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G'Day all,

My next project is the RAH-66 Comanche. There will be two versions - with and without the Longbow radar.

So far I've done the modelling, animations and texture mapping, so there's still a little while to go...







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7 hours ago, daddyairplanes said:

available soon, in SF2




Dels, Very good prject ! :good:

Daddyairplane,  I have this game... but never tested with W10/11 ! :smile:

Have a nice day all

P. :hi:

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I think I played that game. I literally flew next to an enemy tank, and it blew me away with it's main gun (it was a night mission to boot). I wasn't using a joystick so flight was limited, and well... I got better with A3 than any old game though. But anyway I will probably download this helo though.

Edited by EricJ
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10 hours ago, Coupi said:

but never tested with W10/11

Just tested in W10, after so many years !! I could launch, launch a mission. Only had to run the exe in admin mode (not sure it would be needed after a new install). I am still in 1.15.2 (last release is 1.16.1).

I had some hard time because I was still in realistic mode with engine start-up sequence and I did not remember it :biggrin: 

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I guess the more hardcore flight sim fans remember the RAH-66 from Enemy Engaged. For me, my love for this helicopter comes from one of NovaLogic's finest games, Comanche Gold:


What a coincidence, in my little spare time these days I've been revisiting a mod I made for Comanche Gold.

Looking forward to it, @Dels! I'd be happy to contribute by making woodland, desert and snow skins based on the ones from Comanche Gold.

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2 hours ago, Menrva said:

I guess the more hardcore flight sim fans remember the RAH-66 from Enemy Engaged. For me, my love for this helicopter comes from one of NovaLogic's finest games, Comanche Gold:


What a coincidence, in my little spare time these days I've been revisiting a mod I made for Comanche Gold.

Looking forward to it, @Dels! I'd be happy to contribute by making woodland, desert and snow skins based on the ones from Comanche Gold.

Hours spent playing this one in the early 2000's I remember calling in the artillery strikes!

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2 hours ago, Menrva said:

I'd be happy to contribute by making woodland, desert and snow skins based on the ones from Comanche Gold.

Thanks Rob!

I plan to release it with an olive drab skin but will definitely include the psd templates for further modding.


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I think my introduction to the Comanche in flight sims was Gunship 2000 from Microprose.

Really looking forward to this one.

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