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Showing most liked content on 10/22/2023 in Files

  1. 5 points

    Version 2.0.0


    From Wikipedia: "The ADM-160 MALD (Miniature Air-Launched Decoy) is a decoy missile developed by the United States. It uses gradient-index optics to create a radar cross section that simulates an airplane, in order to confuse missile defense systems. ...... ADM-160B Decoy version developed by Raytheon with longer endurance. In use by the USAF. ADM-160C "MALD-J" Radar jammer variant of ADM-160B by Raytheon. This variant of the MALD decoy can operate in both decoy and jammer modes...... MALD-J will provide stand-in jamming capability for the Airborne Electronic Attack Systems of Systems. It will be launched against a preplanned target and jam specific radars in a stand-in role to degrade or deny the IADS detection of friendly aircraft or munitions.Delivery to the US Armed Forces is to begin in 2012. That year, the Air Force ended procurement of the ADM-160B and will only procure MALD-J versions. MALD-N Navy variant based on the MALD-J. " This mod Include: 1.ADM-160B MALD 2.ADM-160C MALD-J 3.ADM-160D MALD-N Usage and precautions: 1.Upzip and copy ADM-160C folder to Objects/Weapons ; 2.For a true decoy effect I set it to "ASM" and "is decoy" ,so the ADM-160C is restricted to ASM compatible weapon station ; 3.Since it works similar to a drone in reality, it doesn't cause any damage to any target in the game, and may not even hit the target accurately,but it can indeed play a very good role in covering cruise missiles. Please be clear about your purpose of use and make a good choice. Model/Texture: BorisBC; Data/Modding: Me.


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