails.


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It's not about starting flamewars but preventing them, and about posting useless information which is irrellevant for EAWPRO and it's players and can only lead to confusion and possibly the destruction of their version of EAWPRO when they use programs which were not specifically designed for EAWPRO.

It's also about breaking an agreement to which you committed yourself in a previous thread. You're obvioulsy not willing to honour that agreement which makes your comment highly provocative and indicates you're challenging Stratos's decisions and not respecting his request to stay in your own threads.

Locked threads are not in the interest of EAWPRO and will merely have a negative influence on both EAWPRO as well as this forum and tend to drive members away as happened in another forum. Stay on your own side of the road as I do!


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