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ghostrider883 last won the day on February 12 2016

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About ghostrider883

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    Mangalore, KA, India


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  1. Wow!!!Can't wait. Great to see Thrust vectoring modelled. There's a great book titled Su-30 in Indian service written by the late Phil Camp. It is a wonderful reference on SU-30MKIs. Here's my copy
  2. No. The Su--27UB has it's IRST on the centre, while on the Su-30 series, it is offset to starboard
  3. Not entirely true. The early Indian AF Su-30s( Su-30K/MK) , like the Su-27UB ad a a single wheel on the nose gear and three weapon stations on each wing. These early Indian Su-30s in the mid-2000s were bought back by Russia and the squadron that flew them converted to Su-30MKIs. These ex-IAF SU-30K/MKs were upgraded to Su-30KN standards and most of them are now in service with the Angolan Air Force. Diecast model of an IAF Su-30MK in my collection & three weapon stations on each wing
  4. Arriving today at Air Force Station Ambala, India - No. 17 Sqdn "Golden Arrows".
  5. Thanks Eric. Much Appreciated.
  6. Hey Eric, now that all of IAF's Apaches have been delivered and are now combat ready and deployed at forward bases, can you please try and update the livery?
  7. Pesky Fly with a Deadly Sting!!!! Unleashing the NR-30
  8. Sometime in the immediate future, Over Indian skies....
  9. F-21 for India?

    No matter what they designate it, it still remains an F-16.Chances of it being selected a negligible. Among the jets in fray, the only realistic contenders are the Rafale and the F/A-18E/F. The IAF will be receiving its first of 36 Rafales from France later this year. Chances are the IAF will be acquiring some 20 odd mothballed MiG-29s, upgraded to IAF's MiG-29UPG from Russia.
  10. Canberra B(I).12

    Great work Paulo!!! Hope to see an IAF B(I)58 version soon. Some ex-RNZAF B(I)12s were acquired by the IAF too.

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