+Erik 1,943 Posted July 8, 2019 Anyone been watching the TV show "Unidentified"? What's your thoughts on the subject of Aliens in our skies? I think aliens co-exist on the planet with us and that we've in turn been reverse engineering their gear since the mid 1940's. Discuss ... 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Nightshade/PR 8,466 Posted July 8, 2019 I haven't seen the show, but it is a subject that has intrigued me for years. Here's how I see it............. I consider it the pinnacle of foolishness to look at the night sky, (or any other time) any photos of the rest of the galaxy from the various orbital platforms, and any of the shots of the observable universe, and believe there's no one around but us. With the rough estimate of there being 100 - 200 billion galaxies in our universe, the chances that "aliens" don't exist are likely 0. We're in a dark corner of the back 40 in the universe, (off the galactic beaten path if you will) and like the places on earth that fascinate us in those locales planet-side, I have no doubt that interstellar explorers thought the same thing, and came looking. I'd be willing to bet they found us by accident, and then curiosity took over. As for the various excuses made about "why haven't they shown themselves", or "why haven't we seen them"; who says you haven't? Since we have ZERO verifiable public clues of what we are either looking for or at, I'm betting we have seen them. But as humans, we mostly see what we either want or expect to see, and discard anything that doesn't fit our narrative. I also believe we have been EXTREMELY lucky so far in this regard, that the ones that found us were more the scientific/curious type versus the warlike type. If not, we'd probably be dead. Forget "Independence Day"; no alien armada bent on destruction is going to be taken down by a MacBook virus. Any race capable of interstellar travel has conquered engineering, physical, physics, weaponry, metallurgy, propulsion, and every other conceivable and as yet inconceivable problem to a level so far beyond our comprehension, that we'd be no more to them than the bugs we squash that get in our path. As for reverse engineering their gear? Of course;The out-sized leaps in our technology in less than a century bear that out. Call me what you will, but the truth is the truth: as a species, we may have some evolutionary leaps occasionally, but looking at the technological explosion since the late 40's.....we ain't THAT smart. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+v. Deutschmark 69 Posted July 8, 2019 (edited) Interesting subject. I like to look at things logically and with my own experience when talking about this subject. We know that scientist have proven that there are many planets in our galaxy that are in what they call the goldilocks zone not to close or to far away from their sun that could if the conditions are right on the planet could sustain life of some kind. We also know while our ancestors have been around for about six million years, the modern form of humans has only evolved about 200,000 years ago and in this 200,000 years we have come to the point where we can make machines here and on earth send them off to land on other planets. It would be very narrow minded to think that some kind of life other then humans dose not exists in our galaxy and beyond knowing what we know and why not they do the same as us as to make their machines on their planet and send them off to other planets like we have done. Now my experience I have had to talk about. In 1996 at my home back then in Pelham New Hampshire USA we had in August a meteor shower party where there was 12 people that attended, while we where looking at the meteor showers that night I seen two very bright white lights at very high altitude coming out of the west going east and said to all ...hey look at that... and they where moving very fast ... then we seen a 3rd one far behind the first two but when the first two got to about mid viewing point is when something happened... the first two came to a dead stop ... not slowing down to stop ... just going very fast to a dead stop , when the 3rd one reached the first two with out stopping they all went off very fast to the east and out of sight ... we had a big view of the sky west to east and all this took about 15 seconds from one end to the other. I am not going to say it was Aliens or little green men but what we seen was definitely not aircraft. Edited July 8, 2019 by v. Deutschmark 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Nyghtfall 2,236 Posted July 8, 2019 I haven't seen the show. I am pretty sure, that there's life somewhere in the universe, probably even on many different planets. Life has so many faces and comes in so much variation just on this planet, that I refuse to believe, that this "living"-thing is unique to our planet. But I don't really think, that any species out there has met "us" yet. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fallenphoenix1986 603 Posted July 8, 2019 4 hours ago, Nightshade/PR said: but looking at the technological explosion since the late 40's.....we ain't THAT smart. The engineer in me says we are, many of the technological leaps and bounds we've made over the last century or so have fed directly into each other. I'm firmly in the camp of there certainly being other life out there, its just a numbers game. I've also seen some weird things in the sky, much as V. Deutschmark described. A line of 3-4 lights equally spaced rapidly approaching on an eastbound heading, stopping dead for about a minute and then continuing at their original speed and heading, the acceleration was beyond anything I can explain and the dead stop rules out meteors... no idea what it was and I doubt I ever will know really. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Erik 1,943 Posted July 8, 2019 One of the spacecraft the US recovered and reverse engineered was known to run on fuel element (115) that didn't exist on our planet. This element apparently creates it's own gravitation forces and the US denied all knowledge of such an element after its existence leaked and as proof pointed to the elemental table and said, "see it doesn't exist." Years later in 2003 along comes Russia announcing that they've discovered Element 115 now named Moscovium. You have to scratch your head and think, "well isn't that convenient." Senator John McCain before his passing was instrumental in starting and funding a government agency called, AATIP or Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. This program was designed to give people a place to report such sightings without the fear of reprisal, especially our enlisted many. From this program multiple recent encounters that were recorded on government hardware have been released to the public. The most notable being those of the Tic-Tac aircraft in the Pacific Ocean. West of Catalina Island an entire Pacific Battle Group electronically recorded dozens of unknown aircraft said to be stationary around 38,000 feet dropping to 5 feet off the ocean surface in seconds. Yet another Battle Group encounter West of Baja California intercepted similar unknown craft by diverting two F-18s from training exercises to real threat tasking. Of course there's much more to the story but far too much to type here. The bottom line was the data and flight behaviors from both these encounters draws a direct line back to these aircraft operating outside the limitations of gravity or within their own gravity fields. The Italian Government goes a step further and said one of their helicopters was fired upon by an energy weapon. They had parts from the aircraft, pictures, and analysis to prove exactly that. My thoughts are if we don't get our heads out of the sand and stop thinking we're a superior race we're all in for a rude awakening one day. I'm not big on conspiracy theories but all of the sightings and happenings are sure drawing a pretty straight forward conclusion. I often wake and wonder if today will be the day. "Unidentified' is one of many TV programs but this show is more current. I would think it could be found online since almost everything is streamed these days. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+logan4 861 Posted July 9, 2019 Unfortunately I did not see this program yet, so can not relate to the exact contents. In my view and line of thinking, we still coexist with some of them here on the planet and regularly getting visited by others. Like v.Deutchmark mentioned, our "current" human spices is approx 200k years 'jung', what most places forget to mention, that all other 20+ types of sapiens (from 30cm short, to 3,5+m high) and in fact all living spices on the planet all had/have 24 pairs of chromosomes, suddenly 200k ago the only leftover homo sapiens type has only 23 pairs of chromosomes...so did we de-evolved suddenly:??... In actual fact we still got the 24, but number 23 and 24 was fused together, that is not an 'evolutionary' step, it is a genetic modification from an outside source. One race from the many in this sector (lets say 500 light years wide), that is approximately 1million years ahead of us on the evolutionary path. Also many races can be quite older than that... Our current 5th civilization on this planet has only 12000 years "known" time, the other 4 always ended with some disaster, occasionally with nature interference and half the time almost complete genocide, we ourselves almost run into it at the end of last century, if the soviet union not falls, we would not write this discussion as most of our planet would be a radioactive ball of stone, as we burned it up, eliminating all human and most of other life for quite long time. Our 3-4 dimensional 20-30% active consciousness can not fathom at the moment, where the evolution of consciousness can really advance. We did have and even today we got people around the planet whom have access to 40-70% of their abilities in this field, some can walk on water, some manifest objects from out of thin air, some has the power to grow plants from a simple seed in just minutes in their palm, etc.. These are not humbug, these are real things, but as was mentioned above, everyone can only perceive what is "real" for his/her thinking and point of consciousness in all aspects of life and existence. Where a 4-12 dimensional consciousness can go or what can we do with access to 100% of power is unimaginable by us. It is a sad thing, that the powers in control keep the proper and true information away from people saying it might cause panic. If it is given factually and in proper manner - not like our hysteric and sensation driven manipulating half truth and often fake news filled 'opinion leading' media empires do today (not to mention the several film that were created implicating that people need to panic and cause chaos in an alien race contact, thus creating a subconscious behavioral imprint) - then there will be no panic, in fact there would be proper realization and change in mindset and line of thinking. Thus stopping to kill