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Questions and asking for opinion about aircraft list sorting (Multi nations)

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Hello everyone,

It has been a long time since I have flown SF2 series sim. I am now back after seeing the news about SF2 being updated for Windows 10. I also missed flying SF2, I have been going through a very busy life.  Now that I am balancing the times between hobbies, work, and living.  I am wiping whole SF2 series installations and start over from scratch.  I am truly overwhelmed by steer many amounts of mods available for SF2, especially with the fact that the modders are still enjoying modding and flying SF2.  It is truly awesome to see that here!  It has been decided that 


Here are the questions.


 I want to know how people manage the aircraft list for a multi nation in a multi-SF2 installations?

I'll use F-15s as an example, it has F-15s for USAF, USN, HAF, IDF, and another countries.  Since there are no features I am aware of in SF2 that would filter the aircraft list based on the nations yet.  So if I install over 100+ flyable planes in SF2, i would have to scroll through a long list trying to find out which countries have the specific aircraft.

I am thinking about doing this way:

1) Rename each aircraft in .ini to start with each nation's military branch abbreviation.  

Let's use F-15 as an example.

[Regular SF2 aircraft list]

F-15A Eagle
F-15B Eagle
F-15C Eagle
F-15D Eagle
F-15E Strike Eagle
F-15I Ra'am (Thunder)
F-15K Eagle

I am considering re-naming all F-15's ini file, in order, for all F-15s to appear as this way:

JASDF F-15DJ Eagle
JASDF F-15J Eagle
IDF F-15I Ra'am (Thunder)
RSAF F-15S Eagle
ROKAF F-15K Eagle
USAF F-15A Eagle
USAF F-15B Eagle
USAF F-15C Eagle
USAF F-15E Strike Eagle

That way I can easily scroll through the list sorted by nations, then aircraft.  What is your opinion about this?

Questions #2:

I have noticed that with the add-on aircraft, there are many multi-nations skins for the specific aircraft.  For example, MiG-21F;  I saw the skins for multi countries for one aircraft.  I am planning on making the copies of MiG-21F (And edit their nation and ordinance in aircraft's data.ini)  and rename the folder as:



Then divide the skins into unique MiG-21Fs, that way I can easily load a specific nation's MiG-21F with their own default skins, along with their additional skins.

However, I still am wondering how SF2 handle multi-national aircraft.  Would my method be obsolete if there is a better way?   How do people handle multi-national skins for any aircraft? If There is a way to filter the list of specific national aircraft without having to make copies of specific aircraft, please share here.


I am planning on making a multi-SF2 installations this way:

SF2 (Default - For backup / reference purposes)
SF2 Asia (This cover Korea War and Vietnam War, along other campaigns and aircraft that flies in Asia)
SF2 Middle East (This covers campaigns and aircraft that flies in Middle East)
SF2 NATO (This covers campaigns and aircraft that flies in Europe)
SF2 WARSAW (This covers Russia / Soviet and other WARSAW nations)
Note: In this, I aim to make Russia / Soviet and other WARSAW flyable only while disabling cockpits for NATO + Western aircraft.  so I can easily go through list of aircraft for Russia and other nearby nations.)
SF2 North America (This covers a huge numbers of aircraft from North America.)
SF2 South America (This covers all campaigns and aircraft from South America.)

I will do it slowly through the year. My first step is to install the campaigns and carefully merge them (if they cover the same places), terrains, and other mods that expands the SF2.  After doing all of that, I will slowly add aircraft for each nation.  As stated, before doing it, I want the opinions here.


Edited by Eagle114th

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26 minutes ago, bazillius said:

i believe you know about USERLIST.INI in aircrafts folders?

I have not tweaked USERLIST.ini before. Please correct me if I am wrong, From what I have learned, it limits the nations from flying in any terrains.  Will it help me with the filtering or sorting the aircraft by nation? I have a lot more to learn about .ini modding for aircraft list in SF2.

