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Showing most liked content on 09/11/2020 in Files

  1. 5 points

    Version 1.0.0


    The Sukhoi Su-17 (NATO reporting name: Fitter) is a Soviet variable-sweep wing fighter-bomber developed from the Sukhoi Su-7. It enjoyed a long career in Soviet, later Russian, service and was widely exported to Eastern Bloc, Arab air forces, Angola and Peru as the Su-20 and Su-22. It is the first variable-sweep wing of Soviet origin. These are earlier models. What's In: 7 Flyable planes Su-17 Su-17K Su-17M Su-17M2 Su-20 Su-20R Su=22 New Skins, Decals Weapons, pilots, sounds Credits: - original model: Amokfloo - first SF-2 pack: Eburger68 - new templates, skins, decats, tweaks etc: Paulopanz Install: - delete any previous version - all in your mod folder Note: I started working on this plane many years ago. As the model was good I asked only for deleting dorsal antenna. All things stopped when someone told me a bigger project was started about ALL Sukhois family. In fact I saw a lot of fantastic pictures about it, but years went by and no Sukhoi was realised. So I lost any hope about it and decided to finish up my very ancient skinpack using Y. Gordon book. This plane has the same dorsal antenna I wanted to delete, but I think is quite good, now in a far better dressing than original one and this is the only one Sukhoi we have to fit in all comunity scenarios. I hope you like! @paulopanz
  2. 3 points

    Version 1.0.0


    During the 1970s, the Shackleton was replaced in the maritime patrol role by the jet-powered Hawker Siddeley Nimrod. During its later life, a small number of the RAF's existing Shackletons received extensive modifications in order to adapt them to perform the airborne early warning (AEW) role. The type continued to be used in this support capacity until 1991, when it was replaced by the Boeing E-3 Sentry AEW aircraft. These were the last examples of the type remaining in active service. What's In: - a plane - 3 skins (1 fixed and 2 new) - decals (nose arts included) Credits: - model: Veltro2k - original templates, original serial numbers and screens: Wrench - original decals (squadron band): Spinners - skins, decals tweaks, etc: Paulopanz Install: - all in your mod folder Note: This is realy a great add-on and a most needed AEW plane. I'ld like to take care of ALL other Shackleton variants too, if Veltro'll like it. @paulopanz


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