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Status Updates posted by Muesli

  1. ...While you were sittin' home alone at age thirteen Your real daddy was dyin', sorry you didn't see him, but I'm glad we talked...

    1. JediMaster


      Too bad I'm not still alive.

    2. Muesli
  2. "Dreh dich nicht um, der Kommissar geht um! Wenn er dich anspricht und du weißt warum, Sag ihm: 'Dein Leb'n bringt dich um."

  3. @Syrinx: Maybe it's me, but that's a LOOOOOOOONG time ago!

  4. A few days of BF3, yay!!!!!!

    1. Muesli


      Hmmmm, that's a bit of a.... disappointment! Massive lag, CTDs and Origing (Steam competitor) being crappy makes my first BF3 experience very negative....

  5. A strange day off. Wife just stopped by in her lunch break for a quickie.... I feel abused.... ;)

    1. Dave


      The best kind of lunch.

    2. DWCAce


      Don't ya just haaaaatttte it when that happens!? :)

    3. Aintry


      You poor man.

  6. Acquired a tin of original RAL6014 army paint for my LW. The real (non-environment friendly and probably toxic) matte olive green color.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Slartibartfast


      You show the environment who's boss...

    3. Viggen


      Jealous! I'd love an old Land Rover like that

    4. Muesli


      Environment? that's the green stuff where I drive my Landy through, right???

  7. Back from a short week at the sea shore, sick as a dog.

  8. Been to an opening of an exhibition depicting the (big) Polish effort in liberating The Netherlands in WW2. Finally some proper respect for them!

    1. Derk


      and a VERY good thing that the Polish Parachute Brigade got a MWO for their role in Market garden and Gen. Sosabowski got a Bronze Lion medal. Grandfather of my secretary was one of the Poles that liberated Breda.....

    2. Slartibartfast


      The Poles are really underrated for what they did in WW2... nice to see them represented...

  9. Damn!!! L.A. Noire on PC is one HECK of a game!!!

  10. Dentist first time in 16 years....6 cavs aaaaaargh!

  11. Doing a little household, playing a little FPS, enjoying the sun too. Just another day filled.

  12. Eh? What? Gotta go, wife is at the door again.....

  13. Fetching and fixing a new hardtop for my LW, finally dry when raining.

  14. Fitting proper mirrors to my Land Rover Lightweight.

  15. Going to the barracks to get me some free extras for my Land Rover.

  16. Good old times, Teamspeak is on and I am finally playing CoD again. Been ages, and it shows...

    1. Muesli


      Of course I meant Call of Duty, not Cliffs of Depression! ;)

    2. macelena


      wich one? i´m still running the 1st and 4th

    3. Muesli


      I have all and play regularly. Dividing time between the CoD family, BF family, TW SF family and Real Life family...


  17. Good old times; preparing for Veteran's Day in The Netherlands on Saturday.

    1. daddyairplanes


      i did not know you guys celebrated it in june. do you guys call it veterans day or rememberance day like most of the rest of europe?

    2. Muesli


      Veteran's Day, we have a separate Remembrance Day to commemmorate the dead om May 4, as well as a Day of Freedom on May 5.


  18. Had a cosy and nice talk with Alessandro on FB this evening.

  19. Had a lazy sleepy day, only to be woken up by a low flying KDC-10 and a few CH-47s...

    1. Slartibartfast


      I take it with the Helo's there was no Wagner then...

    2. Muesli


      Neh, just the monotonous rotor sound...

  20. Had a nice conversation with Alessandro today on FB

  21. Hail to the king, baby!

  22. Headache!

    1. Stary


      take a pill! red pill!

    2. JediMaster


      Take the blue pill!

    3. Muesli


      I'll take BOTH!


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