each other for whatever reasons and turn any finances to actual technological and existential well being and advances. It is very simple to solve starvation, overpopulation and a host of other issues we have today, one key element is we have to stop using any and all inventions for military and killing purposes and start to cooperate with each other and share resources instead of pulling apart and try to make loads of money out of everything and from pure greed. The moment we stop weaponize everything we will have the publicly open contacts from most of the visiting spices or from those already living among us. Then we will also be able to access the technology by our inventions that enables us for to create our own gravitational propulsion and environmentally safe limitless energy creation source that will be available anywhere. Tesla actually touched it already back in the early 1900-s this effect and energy, yet he could not manage to control it as the level of everyday technology was not there yet, not even mention the consciousness of the time, where even scientists made fun of his ideas instead of investigating them further, that maybe he was onto something, but the greed and ivorytower/old-fashioned logical attitude to advancements and what possible or not limited them to get access that technical advancement... We also still missing basic laws of the universe, there are more than the Newtonian ones, which will actually answer many of the current questions about the galaxy and the forces/energies/masses that created or keep it in one (no such thing as dark mater... only unknown/unexplored natural laws). We still not understand gravity and magnetic by themselves, we just know they exists because we can observe/experience them, but where their energy comes from and why can last for eternity... Back in the mid 80-s and early 90-s I witnessed on several occasions things moving around that were not our technology, from daylight events to night ones, and being alone or with few and even group of 10 people. In our area there was a peak of 'incidents' in those years, but things still happen recently too, just not in that volume. In my view it can not be a question that there are other planets with life evolved in our galaxy and even more in the whole universe, and many visits our planet in current days or prior millennia. The building blocks of life are plentiful in every corner of space where material form exists. One of the limit to find 'them' is our supposition that living planet can only exist around stars standing alone/lonely in a certain range from it. If someone thinks a bit, over 60% of this galaxy has 2 or 3 star pairs/triads where each have several or plenty of planets on their own, but having a twin heat/light source is actually increases the field area which can provide 'livable' quarters, thus life can actually 'flourish ' around them. Also not necessarily all life is carbon based, just because on our planet most of them are such. Even our planet has non carbon or oxygen based life forms in deep oceans. Our current technology can only find those whom are at the same or similar level of technical advancement. To communicate or find spices that evolved or exists for millions or billions of years we need to step out from our current level of consciousness. There will come an invention that will enable us to see and detect all lifeforms in our solar system and in the galaxy (material or multidimensional) without having to travel the stars for thousands of years to see and meet them. Communication will be real time, just like calling someone on the phone these days. It will be a big realization for most of the planet and a major kick/boost for advancement... Not sure what degree we use re-engineered technology, would be nonsense to say none, but can not say either which items that we copied from crashed objects, most of them probably top secret and used for military purposes which we common people will only have access in the next 50-100 years - if at all with current logical attitudes.... Sorry for the length of it, but this subject have several aspects.... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Erik 1,943 Posted July 9, 2019 All valid and great points above ... there's more to know. But I couldn't agree more that we first need to all agree that there's more to know and work toward that common goal together as one humanity without the afflictions that separate us back to the tribal mentality. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KiwiBiggles 127 Posted July 9, 2019 (edited) Interesting topic. Here's my take on it. When you take the 200 billion odd galaxies in the observable universe, with around 200 billion stars each, its inconceivable that there aren't billions of planets and moons with liquid water. From what we've observed on Earth, we know that everywhere there is liquid water there is biological life given enough time--in the order of billions of years. Score one for the aliens. Of all the millions upon millions of species that have existed on Earth, only one has evolved to develop technology of any kind, let alone interstellar space travel. The only other species that even came close in evolutionary terms was the Neanderthals. Score minus one for the aliens. People tend to underestimate the vast distances involved in interstellar travel. With known technology it would take in the order of 40,000 years to reach the nearest star beyond the solar system (and it doesn't have a habitable planet). It would take the resources of