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Showing most liked content on 06/23/2024 in Files

  1. 1 point

    Version 1.1.0


    Hello! Thank you for downloading my mod! This mod is based of the Ogaden War, an obscure conflict not really known or told about today. So I decided to make a campaign based off of it! Be warned, this mod probably won't be super historically accurate, please bear with me as this is my first ever mod and there will most likely be bugs. Thank you! It is July 13th, 1977, and Somalia has invaded the Ogaden, an area in the Horn of Africa claimed to be held by both Somalia and Ethiopia. Claiming that the Ogaden belonged to "Greater Somalia", combined with both deteriorated relations with the USSR and superpower intervention in Africa, Somali Dictator Siad Barre orders for troops to enter and recapture Somali inhabited territories in the Horn of Africa, with the Ogaden being first. The Ethiopians desperately fight back but being completely caught off guard and with their military being weak thanks to the Derg's overthrowing the Emperor of Ethiopia three years earlier, the Somalis captured up to 90% of the region, and their Air Force prowls the skies above the fight on the ground. Despite the odds, with the United States aircraft and the Soviet Union's support and supplies, it is up to the Ethiopian Air Force's Tigers, Frescos, Canberras, transports, sorties around the clock, and the Ethiopian Ground Forces to recapture the region and push the Somalis out of the region. Scramble immediately, and take back the skies of the Ogaden! Mods used for the campaign, (My apologizes if I am wrong.) F-5E Tiger II mod by Centurion. https://combatace.com/files/file/15116-f-5e-early-versions-pack/ Ethiopian and Eritrean terrain by Menrva. https://combatace.com/files/file/17786-ethiopia-african-horn-1977-1990/ F-86F-40 mod by Wrench. https://combatace.com/files/file/13788-sf2-f-86f-40-sabre-remod-pak/ F-5A Tiger, I believe made by the Mirage Factory. (I do not have the link.) F-5B Tiger by FastCargo for the model and madvad for the EtAF skin. (Model in the link below, skin included in the Campaign.) https://combatace.com/files/file/11128-northrop-2-seaters-for-sf2-version-20/ Ethiopian Canberra B.52 by paulopanz https://combatace.com/files/file/16971-canberra-b52/ MiG-17F SAC Camo by Wrench https://combatace.com/files/file/12638-somali-air-corps-mig-17f-fresco-c/ IL-28 Beagle SAC Camo and Aircraft by Trotski https://combatace.com/files/file/17969-il-28-h-5-collection/ Credits to: ThirdWire for this awesome game! Paulopanz and madvad for help with creating the mod! And the CombatACE community for making all the mods used in this campaign, and being really nice in general! :) Steps: Step-1: Download and extract. Step-2: Move all folders into your mod folder, (i.e C:\Users\[Name]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\SF2 Mod Folder) Step-3: Start your .exe file and have fun! Happy flying!


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