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Showing most liked content on 03/19/2024 in Files

  1. 2 points

    Version 1.0.1


    New tiles for the wonderful Korea_MIGAlley terrain from Gepard, thanks very much for your job !!! - news tiles 1024x1024 in JPEG - news files .tod -somes news textures -somes modifications to the data file BE CAREFUL THE FILE "Korea_MIGAlley" from Gepard IS ESSENTIAL !!!!!!! 1/ si vous avez le terrain Korea_MIGAlley de Gepard: a/sauvegarder votre dossier, b/extraire le contenu du zip dans votre dossier Korea_MIGAlley et écraser les fichiers présents par les nouveaux. 1/ If you have the terrain Korea_MIGAlley from Gepard: a/ save your folder b/extract the content of the zip into your folder Korea_MIGAlley, overwrite the files present with the new ones 2/ si vous n'avez pas le terrain Korea_MIGAlley télécharger le ici 2/If you do not have the terrain Korea_MIGAlley download it !! it's great!!! :)


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