Edited by Eagle114th

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Just edit and look what  happens with the game, its all easy with it. intuitive.

and look at *_NATIONS.INI too in terrains folders

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I take it you want to sort planes by nations because you are not too familiar with who has what.In this case maybe letting the names being and just adding in brackets the country would be a good idea. I know who has a specific (militar) plane in the world but i still use this method. This way you have in front of you the planes and the countries that have that type. I'm just saying it. For instance , let's say you play the Israel map and all you see are just MIGs but you don't know if they are Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqians or Egyptians. Adding the country name in the brackets will help you know on spot what nation has that MIG flight you detected.

Edited by UllyB
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1 hour ago, bazillius said:

Just edit and look what  happens with the game, its all easy with it. intuitive.

and look at *_NATIONS.INI too in terrains folders

May I ask for your tips / hints on this?  So far I only see USERLISTin aircraft folder, not terrains  yet  There is little information on USERLIST.ini as well. What should I do, in order, to play with it for aircraft list? 

Thank you for the advice.

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USERLIST.ini  is a list of countries which have this aircraft and years.

*_NATIONS.INI  limits nations on the terrain.

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3 hours ago, UllyB said:

I take it you want to sort planes by nations because you are not too familiar with who has what.In this case maybe letting the names being and just adding in brackets the country would be a good idea. I know who has a specific (militar) plane in the world but i still use this method. This way you have in front of you the planes and the countries that have that type. I'm just saying it. For instance , let's say you play the Israel map and all you see are just MIGs but you don't know if they are Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqians or Egyptians. Adding the country name in the brackets will help you know on spot what nation has that MIG flight you detected.

Yes!  I want to do that and at the same time, group the aircraft by each nation.  That way I can easily select the grouped aircraft by nation.  Here is what I am planning to do with aircraft folders, given two situations:

Situation #1
The aircraft by mods, are made for specific nation.  For example, from SF2 F-104 Starfighter Super Mega Pack 2016, there are many variants made for specific nations:



By editing each of F-104's .ini, I think it would be great to make it look like this:

Note: Please forgive me if I get the nation code name wrong. 


(With auto sorting from A to Z in SF2, it would look like this:

[AM]    F-104S-ASA-CB
[AM]    F-104S-ASA-CI
[AM]    F-104S-ASA-M
[AM]    F-104S-CB
[AM]    F-104S-CI
[GAF]    F-104F
[GAF]    F-104G
[GN]    F-104G
[JASDF]    F-104J
[RCAF]    CF-104
[RCAF]    CF-104_72
[RCAF]    CF-104_76
[ROCAF]    F-104G
[TuAF]    F-104S-CB
[USAF]    F-104A
[USAF]    F-104A_60
[USAF]    F-104B
[USAF]    F-104C
[USAF]    F-104C_61
[USAF]    F-104C_65
[USAF]    F-104C_66
[USAF]    F-104C_67
[USAF]    F-104D
[USAF]    F-104G
[USAF]    F-104G(O)
[USAF]    F-104G(O)NL
[USAF]    F-104G_82
[USAF]    NF-104A
[USAF]    RF-104G


Situation #2
Aircraft with multi nations skins;  Let's use MiG-21F as an example, I see many skins for Soviet, CzAFC, EAF, etc.  So what I would like to do is to make a multi of that MiG-21 and divide the skins and userlist.ini from each of these aircraft.  At the beginning, the folder looks like this:


Would become this:


Then i would divide the skins and USERLIST into each of these folders. And then in MiG-21F_Czech (as an example), I would open miG-21F_Data_ini and other files, then change  NationName= and other lines that points "SOVIET" to Czechoslovakia.

And in each .ini, variants MiG-21s in aircraft list woudl be join in each nation's code name group:



[SOVIET] MiG-21F Fishbed
[CzAFC]     MiG-21F
[EAF]     MiG-21F


This is a lot of work and again, that is why I am prepared to do it slowly through the year.  However, as stated, I am researching and asking questions, to see if there is a easier way to do this by modding aircraft list or something like that. 

Edited by Eagle114th

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34 minutes ago, bazillius said:

USERLIST.ini  is a list of countries which have this aircraft and years.

*_NATIONS.INI  limits nations on the terrain.

