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So I'm trying to do something stupid. I want to put the AIM-4A onto the F-51D. I was somehow able to get the AIM-9B onto it but can't get the AIM-4 onto it. I was wondering if someone could point me to what I'm missing to make this happen? Because if I can do this, then I want to swap weapons around with other planes for fun.



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where it says this on each weaponstation you need add like so


IRM for such as aim9    ARM for any Anti Radiation weapon and same for sahm...

heres list of short names you need know....

then add to the proper line in the loadout..ini

BOMB ... Bomb

LGB ..... Laser-guided Bomb

EOGB .. Electro-Optically Guided Bomb

AWD ... Area-weapon Dispensor

NUC .... Nuclear Bomb

RCKT .. Rocket, single

WGR ... Wire-guided Rocket

CGR ... Command-guided Rocket

LGR .... Laser-Guided Rocket

EOGR .. Electro-Optically Guided Rocket

ARM .... Anti-radiation Missile

ASM .... Anti-ship missile

IRM ..... Heat-seeking Missile

SAHM .. Semi-active Homing Missile

AHM .... Active Homing Missile

RP ...... Rocket Pod

GP ...... GunPod

EP ...... ECM Pod

LP ...... Laser Pod

NP ...... Navigation Pod

DLP .... Data-link Pod

RCN ... Recon Camera Pod

IFP ..... Illuminiation Flare Dispensor

FT ....... Fuel Tank

2BR .... Twin Bomb Rack

2IR ..... Twin IRM Rack

2AR .... Twin AHM Rack

TER .... Triple Ejector Rack

TLR .... Triple Homing Rocket Rack

MER ... Multiple Ejector Rack

BFT .... Bomb carrying Fuel Tank

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You do not have weapon stations on aircraft that can carry IRM (AIM-4). Be advised - most of the AIM-4 carry specific station code (usually AIM4)

There is no even station that can carry AIM-9 so I do not fathom how you were able to get AIM-9B correctly.

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38 minutes ago, yakarov79 said:

You do not have weapon stations on aircraft that can carry IRM (AIM-4). Be advised - most of the AIM-4 carry specific station code (usually AIM4)

There is no even station that can carry AIM-9 so I do not fathom how you were able to get AIM-9B correctly.

I certainly did! image.png.68cc7097e10406706e7072c88f9b06fb.png

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someone's been watching too many Iron Eagle movies.

And don't we just love things hanging in space. None of this is new; this has been screwed around with since the first piston birds started showing up in 2005 or 06

Falcons require a station specific code. and they don't work for shit anyway.

if you're going to step that deep into fantasy land, why not just build IR tracking HVARs ** and use the Mustang's built in rocket stubs (also been done 'way back when, with a different Mustang)


** ie: build/clone a new weapon from the existing 3W HVAR, as all that's required is ini work

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10 hours ago, Wrench said:

someone's been watching too many Iron Eagle movies.

And don't we just love things hanging in space. None of this is new; this has been screwed around with since the first piston birds started showing up in 2005 or 06

Falcons require a station specific code. and they don't work for shit anyway.

if you're going to step that deep into fantasy land, why not just build IR tracking HVARs ** and use the Mustang's built in rocket stubs (also been done 'way back when, with a different Mustang)


** ie: build/clone a new weapon from the existing 3W HVAR, as all that's required is ini work

Do most weapons require specific station codes? And also I've sorta already done a homing rocket with a tinkered AIR-2 Genie..... for reasons......

Also I've never heard of Iron Eagle, maybe I should watch it.

Edited by A48Racing

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The Mustang would never reach the needed minimum speed to launch an AIM-9B or AIM-4A.

But who cares, its a game!

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Do most weapons require specific station codes?

no, but you don't want these to show up on anything else. this would also require cloning (duplicating) the HVAR stations on the Mustang to be ONLY station specific for the IRM HVARs. Nothing to it.

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Kramer X-4


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Just now, Wrench said:

Kramer X-4


What I'd give to have X-4s on a 262. hooh whee

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19 hours ago, Wrench said:

Falcons require a station specific code. and they don't work for shit anyway.

Wrench, watch this.


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That was a really cool story.  I taught with a retired colonel who flew the Six and he loved that bird.  He did, however, admit that the missiles were absolute garbage.

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On 08/04/2020 at 6:09 AM, A48Racing said:

I certainly did!

you attached data ini file and loadout ini file. and there is no station for IRM missiles so I just posted my observation.

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