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So the coastline airport of Buenos Aires looks now:



I still must do some paintshop work on the tile. The color of the water, for instance. Normaly it would be correct to paint all sea tiles in the brown color, which you see now on the tile, but for me the brownish water looks in game like desert, not like ocean.

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An experiment with brown water tiles, with the colors taken from the airport tile.


Brown does not look like water. It looks like a desert.

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I have finished the both airfield tiles. The water is now blue. I relocated the Hippodrom racecourse, so that it is now completely on the tile.

I hope you like it



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Amazing  work, I like how it looks

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I have repainted some parts of the tiles a second time. I replaced the motorway near the airfield with trees. The same i did with the small factory area, which you see in the left lower corner of the screenshot. The reason was to improve the look, so that it better fits with the neighbor tiles.


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The urugayan airbase Durazno





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Will you try to replicate the interesting south approach with the city and the river?



Sin título.png

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2 hours ago, Stratos said:

Will you try to replicate the interesting south approach with the city and the river?


River and town i have on the map. But the town is to small and the river to big. I think i should make a tile where a town is situated on a river.




I always thought, that some ground crews would bring some life in the scenery of an airfield. Last weekend i played First Eagles again, after long years of absence and i found, that Geezer made some ground crew objects. I took one of this and repainted them to more modern:


They are a little bit difficult to see, close to the Jeep and then a second group near the Harrier.

So the group looks in LOD-Editor:



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1 hour ago, Gepard said:

River and town i have on the map. But the town is to small and the river to big. I think i should make a tile where a town is situated on a river.

Sounds good, a nice place to fly the Uruguayan A-37's! Love the ground crews too.

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Pando, Escuela Militar de Aeronáutica, Uruguay

Some barracks, two hangars. A small airfield for pilots basic training.



It's a very short runway, only 1.100 meters long.



Skyhaws lined up for take off



Impressions of the parking area.





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More targets <3

Impressive work!!

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Montevideo, Aeropuerto Internacional Angel San Adami

an other small airfield with a very short runway. It is only 1.200 meters long.






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Aeropuerto Laguna del los Patos, Uruguay

a small airfield for a local aero club





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now, all we need are general aviaton (light civilian) planes to park around (ie: statics)

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12 hours ago, Wrench said:

now, all we need are general aviaton (light civilian) planes to park around (ie: statics)

If i use existing Cessna planes for SF2 then i get this result:


The plane is half sunken in the soil. What means, that completly new Cessnas would required, which are made as static object, not as flyable planes.

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there was a discussion on this in another thread, basically that the stock birds dont lend themselves to being ground models where as the modder created lods can be used.

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indeed, their world center is base off the existence of their landing gear. specificly created static lods are needed for that

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It needed a couple of hours to solve the problem with the light civilan aviation.


My way is not elegant, but it works.

First of all i created a "static" version of the Cessna 206, which you can find in the download area. I removed all files, which made this plane flyable. Then i reduced the ReferenceSpan in the Cessa206_data.ini to 6.92 meters. (I'm not sure wheter this plane can fly anymore, but who cares.)

In the next step i edited the airfield file.

The normal size plane parking lots i defined now as LargeParking slots. The LargeParkingMaxSpan i gave the 18 meters, as it are usual for normal parking.

Then i added normal parking slots and set the ParkingMaxSpan to 7 meters.

Only the static Cessna has a  span less than 7 meters, so it appears in game as parked aircraft.

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By doing so, you must add the Cessna as a part of terrain, am I right?

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1 hour ago, Wilches said:

By doing so, you must add the Cessna as a part of terrain, am I right?

No. It is located in the aircraft folder. In the cessna206_data.ini the wingspan is reduced, the LOD is unchanged.

The game is using the wingspan as parameter for parking airplanes on an airfield. With a very small wingspan i made sure, that only the Cessna will appear on the said parking positions. Maybe, that helicopters could appear there, but this i have still to test.

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Aeropuerto Internacional Laguna del Sauce, Uruguay, with uruguayan Naval Aviation Base. (WIP)




I need a new terminal building. GKABS terminal building is much to big for this airport. Then, i think, i must make a new tile for sea to airfield transistion.

Finally i will place some more barracks, which in reality are close to this airfield. IIRC it is the home of a pioneer battalion or so.


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New tile for Aeropuerto Laguna del Sauce, now fits better.


I found a gimic in the download area: the lama made by the Bandidos team, from 2009.


Unfortunatly it is much to big. If you compare it with the technicians, which are 1.80 m high, the lama is 2.50 or so, at the shoulder, not the head. It has the size of a bison. If it would be smaller i would add it in the terrain. It would fit perfectly.



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perhaps the llamas were mutated by a-tomic radiation?? (at least they're not green and always angry)

ducks and runs away ......................................................... ------------>

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