Oh, this is not exactly what I am looking for. Still, thank you for giving me the advice though!  This may be helpful wheN I want to do something different with both files. By the way, I do not want to limit the aircraft by terrains.  I was hoping that  I could add the ability to filter aircraft from aircraft list in a drop menu without having to exit sims, change the codes in .ini file, then restart sim.   If the menu is hard-coded, that is understandable.  Here is an example of what I am aiming for:

If I click on Israel from the aircraft list, then it would only display aircraft used by Israel.  If I change to other nation from a drop menu to Czech, then it would only show aircraft used by CzAFC.  

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The userlist.ini is a file added in SF2 series. It practically take the living span data from the begining of the data.ini file (in both SF1 and SF2 present) and rewrites it here. Also is added a line which tells you which country had that plane. This may seem to bring more chaos than order (i  personally ignore them for simplicity) but for someone who want rigor in his planes' folders may be hepful. An example: USSR used exclusevly a MIG-21F since 1961 to 1970. After 1962 , because of being exported to Egypt, let's say, it will apppear in the same file that Egypt used it too, in that respective period. So the file it would look like this:




If the plane was exported along the years to more countries, they will appear in the file accordingly.But as i say this may be confusing. If you want to bypass this file and not bother with it you can do this:

In data.ini file of each plane, in the beginning of the file, you put the EXPORT parameter to FALSE. This way each country will appear with the same plane, in a interval of time separately. But because you put the name of the plane , by countries (adding brackest with the name of the country for each plane it would be simplier.


TK, the author of the game, made this file for historical accuracy, for people who want to see that and for more rigor and order in so many nations and planes.It's up to you if you want to simplify things or make them more complex as data. I just gave you an example if you want to keep things not too complicated.

So, you will be having MIG-21F(Soviet) and MIG-21F(Egypt). That is the way they look into my aicraft folder. Personally i add the userlist.ini file for each, but I don't bother with it too much. I just check if the period of time plane was available for that nation correspond with the data in data.ini file of the plane. I do that because some players put different data because they have info that that plane was earlier brought or later and forget to change the data accordingly in  userlist.ini file etc. If the data is different in data.ini file and the userlist.ini file then you will have a hard time asking yourself, why that plane, in the game's menu list won't appear in the year X or why the plane appears earlier in the list than it should, according to the data.ini data line etc

Edited by UllyB

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40 minutes ago, UllyB said:

The userlist.ini is a file added in SF2 series. It practically take the living span data from the begining of the data.ini file (in both SF1 abd SF1 present) and rewrites it here. Also is added a line which tell you which country had that plane. This may seem to bring more chaos than order (i  personally ignore them for simplicity) but for someone who want rigor in his planes' folders may be hepful. An example: USSR used exclusevly a MIG-21F since 1961 to 1970. After 1962 , because of being exported to Egypt, let's say, it will apppear in the same file that Egypt used it to in that respective period. So the file it would look like this:




If the plane was exported along the years to more countries, they will appear in the file accordingly.But as i say this may be confusing. If you want to bypass this file and not bother with it you can do this:

In data.ini file of each plane, in the beginning of the file, you put the EXPORT parameter to FALSE. This way each country will appear with the same plane, in a interval of time separately. But because you put the name of the plane , by countries (adding brackest with the name of the country for each plane it would be simplier.


TK, the author of the game, made this file for historical accuracy, for people who want to see that and for more rigor and order in so many nations and planes.It's up to you if you want to simplify things or make them more complex as data. I just gave you an example if you want to keep things not too complicated.

So, you will be having MIG-21F(Soviet) and MIG-21F(Egypt). That is the way they look into my aicraft folder. Personally i add the userlist.ini file for each, but I don't bother with it too much. I just check if the period of time plane was available for that nation correspond with the data in data.ini file of the plane. I do that because some players put different data because they have info that that plane was earlier brought or later and forget to change the data accordingly in  userlist.ini file etc. If the data is different in data.ini file and the userlist.ini file then you will have a hard time asking yourself, why that plane, in the game's menu list won't appear in the year X or why the plane appears earlier in the list than it should, according to the data.ini data line etc

I see, thank you very much for the feedback!  I am still stuck on what I would want to do with the aircraft list.  If you were in my situation with the same goal,  what would you do?  

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I tell you what I did. I, too, like to have a lots of planes in my aircraft folder to make colorful and spicy enough any campaign I will play. The same goes for the single player missions where is a true delight to encounter, depending of year mission, a lot of different random planes in your way. In SF1 series , where i worked years to create and tweak them, then store them in aircraft folder, I had 300+ planes, each with its colorful paintjobs and weapons etc.

Here, in SF2 series, the job to make them , again, is time consuming as well but, having skill and experience (more than15 years of modding) I can advance quickly with my list of restored planes. First it would be a good idea to tweak , mod the existent ones (stock planes). After that you can add SF1 transformed planes or/and add-on aircraft created in SF2 section (see the download section for SF2 add-on planes). Also you have to keep an eye on your maps stored , they will give a clue of what planes you will need for them (on every map you know who is vs who according to conflicts history), so you can make it , in time, your priority. That's all in a nutshell. Good luck and feel free to ask for help if you are stuck, here, where, with very few exceptions , there is a community eager to help you chisel your own path. Don't be a stranger !

Edited by UllyB

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That is all far too much work, for far too little reward.

Just let the game engine handle it. That's how it was designed. The userlist ini for all the aircraft, and the limited nations & nations list in terrains it there for exactly that reason.

Why add more confusion? 

Also, nice to see you back again!!

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oks, as i read what you are trying to do( limit aircraft nations within an install), its the terrain that you need to adjust your inis in. particularly the (terrain name)_nations.ini.

using the Photorealistic UK terrain as an examle

TheaterName=British Isles

below is what you will want to play with to limit aircraft

FriendlyNation006=Airliner     <-------- i added this to allow my airliner mods at Heathrow


you can add or subtract nations as desired, just make sure you either use the NationName as it shows in the main nations ini, or create a new entry both in the main one and the terrain nations ini

but as Wrench said, renaming everything is a ridiculous amount of work, and has potential to screw up alot of mods if you were to release it. huge amount of work even if its not for release.

personally, i avoid the confusion by having the themed installs, but then only putting the relevant airframes in that instal. i dont need Japanese, Korean or Saudi Eagles in an Europe based install. dont even need Israeli, but those are stock birds with a fully merged 5+2 set up

good luck however you go with this


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46 minutes ago, daddyairplanes said:



FriendlyNation006=Airliner     <-------- i added this to allow my airliner mods at Heathrow





Can you, please, expand the explanation of your "airliners mod"  for me ? What's an "airliner" mode exactly  and how does it work ? I am interested. Could that be a syntax that allow civilian transport planes to appear in that war theater  ? Or have I gotten it all wrong ?

Edited by UllyB

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1 hour ago, UllyB said:

Can you, please, expand the explanation of your "airliners mod"  for me ? What's an "airliner" mode exactly  and how does it work ? I am interested. Could that be a syntax that allow civilian transport planes to appear in that war theater  ? Or have I gotten it all wrong ?

i added an airliner nation to the airliner skins that ive done (707, 757, DC-10 and a few others)

my original intent on that was to create a different formation so that multiple airliners were flying quite far apart in a line as it would be for a warzone reinforcement scenario like REFORGER.

still no nuetral party or civilians in SF2, so Airliner is listed as a blue nation for now, and any terrain i want my airliner skins to show up on the ramp in i have to add that entry.

my method is to skin by tga, with each airline being a serial number (000 Pan Am, 001 BOAC, 002 Lufthansa etc). so when the ini's allow, an airfield can a multitude of color on the ramp. im discussing a "Red Airliner" nation in another thread, but never got around to doing it mainly because of not working on Red airliner aircraft

old screenshot to illustrate

img00227.thumb.JPG.872916fd3e6eba4a3f728ee5f5e58f50.JPG (all one skin on the ground)


i was just highlighting that particular one in my response as i went to pull the first terrain nations ini i got to as an example. the  first one i used just happened to have a nation i plugged in, showing what needs changed. but my airliner mods are just the big birds i've been painting up over the last few years, nothing more



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47 minutes ago, daddyairplanes said:

i added an airliner nation to the airliner skins that ive done (707, 757, DC-10 and a few others)

And it was one of best ideas I saw in SF2 :drinks:.

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Now I get it, You made a nation in nations.ini and then the randomizing engine for parked planes did the rest. Clever! I think I will take it. Thanks!

Edited by Wrench

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5 hours ago, Wrench said:

That is all far too much work, for far too little reward.

Just let the game engine handle it. That's how it was designed. The userlist ini for all the aircraft, and the limited nations & nations list in terrains it there for exactly that reason.

Why add more confusion? 

Also, nice to see you back again!!

Thank you for the feedback! it is good to see you again too! 

I see, that is starting to make sense.  Since there is no 'filter' system in the aircraft list on menu yet, I can play with the LimitedNationList in (terrain name)_nations.ini file, right?

With that, from now on, I can just go ahead install add-on aircraft that is meant to be installed as.  For example, If I see add-on that show as B-57_Pakistan, then I will install it in SF2 Middle East.  however, if I see add-on aircraft like MiG-21F with many nations skins with userlist, then I'll leave it the way it is. I would install it in a multi-SF2 installations that uses MiG-21F.  Whenever I am in a mood of flying specific nations, I would play with LimitedNationList as my current solution. 

5 hours ago, daddyairplanes said:

oks, as i read what you are trying to do( limit aircraft nations within an install), its the terrain that you need to adjust your inis in. particularly the (terrain name)_nations.ini.

using the Photorealistic UK terrain as an examle

TheaterName=British Isles

below is what you will want to play with to limit aircraft

FriendlyNation006=Airliner     <-------- i added this to allow my airliner mods at Heathrow


you can add or subtract nations as desired, just make sure you either use the NationName as it shows in the main nations ini, or create a new entry both in the main one and the terrain nations ini

but as Wrench said, renaming everything is a ridiculous amount of work, and has potential to screw up alot of mods if you were to release it. huge amount of work even if its not for release.

personally, i avoid the confusion by having the themed installs, but then only putting the relevant airframes in that instal. i dont need Japanese, Korean or Saudi Eagles in an Europe based install. dont even need Israeli, but those are stock birds with a fully merged 5+2 set up

good luck however you go with this


Your information and advice is much appreciated!  

I have a question:

By playing with "limited nation lists in terrains, I can filter any nations in aircraft list temporarily? 

For example, I want to see Czech only in aircraft list.  I would modify the LimitedNationList in (terrain name)_nations.ini file, then I would do this:


And if I want to see another nations, then I change the friendlyNations001 to another nation right?  This can be my current solution I can work with!  I will start SF2, see specific nations, and if I want to change to another nations, then I will shut down SF2, make a change to a file, and finally, start SF2 again.

I hope that TK eventually add the features on aircraft selection menu where I can filter to any specific nations quickly while having all available aircraft on the list.

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15 minutes ago, Eagle114th said:

And if I want to see another nations, then I change the friendlyNations001 to another nation right?  This can be my current solution I can work with!  I will start SF2, see specific nations, and if I want to change to another nations, then I will shut down SF2, make a change to a file, and finally, start SF2 again.

change Nation001 or just add another nation.

17 minutes ago, Eagle114th said:

I hope that TK eventually add the features on aircraft selection menu where I can filter to any specific nations quickly while having all available aircraft on the list.

not to be a kill joy, but i wouldnt hold my breath on that. no actual updates since 2013, and no talk of updates since the failed crowd fund attempt last year


another hint for what you are looking for would be within the code of campaigns. when starting a campaign, it has limits on aircraft based on what service you select; no RAF Tomcats in Desert Storm!  i dont know how that is managed, but realied that seems closer to what youre talking about


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1 hour ago, UllyB said:

Now I get it, You made a nation in nations.ini and then the randomizing engine for parked planes did the rest. Clever! I think I will take it. Thanks!

no worries, just 99.99 in the bribe .... i mean tip jar please :lol: (j/k)

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12 minutes ago, daddyairplanes said:

change Nation001 or just add another nation.

not to be a kill joy, but i wouldnt hold my breath on that. no actual updates since 2013, and no talk of updates since the failed crowd fund attempt last year


another hint for what you are looking for would be within the code of campaigns. when starting a campaign, it has limits on aircraft based on what service you select; no RAF Tomcats in Desert Storm!  i dont know how that is managed, but realied that seems closer to what youre talking about


Thank you for the clarification!  Looks like it is decided.  I will install the add-on mods normally (to save me the time and sanity) and play with the LimitedNationList in Terrain's nations.ini.

About TK, that is noted and understandable.  I can only hope that TK opens his eye eventually to the world of modding communities somehow.

By the way, about campaigns, that is interesting!  I will take a look into this. 

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Hello everyone,

I was experimenting one of terrains (Desert4) and edited DESERT4_NATIONS.INI.  I edited the codes, so I can only see USAF and Soviet aircraft in the list.  It is not working because I still see British and other nations' aircraft in a single mission screen.  I am trying to make it to only show USAF / Soviet aircraft in aircraft selection list.  Here is what my codes looks like in DESERT4_NATIONS:INI:

TheaterName=Somewhere in Middle East
Location001=Kingdom of Dhimar
Location002=Empire of Paran
Location003=British Protectorate of Sharnak
Location004=Straits of Dhimar
Location005=Diego Garcia

DisplayName=Royal Dhimari Air Force

DisplayName=Parani Air Force


Am I missing something? Originally, the codes looked like this:


I changed it to this:

What is the next thing should I do? 

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16 minutes ago, Eagle114th said:

It is not working because I still see British and other nations' aircraft in a single mission screen.  I am trying to make it to only show USAF / Soviet aicraft in the list.

A terrain's nations file only has the purpose to limit which nations and relative aircraft the AI uses, it does NOT remove other nations from the selectable list. The only way to do what you want is to remove nation entries altogether from the main nations.ini file which must reside in the Flight folder. We've done this for the ODS mod we released this January. If you have a good bandwidth, try to download it and check how it works there.

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1 hour ago, Menrva said:

A terrain's nations file only has the purpose to limit which nations and relative aircraft the AI uses, it does NOT remove other nations from the selectable list. The only way to do what you want is to remove nation entries altogether from the main nations.ini file which must reside in the Flight folder. We've done this for the ODS mod we released this January. If you have a good bandwidth, try to download it and check how it works there.

Oh! I see, that makes sense.  Thank you for the information.   Right now I am installing ODS 30 years anniversary mod.

By the way, if there are no ways for me to be able to 'filter' the aircraft list in game, then I will go on an alternative plans;  Only re-name all aircraft.ini aircraft to have nations next to aircraft name.  Thanks to everyone here, it gave me a great idea.  What I'll do is just install the mods what it was meant to be installed as.  I won't divide up add-on aircraft folder with multi-nation's skin. I'll leave it be. 

I'll add name "Multi-Nations" next to aircraft name.  That way I will be well-informed that it have skins for multi-nations.  That way it won't be a very time-consuming customizing my mods. 

And even better, thanks to deep digging in how the menu and screen are set, I am inspired to make a new menu mods for SF2!  I was learning how to move the text around.  I am thinking about making an old Jane's style GUI for SF2!

UPDATE:  I noticed that ODS mod DID have a filter features on a campaign menu, just as Daddyairplanes have mentioned above. I am going to see if I can do similar things for a single mission when selecting Nation, then aircraft.

Edited by Eagle114th

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      I just noticed that the speed indicator in the F-14 Tomcat by TMF (TheMirageFactory) only shows up to 800 kts, and the Mach indicator does not move, not letting you know the speed of the aircraft if you have your HUD turned off.
      As you can see down here, i'm at Mach 2.23, but the indicator only shows 800 kts and doesn't go above. Obviously it adapts to my altitude, so if i'm higher, then the IAS is lower, but still should move, making it impossible flying at high speed without HUD turned on as i have it down here:

      Another issue, maybe even worse than the previous one, is that the fuel indicator shows wrong numbers, or as i may think, it shows "a number less". For example: if i have 20000 pounds of fuel left, it should show 20000, but it shows 02000. This is a theory on how it works, not confirmed, and i'm gonna explain you why i think it is like that:
      I hardly think i truly have 2000 pounds of fuel left, cause i choose Fuel 100% and tried climbing and flying for a long time with full afterburner, and the numbers slowly started going down, even reached the point of burning the engine at Mach 2.30and the fuel wasn't gone yet, it showed i had like 00700 left, so i presume it's 20000 in reality, otherwise i would have been out of fuel in no time, since it's a quantity even under the bingo quantity, but i flew for minutes and minutes in full afterburner, and at 8x speed, so. Speaking of Bingo, there's no bingo indicator.
      Here's a picture of the fuel indicator:

      I tried the default F-14 cockpit, and even if that one shows correctly both speed and fuel indicators and even if it's a great cockpit, i personally like more and find more realistic and immersive the TMF one.
      In the end, since these two indicators are crucial, especially for flying without HUD, and the fuel indicator especially, since there's no way to know how much fuel you have left even with HUD turned on other than the cockpit indicator.
      So, what i'm asking is:
      Is there a way to fix these? A mod that remakes the indicators? Or another cockpit that is not the default one that i can use to swap this one?
      Thanks in advance for helping me.
    • By JamesWilson
      Hi everyone,
      I was wondering how to customize the numbers after your callsigns, since it always gives me the same ones.
      I think i managed somehow once, a bit of time ago, but now i forgot and have no idea how to.
      I'm not talking about how to customize the callsign name, but the unit number after it.
      As you can see in the Roster and in the picture under, i get "Fast Eagle 1-1" and "Fast Eagle 1-2"
      Here are some examples:

      The numbers on the tail, wing and nose numbers are customized, cause i managed how to change them, choosing them individually for each unit in the mission file by changing "AircraftNumber=" and typing the number, like "2" (as for 202). It doesn't change by typing the whole number tho, like 202 by typing 202, but it goes by typing the number that corresponds to the list of numbers you have. For example, In a list that goes from 200 to 400, you will have to type 10 to get 300. Here i just typed "2" and "7" since the list starts from 200

      IIRC, in the past i just used to type the Aircaft number just like that, and in-game i had the proper number after the callsign, like "Fast Eagle 102", not just the number displayed on the plane livery.
      How do i do? I'm pretty sure that it's possible to have "Fast Eagle 102" on my screen HUD and in the Roster
      Thanks in advance for helping me.
    • By PleasantStorm

      View File SF2_OpDarius_2022_F35_401TFG.zip
      Canadian 401 Tactical Fighter Group F-35 Lightning II Mod 
      This mod requires Strike Fighters 2 and a working installation of
      the Operation Darius Mod available at the Combat Ace website:
      Strike Fighters 2
      Combat Ace
      Direct Link to Operation Darius

      What Is It?
      This is a mod for Strike Fighters 2 and Operation Darius that adds the
      Canadian 401 Tactical Fighter Group to the squadron choices when flying
      the Operation Darius campaign. The original Operation Darius was limited
      to the CF18 as the Canadian Forces multi-role fighter.
      This mod adds the recently acquired F-35 Lightning II to Single Missions and
      the Operation Darius Campaign for Canadian Forces. Canada, having recently
      procured a number of F-35 jets for their fleet are replacing the aging CF18s
      with the stealth and tactically aware F-35A Lightning II.
      If you're a fan of this sim and the Lockheed-Martin jet, then this is your
      chance to try it if you'd prefer to play as the Canadians.

      What's Included?
      I've included textures with proper Canadian markings, including the official
      401 Tactical Fighter Group's own patch on the tail fins. These are simply 
      modded textures of one of the other squadrons texture packs, which were
      crafted by the Operation Darius team. 
      I simply used their work and composited the 401 Patch and the appropriate
      Canadian insignias on the wings, tail and fuselage. I've included the
      original Photoshop layered files in case you want to alter the positioning
      of the "Canadian" elements on the textures.

      Simply copy the two folders: Campaigns and Objects to your Operation Darius
      mod directory which is located at:
      WinXP or earlier:
      .\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\[OpDarius]
      .\Users\<username>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\[OpDarius]

      where [OpDarius] is the name of the folder where you chose to install Operation Darius.
      When you do, it should asked if you want to a bunch of files replaces, just replace all and have done with it and once they're done copying, you should be ready to go.

      Thank you to the Combat Ace website, Thirdwire and to the Operation Darius team for making such a great
      addon for an already awesome jet simulator/trainer. Thank you to the Government of Canada for
      making the decision to upgrade our aging fleet of DEW line tasked multi-role fighters with the
      now mature F-35A, and of course Lockheed-Martin for such an awesome aircraft.
      Special thanks to the Canadian 401 Tactical Fighter Group.
      Shameless Plug
      I will post this file archive on Combat Ace, but also this file may be freely downloaded directly
      from my own Shhhh! Digital Media website at https://www.shhhhdigital.ca under 
      the software section.

      These files are shared as is and the creators and file hosts of these files claims no responsibility for any damages incurred from copying them or using them. They have been thoroughly scanned for malware and viruses but no warranty is offered for their use. By downloading and using these files, you are agreeing to the terms indicated in this readme.txt file.
      Submitter PleasantStorm Submitted 05/19/2022 Category Other Origin  
    • By PleasantStorm
      Canadian 401 Tactical Fighter Group F-35 Lightning II Mod 
      This mod requires Strike Fighters 2 and a working installation of
      the Operation Darius Mod available at the Combat Ace website:
      Strike Fighters 2
      Combat Ace
      Direct Link to Operation Darius

      What Is It?
      This is a mod for Strike Fighters 2 and Operation Darius that adds the
      Canadian 401 Tactical Fighter Group to the squadron choices when flying
      the Operation Darius campaign. The original Operation Darius was limited
      to the CF18 as the Canadian Forces multi-role fighter.
      This mod adds the recently acquired F-35 Lightning II to Single Missions and
      the Operation Darius Campaign for Canadian Forces. Canada, having recently
      procured a number of F-35 jets for their fleet are replacing the aging CF18s
      with the stealth and tactically aware F-35A Lightning II.
      If you're a fan of this sim and the Lockheed-Martin jet, then this is your
      chance to try it if you'd prefer to play as the Canadians.

      What's Included?
      I've included textures with proper Canadian markings, including the official
      401 Tactical Fighter Group's own patch on the tail fins. These are simply 
      modded textures of one of the other squadrons texture packs, which were
      crafted by the Operation Darius team. 
      I simply used their work and composited the 401 Patch and the appropriate
      Canadian insignias on the wings, tail and fuselage. I've included the
      original Photoshop layered files in case you want to alter the positioning
      of the "Canadian" elements on the textures.

      Simply copy the two folders: Campaigns and Objects to your Operation Darius
      mod directory which is located at:
      WinXP or earlier:
      .\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\[OpDarius]
      .\Users\<username>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\[OpDarius]

      where [OpDarius] is the name of the folder where you chose to install Operation Darius.
      When you do, it should asked if you want to a bunch of files replaces, just replace all and have done with it and once they're done copying, you should be ready to go.

      Thank you to the Combat Ace website, Thirdwire and to the Operation Darius team for making such a great
      addon for an already awesome jet simulator/trainer. Thank you to the Government of Canada for
      making the decision to upgrade our aging fleet of DEW line tasked multi-role fighters with the
      now mature F-35A, and of course Lockheed-Martin for such an awesome aircraft.
      Special thanks to the Canadian 401 Tactical Fighter Group.
      Shameless Plug
      I will post this file archive on Combat Ace, but also this file may be freely downloaded directly
      from my own Shhhh! Digital Media website at https://www.shhhhdigital.ca under 
      the software section.

      These files are shared as is and the creators and file hosts of these files claims no responsibility for any damages incurred from copying them or using them. They have been thoroughly scanned for malware and viruses but no warranty is offered for their use. By downloading and using these files, you are agreeing to the terms indicated in this readme.txt file.

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