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Erik last won the day on January 1

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About Erik

  • Rank
    Site Serf

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    United States of America


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  1. Cat takes down drone with paws

    Ouch, some drones are quite expensive and not meant to be hitting utility poles. The video quality makes me think of the old training drones we had ten years ago.
  2. This is the problem concisely. If you put an obstacle in front of people, they will use every means necessary, thought of and not, to circumvent that obstacle. I call it rat in a maze syndrome if that's even proper terminology. Just like the southern border wall in the United States, if you build it twenty-five feet tall there will be a store that opens on the other side selling twenty-six feet tall ladders. If you build the same wall with a footing ten feet deep, someone will tunnel eleven feet under it. If you build the same wall fifty feet tall with an unscalable surface constructed out of concrete and rebar, someone will grow a giant sequoia tree next to it, wait fifty years and use it to scale the wall. There is no obstacle that can't be overcome, that is the genius behind brain cells.
  3. Nuclear Option

    Yep, seriously. I thought the topic was something more relative to CA so I clicked it only to find out it was about another game you've been watching YouTube videos on. I laughed and typed "click bait" with a thumbs up emoji. You then send me a PM telling me to delete your account. SMH
  4. Nuclear Option

    click bait
  5. That is the greatest and wildest story I've ever heard, but how neat is that? Personally, I don't know a single person who could ever claim they have an entire drop tank in their basement.
  6. Yes, AdSense has been making huge changes and cluttering sites globally with horrible ad placements. As advertisers we can no longer place most ads. AdSense places them on our site based on a bunch of factors for visibility. I have been submitting support tickets for months trying to get this cleaned up but when they fix one thing, they break something else. If we didn't need the ad money for the site, I'd pull AdSense completely until they fix it. I'll send you a PM but thanks for letting me know. Erik
  7. Data center is asking for trace routes from all your machines to us. Post them here or send them to me via PM. DC claims the issue was resolved earlier today but if their upstream is still having issues they need detailed reports.
  8. There's something going on with the routes overseas but it's out of our control and our data center's control. The data center knows about it, but they are helpless to do anything as it has to do with long haul fiber carries. Remind me in a week if it hasn't improved and I'll bug them again. Until then sorry about the load time. E
  9. 20

    Y'all are a bunch of newbies, fresh as a baby's backside. Thanks for sticking around so long, not sure where the time has gone. Cheers
  10. Wot to do, Wot to do !!

    Makes you wonder if a Tinder profile seeking women whose prior husbands owned a CNC Machine and it's gathering dust in the workshop would get any traction. I mean the number can never be zero right?
  11. Wot to do, Wot to do !!

    With a little desire, a few miscellaneous items, a 3D printer, a CNC machine, a room dedicated to your new build, and a fresh divorce you too can build your dream. Trying to be helpful of course. https://openhornet.com/
  12. 1994's version of the family grocery getter, what a smoke show that was back in the day.
  13. Finally, someone who speaks their fucking mind.
  14. Thanks for the notes, you can all breathe now. Our security certificate expired and needed to be renewed. I would have done it sooner, but we needed to change providers, and I couldn't begin the process until today. If you have an issue accessing our site, you have a stale SSL Certificate. To fix it, clear your browser cache, restart your browser, and re-open the site.

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