all humanity to mount such a mission, and economics argues that you'd never even try. Andromeda, our nearest major galaxy, is 2.5 million light years from Earth: so forgeddaboutit! Score minus one again for the aliens. What about exotic physics? There's nothing to suggest that ephemera of the quantum world like tunneling and entanglement can ever apply to the macro world of space ships and space travelers. Even in theory, wormholes require "negative energy" to remain stable--there's no evidence negative energy can exist, even in principle. To "warp" space-time by even 1G requires the mass (or equivalent energy) of our entire planet. The most plausible exotic propulsion system would be matter/anti-matter annihilation, which has an energy density around 100 times greater than nuclear fusion, and suggests interstellar voyages of perhaps hundreds of years. There's no evidence it would be feasible to produce anti-matter in such quantities because... economics. But not impossible in principle, so let's score this one even. On balance it's highly unlikely aliens have ever visited Earth given the vast distances involved, and the billions of years it takes for a species to evolve in any particular interstellar neighborhood. It's far from certain our own species will survive long enough to attempt interstellar travel, although I believe we should try; otherwise what exactly are we doing here? The most likely "aliens" to have visited Earth aren't little green men. They're machines. Google Von Neumann probes: https://futurism.com/von-neumann-probe Just my $0.02 Edited July 9, 2019 by KiwiBiggles Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+v. Deutschmark 69 Posted July 9, 2019 (edited) Now it is time to pull out the one and only photo I have of something that is unidentifiable. How I came to this photo was through a friend of me from New Zealand he was selling his house as seen in the foreground back in 2006 and he had a customer that wanted some photos of the surrounding area so my friend took his 35mm as he told me and went from left to right taking a photo and moving the camera a little to the right then taking another photo and so on for 6 photos in all, When he got the photos back from the shop he seen this... in only one photo out of 6 ... the photo is sharp and can be blown up really big before it starts to get pixelated and I have done this here to show all. So what is it... it's not a airplane... it's not a helicopter and it's not a balloon... so it is unidentifiable. Edited July 9, 2019 by v. Deutschmark 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wrench 10,101 Posted July 9, 2019 I've always been a Believer, in the 'we're not alone' theory. So, if someone or something is coming here (the WHY is always the first question, not counting Hitchhiker's Guide Teasers), they've had to make massive breakthroughs in propulsion to cross even the smallest interstellar distances. But, you all have got my interest picqued in the series, so I've already watched the first 2 episodes from HIstory Channel On Demand. I can say this is NOT the run-of-the-mill bullshit stories that have been aired on other channels. Even the Old Lady was watching! So, lets see where this series goes. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Erik 1,943 Posted July 9, 2019 VD, The image above to my eye looks like a eurocopter. Wrench, it's a decent show and I agree not the run of the mill dis-information program. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+v. Deutschmark 69 Posted July 9, 2019 (edited) Hi Erik, my friend said to me there was no sound he heard and he did not even know it was there till he got the photos back. I just went and looked up Eurocopter and the only photo I found that even comes close is this... so I would ask, where is the rotor? where is the twin props off the sides? where is the twin rudders? I would think something from all that would had shown. Edited July 9, 2019 by v. Deutschmark Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TempestII 262 Posted July 9, 2019 There's too many unexplainable occurances and too main people who can't be classed as crazy or attention seeking with reports that match up for there not to be possible extraterrestrial activity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Hellyer When even a Defence Minister comes out and that aliens exist and are here, it's only prudent to have an open mind. It also wouldn't surprise me if extraterrestrials influenced humanity throughout history - plenty of civilizations throughout the world, for example, built pyramids when intercontinental travel wasn't exactly possible. It could be a coincidence but I'm beginning to doubt it. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Erik 1,943 Posted July 10, 2019 Hey I agree the large majority of "the believers" aren't the most laced up people but then again neither was Einstein and look what he accomplished. Aliens being here all along or at least when this version of human was started is high on the probability scale. There's far too many old cultures that tell similar stories of space men, the Indian culture, the Aboriginals in Australia, American Indians, etc., to name a few. Have they just been watching this entire time or do they travel back and forth? My guess is they have bases here already either in the depths of the oceans or polar caps. There's just far too many sightings for them all to be hoaxes. A majority of the sightings are around nuclear power plants or military bases, or that's their draw, who knows. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Erik 1,943 Posted July 10, 2019 VD - more like this. I can't tell you where the stabilizers are but for general shape this looks fairly close. I don't however discount your story it was just the first thing that popped into my head when I saw your picture. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+v. Deutschmark 69 Posted July 10, 2019 Hi Erik, hmmmm... I don't know man... he said to me he heard no sound and a rotor like that above would make some sound for sure. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+russouk2004 6,959 Posted July 11, 2019 (edited) We are not alone I firmly believe we arent.....In my opinion we ARE aliens...if you look at life on earth...we dont fit.....we have been put here or our distant ancestors came here from a dying planet and we evolved differently to suit this planet....if you look at life here we just dont fit...evolution?...then if we evolved from apes why are there monkeys and apes still?...doesnt fit....too much stuff goes on to be false,I know people fake stuff but theres a lot out there unexplained thats quite believable... when skeptics say...show me the proof they exist...I say show me proof they dont......Ive never been to australia,but it exists...I dont need to go there to prove it...lol maybe greys are us from future coming back to get dna to help them bring back some human element to their makeup...who knows...in theory its possible....some say a craft like a saucer wont fly...if you power it properly you can fly a brick..... what Stan Friedman said made me jolly..."If you gave Columbus a nuclear sub and an unlimited budget and said,build me 3 more please..." they couldnt do it...meaning things are only done by advanced technology,when you have evolved to make that technology...we havent yet,but some one out there might have....our nearest neighbour is only 30 odd light years away?...and billions of years older than our sun...who knows how far advanced civilizations there could be....the odds I think make it a cert they are out there....maybe they are keeping quiet so as not to be discovered and attacked....we are a noisy planet and probably attract attention....especially as we are a hostile race...maybe they are watching us to make sure we dont take our kind of friendship out there....meet an interesting alien...then kill him ...thats the usual thing we do here... Edited July 11, 2019 by russouk2004 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Erik 1,943 Posted July 12, 2019 One thing that has always intrigued me is that every early civilization has a visitation story. Native American Indians, Mayans, Australian Aboriginals, Egyptians, etc, etc. Makes you wonder if they planted us like a crop of corn and are just waiting for the harvest, Jupiter Ascending reference which had a pretty good fictional story to tell. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+logan4 861 Posted July 12, 2019 I don't think, we have a very different purpose in the life and existence of this galaxy. We are just not mature enough for wide broad contact by the more advanced civilizations. They show themselves from time to time so the ordinary people can change and adjust to their existence, since the governments keep every information as wrapped up as tight they can with dez-information or just simply making a liar out of someone whom dare to come out into the open. Through mass sightings the balance is changing for the better, though the broad majority is still bogged down, wondering in the life or just too smart to look and see.... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RUSTYMORLEY 162 Posted August 17, 2019 On 7/12/2019 at 9:30 PM, Erik said: One thing that has always intrigued me is that every early civilization has a visitation story. Native American Indians, Mayans, Australian Aboriginals, Egyptians, etc, etc. Makes you wonder if they planted us like a crop of corn and are just waiting for the harvest, Jupiter Ascending reference which had a pretty good fictional story to tell. Has anyone noticed that all or most of the pictures which have been drawn by individuals who have encountered aliens or who have been abducted like Betty and Barney Hill in the United States - show the aliens as bipedal, humanoid in overall appearance with all of the anatomical features like head, nose eyes mouth hands and feet in the same place, with all the major organs contained in a body cavity very much like our own, but with slight variations in overall size and colour of the skin. !!! There is no way that is a coincidence - it has to be part of some kind of cosmic divine plan. It's like all of the races in the universe have been created using the same basic humanoid template as a guide. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Erik 1,943 Posted August 18, 2019 It is weird and at the same time questionable. Are they drawing what they imagined based on their own personal reference of what an individual looks like. I mean what if it was truly alien looking would we understand it to be the same threat? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+russouk2004 6,959 Posted August 18, 2019 Coincidentally....wanakahelicopters in New Zealand do heli tours etc....and have a cream coloured Airbus AS350 which from that angle is I would say what it is...I do believe however that we are being visited,but in this case I would say 100% helicopter in pic...in this image you can see the skids... javascript:; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites