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I've found exactly the same type of things with the F-4B/C/D and all the RF4's, so many tiny little things that you dont realise are out of place or shape until you start to go into greater resolution skins..........are they worth correcting is a hard debate as everybody has been happy with the old poor but good enough models for all these years.

Very few folks really know how much time it take to make the "small" fixes in max so personally I only make them because I want to make them for myself......time permitting.

In the current climate everybody only seems pure "eye candy" and "historically accurate" in markings only type stuff. This is not a dig at DA or any one else as they are doing a great job of polishing the turd as the saying goes.

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52 minutes ago, Sundowner said:

. This is not a dig at DA or any one else as they are doing a great job of polishing the turd as the saying goes.

i consider myself good at what i do and have stickered up some great models as well as polished many a turd to a fine shine sir :lol::rofl:

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got it done , vents are moved forward front gear door changed and the landing gear has a new position and since i have now more space in the nose gear well i adjusted the the max travel of the damper and changed the animation for it , so now for the first time we have a fully extendet nose gear that was not possible due to the position of the nose gear before  

i had to change some entrys in the data.ini because the nose gear was hanging in the air but after adjusting the stroke length value everything works fine




and the bonus a now fully extendet nose gear



and now i´m going to enjoy the rest of the sunday evening  :drinks:

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new textures for the AN/ALE-40 chaff / flare dispenser





i decided to make the canopy part new , the old one was to edgy and did not look good with the rest of the aircraft

old and new



the panel lines on the front fuselage are almost done only some minor things are missing but it seams that i have some problem with the mapping , when i started to add the screws to the front fuselage i notice that on some parts of the front fuselage the screws appear larger then on the rest of the front fuselage , the screws on the template have the size of 5 pixels , so to make them smaller is almost impossible , dont know what to do with that mapping problem  the new canopy section i mapped now for the 6th time and i´m still not happy

maybe i have to let it like it is for the mean time until i find a way to fix this










the top rear mirror is new , the mirror has the correct position now and is moving together with the rear canopy 

the mirror itself is slanted and a bit back in the housing like the original  , the cockpit has some new textures as well



making this new 4096 x 4096 templates is very time consuming and with each detail i add i get a new surprising result on the aircraft  , mostly a very unpleasant surprise that needs a long time to fix  and in some cases i even cant find a solution to the problem

i just hope that all the work is worth doing

one thing i did not expect was that i had to change or remodel so many 3d parts of the aircraft so the overall look is better and i´m scared like hell by just thinking that the wings are next and what surprises they have for me 








Edited by ravenclaw_007
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7 hours ago, ravenclaw_007 said:

i just hope that all the work is worth doing

as i said elsewhere's work it until youre happy with the result.

frankly, even your bad days are still top of the line for skins and models round here. :drinks:

and the screws still look just fine to me after they get painted :biggrin:

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I mean I think it's looking good, but I understand the need for it to look right, but looking good man... :good:

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Volker, absolutely looks outstanding.  I thoroughly enjoy seeing artist's work with so much love and care and attention to details.  It is surprising sometimes how "high-res" textures don't take advantage of the space available to properly craft the details and instead blob out "rivets", decals, etc. when so much more artistry can be applied.  I've had the extreme privilege of partnering with a few rare masterful painters like this (working on some current projects right now) and it is a true joy - keep up the wonderful work.

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