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Showing most liked content on 10/26/2022 in Files

  1. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Nieuport 24bis skins of Escadrille 65 for EmID N24bis First Eagles 2 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is a skin pack, representing Nieuports 24bis used by Escadrille 65. Some serial numbers are historicals, others are not. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Historical Sources: - Albin Denis website: http://albindenis.free.fr/Site_escadrille/page_centaine.htm __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ** What you will find in this Nieuport N24bis skin Pack: - A full set of skins & decals to Nieuport N24bis used by Escadrille 65. - A full squadron (Escadrille 65) with 100 decal serial numbers and squadron markings, including the Nieuport 24bis flown by the French Ace Charles Nungesser. - 3 New optional hangar screens for Nieuport 24bis (N24bis) in 1920x1200 size. You will find this in the "HANGAR SCREEN" folder. To use it, you must drop or copy the jpg file in your N24bis aircraft main folder, next, edit your N24bis.ini file. and add this line: [AircraftData] HangarScreen=ESC 65-HANGARSCREEN 01.jpg <------ add this line to use the first option. [AircraftData] HangarScreen=ESC 65-HANGARSCREEN 02.jpg <------ add this line to use the second option. [AircraftData] HangarScreen=ESC 65-HANGARSCREEN 03.jpg <------ add this line to use the third option. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: FE2 INSTALLATION (SKIN) - Drop or copy the folder "N24bis" from mine "Aircraft" folder to your "Aircraft" folder. (DECALS) - Drop or copy the folder "N24bis" from mine "decals" folder to your "decals" folder. *ATTENTION* In order to work properly on your loadout menu option, this following lines, must to be COPIED into your "N24bis".ini file. [TextureSetXXX] Directory=ESC 65 Name=ESC 65 Nation=FRANCE Squadron=65ESC Specular=1.800000 Glossiness=1.800000 Reflection=0.000000 Replace the (XXX) in the [TextureSetXXX] top line, with the appropriate number following your "N24bis.ini" file order for others skins that you have already installed before. That's all. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Credits: - Julio Junqueira texture skins & decals markings for Nieuport 24bis and hangar screens. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ - Thanks to EmlD for the excellent Nieuport 24bis model. - special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. 1 point

    Version 1.0


    Modern Flanker cockpit for SF2 After few years,hundred thousand hours hard works and some remod,here's the stuff.it designed for SF2 still you can also put it in Gen1,but some instruments won't do their job.using in Gen1 is not recommend,well,you know,old engine has lower efficiency when deal with those high poly model. Model: the whole thing has more than ten thousand polys,i try to build almost everything in 3d model,switch panel instruments handle etc.... Texture: Spending about a dozen bitmap for those texture,most of the instruments and panel has their own skin.for compatibility all bitmap been converted into BMP format,which can work in Gen 1&2. Head up display: the HUD is composed with traditional one which using the avionics.ini and 3d model with cockpit.ini,just like TMF mig-29's pit, you will lose some part of the HUD when press the Cockit hidden key. tested environment: WOE Oct 2008 SF2E Jul 2013 SF2NA Jul 2013 Installation:please check the readme file Credits: TK,Thirdwire Combatace.com This is freeware mod made for SF2 series do not use for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. hope you like this mod,and enjoy your flight


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